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Bella welcomed him eagerly, her body opening up to take his cock inside. Anton groaned with pleasure as he sank into her, filling her completely with his hard length. He began to move, thrusting into her with a steady rhythm that soon had them both moaning with pleasure.

With each thrust, Anton felt Bella's pussy tighten around his cock, her muscles clenching as she drew closer to the brink of ecstasy once again. He reached down to stroke her clit, and it was all she needed to push her over the edge once more.

As they both came together, the room filled with the sound of their cries and moans, their bodies writhing in pleasure as they rode the waves of their orgasm. And as they lay there, spent and sated, they both knew that this was just the beginning of a night filled with passion and desire. They held each other tightly, knowing that they would never get enough of each other.

The next morning, the room was saturated with tension as Bella braced herself, her heart beating a frantic tattoo against her ribs. Anton sat across from her, a sea of calm in a storm of her trepidation. His intense gaze never wavered, anchoring her as she navigated through the sea of dreadful memories she had unearthed.

"Bella?" His voice broke through her introspection. His usual confident tone held a note of concern, an undercurrent that softened his usually hardened demeanour.

"I need to tell you something," she began, her voice wavered, a testament to the dread gnawing at her insides. His eyes, attentive and patient, provided her with the encouragement she needed.

"My family..." she paused, swallowing hard, "They were involved in the Bratva massacre a decade ago."

A heavy silence fell upon them. Anton’s eyes never wavered from hers, a quiet acceptance in their depths. His fingers steepled under his chin as he processed the revelation.

"I know, Bella," he said finally, his voice steady. Her eyes widened in surprise, the words registering slowly.

"You... You know?" She stuttered, taken aback by his admission.

He nodded. "Yes, I know. And I want you to understand that I hold nothing against you for the sins of your family."

Her heart clenched at his words. His unexpected reaction – calm acceptance and a promise to stand by her – moved her to the core. This was the Anton she knew, strong, understanding, and compassionate.

A single tear rolled down her cheek. It was followed by another and then another, until she was silently crying. It wasn’t fear or sadness. It was a mixture of relief and gratitude.

"I'm sorry, Anton," she whispered, her voice choked with emotions. "On behalf of my family..."

He held her gaze, his eyes soft. "Bella," he started, his voice firm yet gentle. "This was not your fault. You do not have to apologize for actions that were not yours."

His words echoed in the room, carving a path of forgiveness and acceptance that resonated within her. His understanding, his promise to stand by her despite her family's past, served to deepen the emotional bond they had built. It was another turning point in their relationship, one that promised stronger connection, respect, and unconditional support.

As Bella looked at Anton, she realized how much they had grown, how much their bond had deepened. They had faced their past, their fears, and together came out stronger. This shared journey, she realized, was the essence of their love.

Chapter 10

Anton and Bella strolled leisurely through the maze of luxurious boutiques and fancy shops of downtown. The ornate lights bounced off the window displays, casting a glow on Bella’s intrigued face. The smell of leather, fabric, and the faint scent of expensive perfume filled the air around them.

"Anton, this place…" Bella's voice trailed off as her gaze landed on a high-end jewellery store, where a particular necklace caught her eye. A delicate string of brilliant diamonds nestled among other pieces, sparkling in the store's strategic lighting.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Anton followed her gaze. When she nodded, he took her hand, guiding her into the store. His decision was firm, his hand steady, but his heart hammered in his chest. "Let's get it for you."

As the necklace was elegantly positioned around Bella's neck, Anton looked at her with admiration. His heart twinged with warmth at the sight of her eyes sparkling brighter than the diamonds themselves. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "You're beautiful, Bella."

Their blissful moment was cut short by the ominous crack of a gunshot. The glass window of the shop shattered into a million pieces, and the world seemed to spin into chaos. A bullet whizzed past them, making Bella shriek in surprise and fear.

"Down, Bella!" Anton’s command was swift and stern. His hand gripped her arm tightly, yanking her down behind the counter. His eyes darted around, quickly assessing the situation. His heart raced, but his face was calm, stern, a look Bella had seen only in dire circumstances.

But as Anton retaliated, a bullet found its mark, piercing his shoulder. Bella gasped, her eyes wide with horror as he winced, gripping his bleeding wound. But he didn’t falter. Instead, he yelled, "Bella, the car!"

Summoning her courage, Bella dashed out of the store towards their car parked across the street. She could hear Anton's gun firing behind her. Once in the car, she jammed the key into the ignition, her fingers trembling. Anton joined her moments later, grimacing in pain.

As Bella pressed hard on the accelerator, the city lights became a blur. Her heart pounded in her ears, the diamond necklace felt heavy against her chest, and Anton's laboured breathing filled the silence.

As the city faded behind them, the echoes of the gunshot still rang in Bella's ears, and Anton's hand found hers, squeezing it reassuringly. The adrenaline began to recede, replaced by the throbbing reality of Anton's injury. But they were safe, at least for now.

Inside their shared home, Bella sat by Anton's bedside, her hand gently brushing over his arm as he slept, his injured shoulder wrapped securely. His face, even in sleep, bore a stern intensity that contrasted starkly with his vulnerability. Her heart clenched at the sight. She stayed with him, counting his steady breaths, lost in the rhythm of his quiet existence. It was intimate, this shared silence, and Bella felt a sense of connection stronger than ever before.

Upon awakening, Anton found Bella's worried gaze on him. He tried to lighten the mood, "You look more battered than I feel," he smirked.
