Page 29 of Bite Me Baby

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A surge of conflicting emotions sweeps through me. I’m a vampire, and her blood has tantalized me from the very start. It has been an exquisite torture, resisting the temptation that her veins offer. The boundaries that separate predator from prey have blurred, and the choice before me is one of immense consequence.

“If I do this,” I pause, my words laden with caution. “Your blood will become an obsession, and I will forever chase the ecstasy that only you can provide.”

“I don’t care; it’s what I want.”

The hunger that rages within me can’t be denied any longer. The instincts that govern my existence—the need to consume and claim what is mine—overpower the remnants of restraint that linger. I know the risks and the untamed darkness that resides within me, but I can’t reject her plea.

I lean in closer, my breath ghosting over her skin. “So be it.”

My fangs pierce her flesh, and she gasps. The first puncture, the delicate breach of her flesh, releases a rivulet of scarlet life. Binding our fates in an irreversible embrace. The taste of her blood, sweet and intoxicating, floods my senses, mingling with the pleasure that courses through my veins.

Lyra rolls her hips, undulating in a seductive rhythm as she rides my cock. Her pussy squeezes and milks my cock, her body temperature rising as her heart beats faster. Pleasure pools in my balls, and the familiar tingle starts to build as she takes us both to the edge.

It’s incredible, it’s utterly breathtaking, and it’s beyond words.

The room comes alive with a crescendo of ethereal phenomena. The walls seem to pulse in synchrony with the tempo of our joining. Colors explode into existence, vibrant and luminous, painting the world around us in hues never before witnessed. The very fabric of the room ripples and oscillates, mirroring the intensity of our connection. The symphony of our desire reaches its peak, and the boundaries between pleasure and pain blur into a sublime ecstasy.

Lyra’s body convulses as she reaches her climax, her muscles contracting around me, urging me on towards release. I give in to the overwhelming bliss and explode inside her waiting body.

In the center of this tempestuous union, a profound stillness pervades. The chaos of the world outside fades into insignificance, for within these walls, we are the center of creation. The magnetic pull of our unified spirits entraps time, bending it to our will. We are no longer two individuals, but a singular entity forged in the vessel of desire.

And within the precious confines of our sanctuary, the world outside falls away, muted and forgotten. We exist in a sphere of our own creation, a haven where our souls entwine and dance in perfect harmony. Together, we have unlocked a profound truth—a truth that binds us forever.

I gently extract my fangs from her soft skin, ensuring to not cause any discomfort. With a tender gesture, I lean forward and slowly lick the spot where I had previously bitten, naturally recognizing that this act of care will aid in the healing process. It is a small gesture, yet one filled with intention and affection.

Lyra slumps back against me, her body glistening with a thin layer of perspiration. The aftermath of our intense encounter still reverberates through her, manifesting as subtle tremors coursing through her body.

“Um... that was...” She struggles to find the right words to express her feelings, and I certainly understand because trying to describe what just happened between us would be like trying to capture lightning in a bottle.

“Fun!” I chuckle softly, echoing her sentiment and referring to our initial encounter together. The memory of our first intimate experience resurfaces, adding a layer of familiarity and playfulness to the present moment.

A light laugh escapes her lips, a lovely sound that twirls between us. The euphoria of the moment intertwines with a sense of lightheartedness. “You’re funny for a dead guy; it must be my blood that’s filling your gut that’s making you come alive.”

I can’t help but grin at her playful banter. “Ah, you’ve discovered my secret, love,” I reply in a mock-serious voice. “A satiated stomach is the catalyst for my comedic brilliance. So, if you want to hear more of my jokes, you better keep me well-fed.”

My lips brush against her earlobe as I lean in closer, my voice a mere whisper against her skin. “You have no idea the hunger you awaken within me.” Tracing the path along her inner thigh with gentle fingertips, I caress her velvety skin. “Countless places beckon for pleasure. Just imagine the sensation of my fangs sinking into this very spot.” My fingers linger over the pulse of her femoral artery, sensing the warmth emanating from her skin. “And while I drink my fill, I’ll fuck you with my fingers until you scream my name.”

A shudder rolls through her at my words, but a sigh escapes her lips as she glances at the chaos surrounding us. “As enjoyable as that sounds, I think we need to clean this up first.”

A sneer forms on my lips as I follow her gaze, taking in the sight of the lifeless hunters, the spilled blood, and my usually pristine living room reduced to an absolute disaster. “No, our only priority is to clean ourselves up and find a more comfortable spot, like my bed. Tomorrow morning, I’ll summon Marcus and ask for his help in disposing of these hunters.”

Unconcerned about her nakedness, she moves off my thighs and positions herself in front of me. There is no shyness, as we openly admire each other’s bodies.

“Why summon him? Why don’t you just call him on your phone?”

“Because Marcus gets so annoyed when I summon him, and it amuses me.” I lean back, stretching my legs leisurely. “Having lived three hundred years, I’ve discovered the joy of finding small things that keep life interesting.”

“Until he turns you into a toad,” she laughs.

“Fortunately, Marcus doesn’t waste his time with trivial magic tricks; he possesses a deeper mastery.” I reply with a grin. “Our relationship is built on a delicate balance of power and respect.”

“And ours? What happens now with you and me?” She fidgets slightly, her hands twisting together as if seeking comfort or reassurance.

“Now we live, we laugh, we love, and we fuck. I can’t think of a more perfect way to spend eternity. The world belongs to us, love, we can do whatever we want. We can travel to exotic places, try new things, and make unforgettable memories.”

“But I’m not immortal, Xavier. Are you going to watch me grow old and die, or can you turn me too?”

Her question weighs heavily on my mind, casting a shadow over our conversation. The uncertainty surrounding her mortality and the possibility of her aging troubles me deeply. With a thoughtful pause, I respond, attempting to provide some clarity. “I wish I had all the answers, little wolf. But the truth is, I have never come across a vampire turning a werewolf before. Perhaps, given your unique half-blood status, the outcome will be in our favor, but I can’t say for certain. We could consult Marcus; he possesses more knowledge in these matters. But for now, let us set aside these worries and embrace the present. Join me in the shower, and I will show you how truly delightful our life together can be.”
