Page 32 of Bite Me Baby

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“Um... actually, it’s not done; there is a dead shadow schemer in the hidden passageways,” Lyra informs him.

A flick of Marcus’s wrist unleashes a dazzling blue spark that streaks through the walls, penetrating the hidden passageways. “Not anymore, Lyra Starling,” he asserts confidently. “The act of cleaning, as it transpires, can indeed be an enchanting embodiment of artistic finesse.”

“Thank you for doing this; come join us for a drink,” I invite, gesturing for Marcus to take a seat in the armchair.

Walking over to the wet bar, I pour three glasses of whiskey and hand one to Marcus and another to Lyra. Once they have their drinks, I retake my seat. With my glass in one hand, I lift my other arm and casually drape it across the back of the sofa. I twirl a lock of Lyra’s soft hair around my finger, unable to resist the urge to make contact in some small way. I contemplate whether this feeling will always linger within me.

“Lyra and I need to discuss something important with you,” I begin, my gaze shifting between Marcus and Lyra. “As you know, Lyra is not immortal, and if we want to stay together, I would have to turn her into a vampire. However, I’m uncertain if such a transformation is even possible. Have you ever heard of a vampire turning a werewolf?”

Marcus’s expression turns somber as he responds, “There exists a documented occurrence in which a vampire made an endeavor to transform a werewolf of pure-blood lineage; however, regrettably, the consequences were of a tragic nature. The werewolf endured a distressing demise, fraught with agony and suffering.”

Lyra and I exchange a worried glance, our concerns mirrored in our eyes. Seeking clarity, Lyra interjects with a tinge of hope, “But what about the fact that I am a half-blood? Won’t that make a difference?”

“Indubitably, I cannot assert with absolute certainty. However, it is within the realm of possibility that Xavier’s blood, possessing a potency surpassing the innate lycanthropic essence within you, could prevail over your werewolf nature, ultimately effectuating a metamorphosis into a vampire.”

“What about the dark magic you used on yourself? Could that be an option?” I ask, seeking any potential solution.

“Indeed, my esteemed companion, the matter of this particular magic demands our utmost gravity. Its potency is formidable, coupled with inherent perils that should not be taken lightly. Even I, with all my fortitude, barely emerged unscathed from the strenuous journey it entails. Alas, I find it inconceivable to fathom how Lyra could withstand such tribulations. However, I am resolute in my commitment to delve into the profound depths of my extensive collection of historical and arcane tomes. Within the hallowed pages of these venerable texts lies the potential to uncover a veiled incantation or enchantment, one that may hold the key to facilitating her metamorphosis through the conduit of your life-giving essence.”

“Thank you, Marcus; I suppose, for now, that is all we can do,” I say, with a sigh. It’s not the answer we are looking for, and I refuse to believe that fate would be so cruel as to tie me and Lyra together if there is no way for us to stay together. Moreover, certain unsettling events from the previous night gnaw at the recesses of my mind. “I’ve been bothered by how the hunters and the shadow schemers managed to breach the protective barrier last night. The Limenia lock spell should have kept them out.”

“Shadow schemers demonstrate remarkable ingenuity; they possess the exceptional capability to unveil concealed entities,” Marcus responds, taking a sip of his whiskey. “It is conceivable that one among their ranks has acquired a talisman, enabling them to circumvent our impregnable defensive enclosure. As for their pursuit of Lyra, pray tell, who was the instigator behind this malevolent act?”

“I don’t know,” I admit. “They refused to divulge any information, focusing solely on trying to eliminate me.”

Beside me, Lyra shifts uncomfortably, emitting a small sound that catches my attention. I raise an eyebrow and glance at her, silently urging her to share what she knows. “Did the shadow schemer reveal anything to you?”

The truth is apparent on her face; she knows something.

“Yes, it turns out that the shadow schemer was pretty willing to share once I stabbed him in the throat. I know who sent the hunters, but I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

Her gaze shifts nervously, avoiding direct eye contact. “Because you will get all huffy and start making threats about ripping things off that shouldn’t be ripped off.”

“I do not get huffy.”

“You kind of do.”

Lyra’s refusal to share the information only amplifies my desire to uncover the truth. My mind races, contemplating the possibilities of what the shadow schemer might have revealed.

Marcus sets his glass down on the table and leans forward, his expression serious. “I comprehend your apprehension; however, it is imperative to recognize that we are collectively vested in this situation. The information conveyed to you possesses potential significance in uncovering the perpetrators responsible for this assault.”

Lyra fidgets with her glass, her gaze fixed on its contents. After a moment of silence, she places the glass on the table and finally speaks. “I’m sorry, my lips are sealed.”

Her reluctance to say anything unknowingly reveals the truth—the one thing that Lyra is fiercely protective of is her father. I clench my jaw, struggling to maintain composure as a mixture of anger and hurt washes over me. “It was your brothers, wasn’t it?”

“I’m not saying anything, and you promised you wouldn’t hurt them. If you do, then you are no better than them because you will be betraying me too.”

“Lyra is indeed correct; we must refrain from pursuing her family,” Marcus interjects. “I shall fortify the incantation, guaranteeing impenetrability for your abode. Our attention must now be directed towards the broader perspective as we endeavor to ascertain the means by which those accountable can be held to account.”

This is the downside to having a woman, I lament internally, grappling with the complexities of my own emotions. I want to protect Lyra, to shield her from harm, but I also yearn to exact vengeance upon those who have wronged her. I can’t afford to jeopardize the hard-won acceptance of our bond, especially now.

“I will try and rein myself in, but it will take work on your part to keep me otherwise distracted.” A smirk tugs at the corner of my lips because I know exactly how to keep myself from making any mistakes. It involves my cock, her tight little body, and a king-sized bed.

“Why, you eternal parasite, are you trying to seduce me?” She laughs softly.

“Mmm, I am; is it working?”
