Page 17 of Bite Me Baby

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Without a second thought, I stomp up the stairs, my rage propelling me forward. I don’t care about being quiet anymore. I need answers, and I need them now. The creaking of the stairs under my weight echoes through the hallway, and the portraits of his ancestors, or whoever the hell they are, seem to stare down at me disapprovingly.

I am going to kill him; I pull my knife from the sheath on my thigh. Not the silver one, but the bone knife that was given to me by the elders. They call it the Fang Carver; it’s a dangerous and deadly weapon specifically crafted to kill vampires. I know how to use it, how to make it sing through the air, slicing flesh and draining blood, and I am going to use it on Xavier.

I reach the top of the staircase and march down the hall towards his room, barging in, my eyes burning with fury.

For all the noise I’m making, Xavier is still asleep, oblivious to my presence. I stalk across the room, climbing onto the bed. Throwing my leg over his, I straddle his hips before pressing the pointed end of my blade against his chest. “Wake up, night creeper.”

His eyelids twitch, and he yawns, his pointed fangs gleaming in the light. His eyes open and a lazy smirk forms on his lips—Funny, he doesn’t look immobile to me, so the story about vampires and sunlight is obviously bullshit.

“Good morning, little wolf. How did you sleep?”

“Save your pretty words, Thorne. We had a deal, one night, but when I tried to leave this morning, I couldn’t. You’ve somehow spelled your house and trapped me inside it.”

His smirk grows wider, and I resist the urge to claw it off his face. “Is that so, my sweet squisita?”

I have no idea what he just called me, but Xavier’s going to learn that there’s nothing sweet about me. “I’m going to cut out your heart and feed it to my brothers when they change on the next full moon.”

“You’re disturbingly violent for such a beautiful creature,” he purrs, his hand trailing lazily up my thigh. “Tell me, with what will you cut out my blackened heart?”

“With this.” I hold up the knife. The knife’s handle is rough and gritty against my palm, and the blade edges are razor sharp, honed to a deadly point that can cut through flesh and bone with ease.

“Is that... is that made from bone?” Xavier presses his lips together, almost as if he’s stifling his laugh, and there’s nothing funny about the situation.

“It’s called the Fang Carver, and it’s made from the rib bones of the very first alpha king, and it’s deadly to vampires. The blade’s infused with the very essence of the alpha king, a being so powerful that his bones still hold a trace of his magic. The Fang Carver drinks in that power, becoming imbued with a dark energy that can kill even the strongest of vampires.” Well, that’s the story the elders told me, anyway.

“You amuse me, love,” he chuckles. “I’m not sure who told you that your Fang Carver would work on vampires, but they lied. The only thing deadly about that knife is its ugliness.”

I look at the Fang Carver, caught off guard by Xavier calling me love but also by his saying that my knife won’t work on vampires. Then I feel his arousal, hot and insistent, pressing against me. It’s a crude distraction, a crass attempt to derail my focus.

And yet... I feel a spark of desire, an urge to give in to the temptation and let him have his way with me...


I focus all my willpower on resisting his charms, but it’s getting harder by the second. He’s like a drug, intoxicating and addictive, and I know that if I give in, there’ll be no turning back. “Are you hard?”

Who is this vampire? He’s not like anyone I’ve met before. Instead of trembling before me, begging for mercy, he seems to be enjoying the situation. It’s disturbing, to say the least.

“I am indeed. Very much so, if I might add.” He thrusts his hips up, grinding his erection against me. “But we will attend to that later. Do you really think your bone knife can take down a vampire?”

“I don’t think it; I know it,” I hiss back at him.

“Then why don’t you show me? Go ahead, wolf, plunge that blade into my flesh. Let’s see if your bone knife is a match for my immortal body,” he challenges.

He should know better than to provoke a werewolf, even a half-blood one like me. Xavier’s taunts are like a match to gasoline; he’s asking for it. Without hesitation, I raise the knife and stab it into his abdomen. Xavier’s body convulses with pain as the blade pierces his flesh, blood gushes out of the wound like a sick crimson waterfall. The metallic scent of his blood hits me like a punch in the gut, sending my senses into overdrive. My inner wolf roars to life, craving the taste of fresh blood.

I bask in the power I have over him; my dominance is asserted. But my victory is short-lived because before my very eyes, the torn skin and muscle begin to twitch and knit themselves back together. I watch, stunned, as the edges of the wound pull closer and closer until they finally meet in the middle with a sickening squelch. The blood flow slows, and the skin over the wound bulges and puckers, like a scab forming over a cut. Finally, the scab disappears, leaving behind only smooth, unblemished skin. It’s as if the wound never existed at all.

Xavier’s laughter echoes in the room, sounding both delighted and mocking. “My, my, that is quite the show. I suppose I should thank you for the entertainment.”

He swipes his finger through the blood on my knife before smearing it across my bottom lip. I may not be a full-blood werewolf, but the smell of his blood tempts the part of me that is pure wolf. Before I can stop myself, I lick my lips, thirsting for it and barely stopping myself from moaning out loud. Xavier’s eyes darken, and his fingers tighten on my thighs, digging into my flesh, as his dick pulses against my core. A low growl escapes his lips, and he surges up to kiss me hungrily, parting my lips with his and shoving his tongue inside my mouth.

The bone knife I have clutched in my hand clatters to the floor, a useless weapon against the ancient creature before me. It’s hard to not get completely wound up in his kiss. I need to escape, not kiss him, and I have the perfect plan. There is another thing that incapacitates vampires—werewolf venom. I just hope that mine is potent enough to get the job done. As his tongue swipes across mine, I sink my fangs into the fleshiest part of his bottom lip, biting down hard.

Xavier rips his mouth from mine, shoving me away from him. “What have you done? I have not managed to obtain the antivenom. You have poisoned me.”

I throw his confident smirk from earlier back at him and wait for him to surrender to my werewolf venom, but minutes pass with me staring at him while he clutches his lip and glares back at me.

Nothing happens...
