Page 10 of Bite Me Baby

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As anarchy ensues, so does the rush of adrenaline coursing through my body. The desire for a good fight overwhelms me, and I can’t resist joining in. I jump onto a nearby table, accidentally knocking a bottle off in the process. It crashes to the ground, adding to the already messy scene.

I land in the middle of the disorder and become part of the wild frenzy. I throw punches, aiming for anyone within reach. I fight my way through the crowd of bodies, driven by determination and fueled by the exhilarating thrill of a good fight.

The fight ends as quickly as it started. Beside me, the only person left standing is the guy in the suit who had smirked at me through the mirror at the bar. His suit is clean, untouched by the violence that erupted around us, but his fists are slick with blood.

Our eyes lock in a tense stare-down, his body still thrumming with the energy of the fight. My own breaths come labored, my muscles trembling from the exertion.

Something doesn’t feel right. I can sense that he isn’t just some innocent bystander caught up in a bar brawl. He lifts his hand and licks a stripe of blood from his knuckles, his eyes never leaving mine. I know then that I need to be on high alert. He’s not just a man who stumbled into something he shouldn’t have; no, he’s a bloodsucker—an ancient predator with a craving for blood.

For a moment, I contemplate attacking him. He is too close for comfort, and I don’t trust him one bit. But then he lets out a victorious roar, a primal cry of triumph that sends shivers down my spine.

It dawns on me that he isn’t my enemy, at least not yet. He jumped in to lend a hand—a little misguided, but I suppose I owe him a thank you.

I let my eyes wander over his chiseled features; he is extremely good-looking, but I’m not a damsel in distress, and I don’t need a knight in shining armor to save me.

“Thanks for the help,” I say, my voice composed and curt. “But I can handle myself just fine.”

He grins, revealing a row of perfect white teeth. “I anticipated your response, yet it is undeniable that we form an exceptional partnership.”

I snort, rolling my eyes. “Don’t get any ideas. I don’t need some coffin-dwelling creep on my team.”

“Coffin-dwelling creep?” He chuckles, and the low, smooth sounds do things to me. “You mistake me, little lamb. I may have been born in the 1700s, but I have long since abandoned the confines of a coffin. These days, I prefer the luxury of a king-sized bed, adorned with satin sheets and velvet cushions.”

The image of him lounging on a bed fit for a king, surrounded by luxury and excess, is a stark reminder of the vast chasm that exists between his kind and mine.

With a snarl, I take a step closer, ignoring the crunch of glass beneath my boots. “I certainly won’t be spreading out on any satin sheets with the likes of you.”

He seems to find my defiance amusing, his eyes glittering with dark pleasure. “Feisty,” he murmurs. “I like that. You amuse me and I find myself aching for you. Let me satisfy my hunger; come home with me and allow me to show you the pleasures that only I can provide.”

His words are like a hot caress, stoking the flame of my own desires. My heart races with the forbidden thrill of it all, and my body responds to the vampire with a yearning that I can’t deny. I feel the heat of his words between my legs, causing me to clamp them together in a futile attempt to control my own needs. He can never know the feelings that he stirs in me, for fear of what he might do with that knowledge.

“What makes you think I’m human?” Out of all the supernatural creatures that inhabit Shadowbrook, vampires have the best sense of smell and can easily identify humans from other creatures, so I am surprised that he doesn’t pick up on the trace of wolf in my blood.

He studies me for a moment, his head tilted to the side like a hawk sizing up a mouse. “What else could you be?” he muses, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity. “You are far too exquisite to be a shadow schemer. If you were a witch or a fae, you would have already cursed my blackened soul. You’re not a shapeshifter because they wouldn’t be caught dead in this seedy establishment, and you don’t stink, so you’re clearly not a werewolf. That leads me to believe that you are a human,” he concludes, his lips curling into a savage grin.

“I’m more than just a human,” I growl, my eyes heating with golden fire as I allow my true nature to show. A werewolf’s bite is deadly to a vampire; he doesn’t need to know that I’m a half-blood or that I don’t know if I actually have wolf venom. All he needs to know is that I will bite him if he comes any closer.

“A wolf.” His eyes widen in surprise, and I can see the gears turning in his head as he processes this new information. “How fascinating. I’ve always had a soft spot for your kind. So wild and untamed, yet so loyal to your pack.”

I bristle at his condescending tone. It’s obvious that he isn’t a fan of wolves. “What do you want from me?”

He leans closer. “I want to know what makes you howl,” he rasps. “I want you on your knees while I fuck your delectable mouth, and then I want to spread you open and make you mine, little wolf.”

I pull away from him, my eyes narrowing in disgust. He is a vampire, and I want nothing to do with him, even if he does exude sex. My pack hates me; if they discover me interacting with a vampire, they will rip me apart without a second thought. My dad, the alpha, will do nothing to shield me from their wrath. Vampires are his greatest enemies, and he has imposed a strict ban on any form of communication with them.

“That will never happen, you undead pest. I may be a wolf, but I am not a puppet for you to control. I am not yours, and I never will be. If anybody is getting on their knees, it will be you when you beg me to spare your life. Take your seductive whispers and your empty promises and shove them where the moon doesn’t shine.”

With that, I turn on my heel and stalk out of the bar, leaving him standing alone in the rubble from the bar fight.

I am a lone wolf because that is all I’m allowed to be—untamed but broken—but I will never bow down to anyone.



I’veembarkedonapersonal mission to prove something to Marcus, and more importantly, to myself: that love is nothing but a frivolous emotion I have no use for. I’m convinced that a few hours spent with a willing woman will satisfy my desires. Driven by boredom, I decide to venture into the city in search of some excitement.

As I explore the trendy bars and nightclubs with their glitz and glamor, a sense of emptiness creeps over me. I yearn for something more genuine, something raw and authentic. Disillusioned, I step out of the club only to be greeted by the distant rumble of engines and the scent of gasoline. Intrigued by this unexpected turn of events, I’m drawn towards the source of the noise, ultimately finding myself standing in front of a biker bar on the outskirts of Shadowbrook. Its neon sign flickers above the entrance, accompanied by the boisterous laughter emanating from within.
