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The air is charged, my breath hitching. I find myself smiling as I say, “Laying the charm on thick, aren’t you?”

He chuckles and I swear I can feel it rumble through my own chest because of how close we are. With a wink, Leo says, “Hoping to get lucky tonight.”

That pulls a laugh out of me and I see the flash of a camera somewhere, but my gaze never leaves his. How can it? He looks so exceptionally handsome in his tux, hair styled to perfection and his beard neatly trimmed. He had asked me if he should shave for the wedding, and I told him that he could do whatever he felt like. I was surprised to see that he had kept the beard, and when I asked him about it, he said he knows that I like his facial hair, so he kept it for me. I kind of fell a little bit more in love with him.

“I think luck’s on your side,” I muse playfully, leaning into him, only inches between our faces. “It’s been good to us so far, hasn’t it?”

Leo dips his head, nothing but love and want in his gaze. “Yes, it has,” he says before pressing our lips together.

I sigh into the kiss before smiling when I hear everyone around us cheering, my cheeks warming as Leo teasingly nips at my bottom lip. Butterflies are fluttering around in a frenzy in my stomach as we kiss, only for a voice to call out, “I wanna dance, too!”

Leo and I break apart with grins, looking down to see Lilah standing in between our feet, grinning up at us. My heart thuds at the sight of her, our daughter, as Leo lets go of me to pick her up and rest her on his hip. I smile when Lilah’s gaze meets mine, and her hand reaches out to gently pat my cheek as she says, “Mommy looks so pretty.”

Oh, God. She’s going to send me sobbing. I will never, ever get tired of hearing her call me that. To be someone’s mother. . . God, it’s an indescribable feeling. My throat tightens, holding her smaller hand and feeling Leo’s gaze on us as I say, “Thank you, cutie.”

The song changes into a slightly more up-tempo one, but still a ballad, and Leo takes my hand and raises our arms up, spinning me around as I laugh at the gesture. Others start making their way to the dance floor to join in, but Leo, Lilah, and I are stuck in our own little world.

As Leo pulls me in, he says, “Dancing with my two girls? Luck definitelyison my side.”

I grin widely, one hand holding his while the other one holds Lilah’s as the three of us dance. My own little family. What more could I possibly want?
