Page 59 of Sinister Vows

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“The tests are done,” Dr. Travis interrupted before he could reply and I pulled my hand from his stomach and took a deep breath.

Nico’s jaw clenched but he remained silent, turning to give his attention to the doctor as I looked back out the window already knowing what she was about to say.

“It’s negative.”

“Thank you,” Nico replied coolly like the news had been something as simple as the chef declaring the menu for dinner instead of something he had been so passionate about.

“We can start hormones to better time ovulation for a higher chance of impregnation in two weeks-.” She said but Nicolas cut her off.

“No.” He said firmly, “Thank you for your time tonight, Doctor, that will be all.”

“Very well.” She said, packing her things all the while I stared out the window, feeling like the world had started spinning faster and tilting to the side as the deception burned in my gut.

She left the room, and a wave of nausea overcame me as the guilt became too much to bear. I wasn’t a liar. It wasn’t in my nature and doing it to Nico felt wrong. I opened my mouth to tell him the truth when his emotionless voice cut me off.

“I’ll send Molly up to help you pack your bags.”

I whipped around to face him so fast my world spun as disbelief rolled through me. “What?” He was casting me out. Because I didn’t get knocked up in the first month. Was he fucking serious?

“We leave in two hours. So be quick about it.”

“I don’t understand,” I stammered as a cold sweat broke out over my skin. “You’re making me leave?”

Wait, we? Did he say we?

He took a deep breath and I watched as his shoulders visibly lowered like he was forcing himself to relax. “Yes, Arianna,” He replied, closing the distance between us and lifting his hand to my jaw. I flinched when he touched me, even though his touch was gentle and lacked any anger I expected. His brow cinched and his nostrils flared even as his thumb lightly swept over my cheek. The touch was belying of the emotion I could see burning behind his green eyes and it made me even more uncertain. “It’s hard to take you on a honeymoon, without leaving our home.”

“Honeymoon?” I whispered in complete shock, gently shaking my head as I tried to comprehend what had happened in the last few minutes.

“Yes, Wife,” He slid his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me in against his chest. “Three weeks, yachting around the Mediterranean, from Ibiza to Athens. Would that please you?”

“I thought-.” I swallowed and took a deep breath. “I thought you were kicking me out.”

“I know,” He sighed, tightening his hold on my neck. “By the end of our trip, you’ll probably wish I had. Make no mistake about it, Little One,” He slid his thumb under my chin and tipped my head back even further, putting pressure on the exposed windpipe in my throat, asserting his dominance over me in a way that made my knees weak and my panties wet. “I have no plans for the next three weeks aside from filling your womb with my child,” he growled and I grabbed onto the shirt covering his hard abs for support as his words turned me to mush. “But I’m going to do it the right way. So don’t plan to be doing much besides taking my cock on repeat while I wine and dine you from island to island. Understood?”

“Yes,” I whispered, too shocked to say anything else.

“Good,” He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, giving me a warm and expectant kiss, that I returned eagerly. “Make sure all of your new lingerie makes it into your suitcase. You won’t need much else.”

I bit my lip and sagged into him further, unable to even pretend that everything he said wasn’t turning me into mush for him.

He was trying.

In his own domineering and controlling way.

“Yes, Sir,” I said and fought a smirk when his eyes darkened before he leaned down to kiss me again.

“Hurry along now, Little One.”

With that, he left the room and moments later Molly rushed in, with wide eyes. “What the heck did I miss? A honeymoon?” she gasped as confused as I was.

“More like a baby-making mission, but I’ll take the views of the seas while the inevitable happens.”

“If it hasn’t already,” She smirked and nodded to my stomach before shaking her head and taking a deep breath, “Alright, let’s get you packed to go get knocked up.”

“Jesus Christ,” I groaned, but smiled to myself, nonetheless.

Chapter 14 – Nico
