Page 2 of Bite Me Baby

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I nodded in agreement and followed him to a table at the back of the room. My vampire senses were of no use to me as I lost hand after hand to Marcus, whose uncanny ability to predict my moves left me reeling. I attempted to use my vampiric powers to sway the game in my favor, but Marcus merely chuckled and slapped me on the back when I tried to beguile him. It was then that I learned he was a warlock and immune to my powers.

While we played, he told me about his life. He was born in the seventeenth century in a small village in England and was the youngest of three siblings. His family was known in the village for their magical abilities. From a youthful age, Marcus showed a natural talent for magic, particularly in the areas of divination and herbalism. Marcus was forced to flee his village after he was accused of using his magic to curse a prominent member of the community. He traveled to London, where he began to hone his skills and learn more about the magical world.

In London, Marcus became involved with a group of warlocks who practiced a particularly dark form of magic, and he soon became entranced by the power they wielded. Together, they performed dangerous and forbidden rituals, often involving blood magic and sacrifices. Marcus became one of the most powerful members of the coven.

He was a formidable figure, tall and imposing, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore into my soul. At first, I was wary of him, as warlocks and vampires were not known to be allies. But as we got to know each other, we became friends. My vampire strength and agility were a perfect match for Marcus’s magical abilities.

In the late nineteenth century, we met Alexander Grant amidst the lively atmosphere of a beer hall in Germany. Alexander was turned into a vampire during the War of the Second Coalition, shortly after he was gravely injured in a battle. His savior, a vampire, took pity on him and offered him the gift of immortality. Initially, Alexander was hesitant to accept, but he soon realized that it was the only way for him to survive. He was a charming and engaging vampire, with a mischievous glint in his eye and a taste for curvaceous brunettes. Alexander was a troublemaker, and he often found himself in precarious situations, and Marcus and I were always there to help him out.

The three of us soon became inseparable, traveling the world together and experiencing all the wonders that the centuries offered. Despite our differences in nature and temperament, we complemented each other perfectly, and our friendship only grew stronger with each passing decade. Together, we navigated the trials and tribulations of immortality, always having each other’s backs in times of danger or distress.

During the twentieth century, we made our way across the ocean to America. New York City was a bustling hive of activity, with people from all levels of society crowding the sidewalks. The city’s buildings towered high above, casting long shadows over the busy streets below. Coal smoke, mixed with the sweet scent of roasted peanuts and the tang of hot pretzels, saturated the air. The noise was deafening, with the sound of vendors shouting out their wares, the clang of trolley bells, and the roar of trains and steam engines. People jostled and pushed their way through the crowds, their clothing brushing against each other as they hurried to their destinations.

Despite the chaos, there was a sense of excitement and energy in the air. New York City was a place of opportunity and possibility, where dreams could come true for those who were brave enough to pursue them. It was a city of contrasts, with towering skyscrapers standing alongside tenement buildings and slums.

For a vampire like me, the streets were a feast for the senses. The hustle and bustle of the crowds provided many opportunities for me to blend in and hunt for my next meal, while the constant noise and movement kept me entertained and engaged. It was a city that never slept, and neither did I.

I killed many, but through all my years of feeding, I never once killed an innocent. I drank enough to keep myself strong. Afterward, I simply beguiled them and sent them on their merry way. The ones who died at my hands were those who threatened and provoked me—hunters, vampires, and many other supernatural creatures who thought I was an easy target. But they were wrong.

The supernatural population steadily grew and spread. It was inevitable that we would not be able to remain hidden for long. We understood that eventually we would have to face the reality of coexisting with humans and find a way to integrate into society. Fear, however, was a marvelous emotion because when the news of our existence spread, humans accepted us because they had no choice. We were stronger, faster, and more intelligent than them, and they knew it.

It was a century where my friends and I thrived, but a hundred years was a long time for any predator to stay in one place. Eventually, the city grew too big and too bright, and it was time for us to move on.

We finally settled in Shadowbrook, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Shadowbrook was a sprawling city surrounded by dense forests and towering mountains. It was not just a bustling city of humans but also a hub of supernatural activity. Vampires, werewolves, witches, warlocks, and other creatures of the night lived among the humans, each with their unique way of life.

The vampires, for instance, owned some of the most exclusive nightclubs in the city where they could indulge in their love for music, dancing, and blood. The scent of warm flesh and pulsing veins wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of thumping bass and clinking glasses. Humans were lured into these clubs, some unknowingly, but others seeking the thrill of danger and the possibility of being chosen as a vampire’s next meal. Despite the risks, the glamour of these exclusive nightclubs continued to draw in both mortals and immortals alike.

