Page 24 of Sweet Refuge

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Then he caught it—pop, pop, pop.

He leaped to his feet, fists clenched within the chains.


He stood in the middle of the garage, not even half prepared to meet what was to come.

Suddenly, the door opened and the guy who’d followed him rushed in.

In two quick strides, he reached the pole. Then he bent and took out a key to unchain him.

“What are you doing?” Slade’s muscles shook with anticipation. All he needed was an inch or two of leeway and he’d snap the motherfucker’s neck.

Anger rippled across the man’s forehead, creating a deep horizontal furrow like someone slashed him with a sharp knife.

“You’re being moved.”

“Where?” Slade’s voice rose.

The guy scowled. Unhooking the chain from the pole, he gripped the end and led Slade across the garage. The exit was feet away. He could kill him outdoors just as easily as in.

“You look a little pale. Feelin’ okay?” Slade heckled.

“Shut up.” Another chain dropped to the concrete floor.

Damn, Slade loved seeing this asshole miserable.

“Trouble at home?” he prodded.

“Shut up!”

“Personally, I hope you have an STD that causes your dick to drip and your balls to shrivel. And that your wife left you and took the dog.”

He expelled a string of cusses.

“Maybe you have a difficult ex. That must be it.”

A soft chuckle came from beyond the door. The sound raised all the hair on Slade’s body from ankles to scalp.

He knew that laugh.

Lena stepped into plain sight, and his gutroiledbefore plummeting.

Her eyes locked on him, tethering him to reality even further. She was here. Withinfeetof danger.

Wearing a slinky black dress?

The asshole leading him by the chain stopped and jerked a hand toward his pocket. Slade saw the writing on the wall.

Over his dead body would he let this man harm his woman.

He lifted his knee and rammed it into the man’s hip, knocking him off-balance. Just then, Lena fired her weapon.

Slade’s captor collapsed, face bouncing off the floor.

Slade yanked the chain out of the man’s slack grip and crouched to find the key. Between shooting looks at Lena, he unlocked his bonds and shook them off.

She looked him over. “You good, Overstreet?”
