Page 20 of Bite Me Baby

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Standing in front of Xavier, all the hope inside me dies. I have managed to sleep with the one vampire who is clearly unkillable.

The sudden change in the air pulls me from my thoughts. A strange blue light begins to flicker in the center of the room, pulsating and growing larger by the second. The light coalesces into a swirling vortex, a portal to another place. Its edges shimmer with a magical glow. The air in the room becomes frigid right before a giant of a man steps out of the portal, his long cloak swirling around him. His hair is as dark as Xavier’s, and his eyes are so blue that the ocean would pale in comparison.

He takes in the scene, his eyes roaming from the silver arrows that puncture Xavier’s ass and thigh to the weapons on the velvet sofa.

“Indeed, it appears that the timing of my arrival is fortuitous beyond measure,” he drawls, his lips curling into a grin.

I can only guess that he is the warlock that Xavier has spoken about. Xavier, however, seems unfazed by the warlock’s presence. With practiced ease, he grabs the arrow jutting out of his thigh and yanks it out, a hiss of pain escaping his lips. I watch as his wound begins to heal almost instantly, a testament to the powerful magic that flows through his veins. Ignoring the pain, Xavier tackles the second arrow, tearing it from his flesh before tossing it aside with a grimace. “

“You could have arrived a few minutes earlier and spared me the agony of these bloody silver arrows. My suit is ruined.” Xavier gestures to the fabric, which is now stained with his blood. “And so is my prized Persian rug.” His scowl deepens, and I hide the little smile of satisfaction.

He isn’t dead, but at least he is suffering.

“Pray tell, how was I expected to discern the true gravity of your predicament, my dear companion?”

“I warned him,” I say to Marcus. “More than once.”

“Indubitably, Xavier has perpetually displayed a proclivity for imprudence. I vividly recollect having admonished him directly merely last eve, albeit, regrettably, my cautionary words were met with indifference. In the forthcoming days, I strongly urge the utilization of a stake to ensure the effectiveness of your endeavors in eradicating my esteemed associate.” Marcus replies, before turning to Xavier. “Moreover, it is hardly astonishing that your endeavors in the domain of romance have faced obstacles, as the virtue of attentive listening undoubtedly stands as an esteemed quality ardently coveted by the fairer sex.”

Um... I have no idea what the warlock is saying except that I should have used the stake. Does he know we are in the twenty-first century?

Xavier scoffs, his eyes flashing with defiance. “I don’t have a problem with the fairer sex. The majority of women don’t possess fucking crossbows or bone knives, and they tend to enjoy receiving my attention.”

“If you didn’t want me to use the weapons, why did you leave them with me?” I lift my hands in exasperation. “It’s basic kidnapping 101; stake bait. It’s like locking someone in prison but giving them the key.”

A low chuckle breaks through the tension as Marcus steps forward. “Ah, she has certainly captured my attention.” He shoves Xavier out of the way and holds his hand out, palm up, to me. I tentatively place my hand in his, feeling the warmth of his rough fingers against mine. “My lady,” he says with a deep bow, pressing his lips to the back of my hand. “Allow me to present myself. I am Marcus Blackmore, and I must confess, I take pleasure in a woman of remarkable verve.” Xavier growls, but Marcus ignores him. “I presume you must be Lyra Starling.”

“I am,” I reply, pulling my hand away from him. “And I assume you are the reason I’m trapped here.”

“Indeed, however, to provide a fair account of the matter, Xavier exerted pressure on me to comply.” He examines me closely and remarks, “I sense the presence of a formidable creature residing within you, Lyra Starling. Undoubtedly, your being undergoes a wondrous metamorphosis, revealing a truly magnificent wolf under the enchanting light of the full moon.”

Why does he have to make a comment about my wolf? She isn’t a great beast; she is a coward because she refuses to show herself.

“No.” My cheeks warm with shame because I am once again reminded of my inability to bring about my transformation. “I don’t turn when the moon is full.”

“She doesn’t have venom either,” Xavier adds unnecessarily. “And she knows nothing about vampires. I’m not sure what her father has been teaching her, but we will have to remedy it. If her knowledge about vampires is anything to go by, she most certainly knows very little about the other supernatural creatures in Shadowbrook.”

Marcus remarks, “It is quite unusual to hear that there is no venom.” He reaches into his pocket and extracts four glass vials filled with a luminescent green fluid. He further adds, “I presume that you do not need the elixir to counteract the venom caused by a werewolf’s bite.”

“Perhaps it is best if you leave it here; it seems my little wolf has a penchant for going on the rampage, and I don’t want to tempt fate.”

“You deserve to be bitten.” I snap. “And stop doing that.”

Xavier’s face betrays no emotion as he asks innocently, “What? What have I done now?”

“You can’t tell people about my weaknesses,” I say through gritted teeth. “You may see Marcus as your friend, but I don’t trust him. He could spill my secrets to anyone.” I can’t let my guard down. In this world, it’s either kill or be killed, and I won’t risk exposing anything that could put me or my pack in danger.

Marcus snorts in protest, but it’s Xavier who holds my attention, his eyes darkening with understanding. “Marcus and I have been friends for more than two hundred years. I trust him, and I know he won’t betray me.”

“He might not betray you, but I am nothing to him, as proven by the fact that he helped you trap me here,” I shoot back, my voice rising with each word.

“I will peel the skin from his body and rip the flesh from his bones if he speaks one word of this to anyone. You are mine to protect.”

“I’m not yours; how many times do I have to tell you that?” I take a step forward, my body trembling with rage. “I will not be owned by anyone.”

“Well, see about that, little wolf.”

“Ask Marcus to lift the spell.”
