Page 34 of Bite Me Baby

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“Ah, fascinating creatures, but I’m afraid they fall into the realm of fiction. It amuses me how humans possess an incredible ability to conjure up fantastical beings to entertain themselves and weave captivating stories.”

“Goblins, then?”

“Now, goblins, on the other hand, have indeed existed. They are mischievous and malevolent creatures that dwell in dark places and bring trouble upon humans.”

“Ooh, here’s a good one. What about the boogeyman?”

Xavier comes to a stop. “The only boogeyman around here is me, love.”

“You’re not as scary as you think, bloodsucker.”

“No?” He grins, allowing his fangs to descend and his eyes to radiate an intimidating red glow. “What about now?”

I love this playful side of him, but he still doesn’t scare me. “Not so much, no.”

“Perhaps I should whip out my monster sword and see if that scares you,” he jokes, winking at me.

“If monster sword is an analogy for your dick, I’ve seen it, and it’s not that impressive,” I reply with a smirk even though it really is impressive. “But your sense of humor is.”

He snorts, the red glow in his eyes fading away. “My magnificence is wasted upon you.”

“Don’t pout,” I tease, unable to contain my laughter at the disgruntled expression on his face. “I love your monster sword, and I’ll show you just how much after our date.”

Xavier’s laughter echoes through the lush foliage that surrounds us. “You’re one-of-a-kind, my little wolf,” he remarks. “Let’s forget about all the fantastical beasts for now, and yes, that includes my cock. Tonight, I want to show you some of the enchantment this world has to offer.”

Mmm, he’s been showing me the magic all the time, but I’m not complaining, and if he wants to show me more, I’m all for it.

Xavier leads me further into the forest, and the sound of rushing water grows louder with each step we take. He leads me through a thicket of trees and bushes, and I get my first glimpse of his surprise. My breath catches in my throat at the sight because I have never seen anything like it. It’s massive, a wall of water cascading down from a towering cliff, and in the darkness, it’s illuminated by a soft blue light that seems to be coming from within the waterfall itself. It’s like the waterfall is made of liquid stars, and every droplet that falls shimmers and twinkles.

As it falls, it forms a pool at the base, and the sound of the water mixes with the soothing hum of the forest. Ferns and mosses cling to the rocks surrounding the waterfall, and fireflies dance around the waterfall. Xavier is right; there is a lot of magic in this world, and for a girl from a dusty old trailer park, it’s almost overwhelming to experience it all.

Xavier takes my hand, and we walk toward the pool at the base of the waterfall. The power of the water vibrates through the ground beneath my feet. I let go of his hand and drop to my knees beside the pool, feeling the mist spraying on my face. The bottom of the pool is visible, and I watch as fish dart in and out of the rocks, enjoying the cool refuge created by the waterfall. The soft blue glow of the waterfall dances and shimmers on the pool’s surface, creating a mesmerizing effect.

I glance back at Xavier, feeling my cheeks bunch up from the smile that’s splitting my face. “It’s amazing.”

He looks at me like there is no waterfall in sight, like I’m the most amazing thing he’s ever seen. “I knew you would like it, little wolf.”

“What causes the water to glow like that?”

“Ah, that is the magic I was telling you about. Let’s go for a swim, and I’ll show you.”

We strip down, leaving our clothes in a discarded pile. Xavier’s eyes wander lazily over my body. He smirks when my nipples harden under his gaze. I shiver, but I’m not cold; his eyes on me make it feel like I’m burning up.

“You enchant me, love,” he murmurs before taking my hand again and leading me into the water.

The coolness of the water against my skin instantly awakens my senses, making me feel alive in his presence and in this magical place. Xavier dives beneath the water’s surface, its crystal-clear clarity allowing me to appreciate every inch of his skin, every ripple, and every flex of his muscles. He resurfaces, shaking the water from his dark hair.

Droplets cling to his glistening skin as he locks eyes with me. “Let’s swim under the waterfall.”

I nod in agreement, and we swim towards the waterfall. The water is loud and grows colder as we approach the cascading water. We dive under, and the rush of water surrounds us, making it hard to see or hear anything else. It’s a dizzying experience, and we stay under for as long as we can before coming up for air. I let out a soft gasp, my eyes widening in awe and wonder. We’ve stumbled upon a hidden treasure: a secret cave nestled behind the majestic waterfall. Inside, the blue glow seems to come alive, even more vibrant than it appeared from the outside. The whole place is bathed in a soft, mystical light thanks to the luminous crystals that cover every inch of space on the walls and ceiling of the cave. On the far side of the pool, huge rocks jut out, while stalactites hang from the ceiling, resembling nature’s own chandeliers.

Driven by curiosity, I swim closer to the wall, reaching out to touch the smooth crystals. They feel cool and slightly rough against my fingertips, but there’s also a subtle warmth emanating from them. Each crystal has its own unique color—some are deep blue like the ocean, while others have a soft purple hue.

Xavier swims up behind me, pressing his wet chest against my back and wrapping his arms around my waist. His presence and his touch magnify the beauty that fills the cave. He’s an integral part of the magic, adding an extra spark to the experience.

As far as first dates go, this one is unforgettable. I have seriously been dating the wrong men—men who think that taking me to a fast-food restaurant and then going in for a grope is a good first date.

“How did you find this place?” I ask as I run my hand along the wall.
