Page 26 of Bite Me Baby

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The hunter drops his weight on top of me. His stake hovers mere inches from my heart, and a malicious grin plays on his lips. “You’re not so scary now, are you?”

I gasp through gritted teeth, “Do you think this will end it? This endless cycle of bloodshed?”

“It ends here, leech. Your reign of terror stops now.” His grip on the stake tightens, he pushes it through my skin, and I feel the tip grazing my heart.

The taste of defeat stains the air with a bitter realization. I am at the mercy of my enemy, the brink of oblivion within arm’s reach. In this final moment, the world fades, and my thoughts turn to Lyra. Regret washes over me, mingling with the despair of losing not only myself but also the chance at love.



I’m beyond pissed, a pressure cooker ready to explode as my fangs reveal themselves in sheer frustration. First, that insufferable bastard Xavier trapped me inside his damn house, and now, to add insult to injury, he dares to refuse my help in the fight against the hunters. He practically shoved me into the hidden passageways. With clenched teeth, I summon every ounce of my strength and push against the back of the armoire, determined to create an opening. But the stubborn piece of furniture remains immovable, mocking my efforts.

The nerve of that bloodsucking parasite.

I’ve been stuck in his house for a whole week, and despite my relentless growls and biting remarks, Xavier treats me like a queen. Me! A half-blood werewolf from a trailer park. He’s told me about himself and asked about my life; he listens and shrugs off every insult I hurl his way, all while indulging my every need. Except for my need to leave, it’s enough to make me want to scream.

He’s almost the perfect man, except for one small detail—he’s a vampire.

To his credit, Xavier has upheld his end of the bargain and hasn’t made a move on me. But deep within the recesses of my conflicted heart, desire and longing create an ache that pulses through my very core. I crave his touch with an intensity that borders on insanity. I’m exhausted from fighting the magnetic pull between me and Xavier. It’s a constant battle between not wanting to see his face and needing to keep him within my line of sight. Night after night, I suffer through the torture of watching him leave, fueled by his hunger, and I’m bitter and irritable at his absence. And here’s the kicker: when he finally comes back, I want a moment of relief—a brief escape from the overwhelming spell he has on me.

There’s no escape.

When I close my eyes, he invades my dreams. The most erotic fantasies, where he’s the leading man, play out in my mind, leaving me burning for his touch even more. It’s like he’s imprinted on me, and I can’t shake him off no matter how hard I try. The whole act I’ve put up, pretending to not care, is hanging by a thread. But my loyalty to my dad pulls at my mind, tugging me in conflicting directions.

Werewolves and vampires aren’t meant to be together. It’s like trying to mix oil and water, going against the natural order of things. It’s a truth that hits me deep, stirring up doubts and fears that I can’t ignore.

Instead of standing here at the edge of an impossible choice, my heart squeezed tight by indecision, I need to find a way out of these passageways.

Maybe there are exits that lead into the other parts of the house. If I can find one, I can escape and help Xavier fight off the hunters. The irony doesn’t escape me; I’ve tried to kill him six times, and here I am, desperate to save him. Fate is a cruel bitch, and Xavier is right; you can’t fight her. Every molecule in my body is screaming at me to find Xavier, and I’m not sure what will happen if I don’t.

I take a deep breath and begin to navigate the space. I reach out and touch the wooden paneling of the walls, running my fingers along the surface. I’m searching for any parts that feel different, like they can be moved or opened. I pay close attention to any slight changes in texture or temperature. It’s a slow exploration because I don’t want to miss any hidden escape routes. The musty smell of old wood and dampness fills my nostrils, and the oppressive silence amplifies the sound of my own breathing. Every creak and shuffle echoes ominously in the narrow passageways giving me the creeps.

A faint scraping noise reaches my ears, causing me to freeze in place. It’s a noise that doesn’t belong in here, a sound that announces the approach of something not quite human. I strain to identify its source, my eyes darting around in search of movement. The hairs on the back of my neck prickle as the sound grows louder and closer.

A large pair of glowing green eyes pierce through the darkness before me. My shoulders tense as the creature moves forward. A twisted grin splits its wide mouth, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that glisten in the pale light. Its elongated arms drag along the ground, leaving deep gouges in the concrete floor with its wicked claws. Gray, leathery skin clings to its skeletal frame.

It’s a shadow schemer—it’s revolting.

I’ve never had the misfortune of encountering one before, but it seems today is my lucky day. Instinctively, I draw the silver knife, ready to defend myself if necessary. I’m not afraid of this little creature, and I refuse to be intimidated by its appearance. The Shadow Schemer’s eyes narrow, assessing me with a mix of curiosity and evil. It studies me, a calculating intelligence lurking behind those unnerving green eyes.

“Lyra Starling, I’ve been searching for you. You need to come with me so I can hand you over to the hunters,” the creature hisses, its voice filled with a combination of urgency and delight.

For obvious reasons, I assumed they were here for Xavier. Why are they hunting me? What purpose do they have with a half-blood werewolf when there is an actual vampire in the house? I take a moment to steady my breath, my resolve hardening. I won’t give in to their demands without answers.

“Well, you found me, so congratulations,” I retort. “If you expect me to go anywhere with you, you need to answer my questions. Who sent you?”

The shadow schemer’s grin widens, and its eyes gleam with amusement, enjoying the challenge I present. “Ah, the spirited one wants answers, does she? How delightful. But, my dear, answers are earned, not given freely.”

My grip on the silver knife tightens, the cool metal biting into my flesh as a silent reminder of the power I hold. “I won’t budge until you tell me something. Give me a reason to trust you, and maybe we can make a deal.”

The shadow schemer’s amusement fades, and it pauses for a moment, seemingly weighing its options. “You have nothing I want. I have been paid very well for my services, and I have no reason to betray my employer. You have no choice but to come with me; your vampire lover is dying as we speak; no one will help you.”

Raw terror spikes inside me, threatening to shatter my composure. My heart plunges into the depths of a dark pit, and I struggle to steady my breath. The knowledge that Xavier’s life hangs in the balance grips my soul.

But the shadow schemer’s words ignite the fierce instincts of my inner wolf. She emerges from her self-imposed pity party, done with her sulking. I step forward, locking eyes with the shadow schemer, and allow the golden glow of my wolf to bleed into the green of my irises. “You think you can scare me? Think again.” Strength rises in me, fueled by anger and the unshakable need to protect Xavier at any cost.

As I advance, the shadow schemer takes a defensive stance. I feint to the left, then launch myself at the creature with all the force I can muster. The knife gleams in my hand as it slashes through the air, aimed at the creature’s heart. But the Shadow Schemer is agile, dodging my attack at the last second, leaving only a shallow cut across its arm. Undeterred, I press on, my movements fast and steady. I strike again and again. The Shadow Schemer fights back with surprising skill, its slender frame evading my strikes. Its deadly arms slice through the air and gouge deep scratches on my arms and legs.