Werewolves, on the other hand, were more inclined to spend their time in trailer parks or biker bars. They were rough around the edges, fiercely independent, and territorial. The forests surrounding Shadowbrook provided ample hunting grounds for them. They preferred the company of their own kind, forming packs and keeping to themselves. However, some werewolves did venture into the city from time to time, seeking out seedy establishments where they could let loose and indulge in their primitive instincts.

The fae lived in the deepest part of the forests. They were a secretive group and were rarely seen by humans or other supernatural beings. They were mischievous by nature and had the ability to grant wishes, but they were also quick to anger and could be dangerous if provoked. Legend had it that the fae were particularly active during a full moon, and some believed that they gained even more power during those times. Many cautionary tales warned against venturing into the woods on a full moon night, lest one attract the attention of the mischievous fae.

Warlocks and witches had established a hidden community in an old, abandoned church on the outskirts of the city. The church had been repurposed as a place of worship and study for the magical community, with altars and spell books scattered throughout the pews. The warlocks and witches were skilled in the use of magic and often worked as healers or advisors to other supernatural beings.

Shapeshifters, shadow schemers, and ghosts lived in various parts of the city, opting for deserted buildings or hidden tunnels beneath the streets. The shapeshifters were a proud and fierce group with the ability to transform into any animal they desired. They were skilled hunters and fighters with a culture that placed a high value on physical strength and prowess.

Shadow schemers lived in tunnels beneath the city. The creatures stood at about a meter in height and had gray leathery skin that provided them with excellent camouflage in the shadows. Their round green eyes and ape-shaped mouths revealed razor-sharp teeth, instilling fear in those who encountered them. The shadow schemers possessed long arms that dragged on the ground, ending in sharp claws that allowed them to navigate their underground domain with ease. They had a natural inclination towards gadgets and machines, often found tinkering with intricate contraptions in their underground lairs. Their proficiency in mechanics and their innate understanding of how devices functioned made them formidable opponents or valuable allies, depending on one’s intentions. The shadow schemers lacked loyalty or allegiance to any specific group, even their own. Their primary motivation was money, and they were notorious for their willingness to sell anyone out if the price was right. Their shrewd nature and penchant for manipulation made them adept at plotting and scheming, using their knowledge of both technology and the city’s underground network to their advantage.

The ghosts were a spectral presence, haunting the empty buildings and dark corners of the city. Some were benevolent, seeking only to communicate with the living, while others were wicked and vengeful, driven by a desire to harm or terrify those who crossed their path. Their powers were immense and often frightening, with the ability to manifest in physical form and manipulate the environment around them.

The various supernatural beings in Shadowbrook had complex and often hostile relationships with one another. The fae saw themselves as superior to the other supernatural beings and were known for their disdain for warlocks and witches. The warlocks and witches, in turn, saw the fae as unpredictable and dangerous. The shapeshifters had a long-standing rivalry with the vampires and werewolves and would often engage in violent clashes over territory. The ghosts were feared and avoided by the other supernatural beings, as their presence was seen as a bad omen.

I remember the night when the shapeshifters and werewolves clashed in the heart of Shadowbrook. The tension had been building for weeks as each group jostled for control of the territory. As a vampire, I tried to stay neutral, but it was impossible not to take notice of the escalating violence.

The sound of breaking glass and howls filled the air as I made my way through the city. Werewolves transformed into their animal form, tearing through the shapeshifters with their claws and teeth. The shapeshifters fought back with their own powers, changing into panthers, bears, and other creatures to gain the upper hand. Magic crackled in the air as the two groups clashed, each determined to come out on top. As the night wore on, the streets were littered with debris and bodies, the casualties of a vicious battle for power. In the end, neither side emerged victorious. The shapeshifters and werewolves retreated to their respective territories, licking their wounds, and plotting their next moves. It was clear that the tensions between the different supernatural beings in Shadowbrook were far from over, and that more violence was likely to come.

I was more than ready for it. Throughout the centuries, I had honed my skills in the art of seduction, using my otherworldly beauty and charm to reel in my prey. I was enigmatic and enthralling, and my influence extended far beyond the walls of my home, reaching into every corner of the city.

As a man, I had been a prince, but in immortality, I was the king of the night, the master of my domain, and I would do whatever it took to protect what was mine.




Poker,theoldgameof lies and bluffs, where fortunes are made and lost with a flick of the wrist and a well-timed lie. I stare at my hand; the cards mock me with their complete lack of potential. I feel like a lone sailor facing a raging storm with nothing but a leaky dinghy.

“Bloody hell!” I exclaim, slamming my cards on the table, causing the sturdy surface to groan as if it too shares my despair.
