Page 39 of Bite Me Baby

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As my words resonate in the silence, I watch the impact they have on her. The realization dawns upon her that I am unwavering, and that the futility of our situation won’t deter me. Her eyes, once filled with defiance, now glisten with unshed tears. She blinks in a feeble attempt to stem the flow, but I can see the depth of her emotions.

“You will die, Xavier,” she whispers.

I reach out and cup her cheek, my thumb brushing away the tears that escape. “Don’t waste your tears on me, love. I have lived a long, full life, and these last days with you have been the most meaningful. If I die, I die knowing what it feels like to truly love, for you have awakened a fire within me that burns brighter than the sun itself. Every moment spent in your embrace has been a testament to the power of love, and I would trade a thousand lifetimes for a single breath shared with you.”

She shakes her head in defiance, strands of hair falling across her face. “I can’t accept that; if you refuse to step down from the challenge, then I will leave right now, and you will never see me again. I’ll go back to the pack, give them what they want, and then there is no reason for Lucian to fight you.”

The ultimatum hangs in the air, suffocating me with its weight. I stare into her eyes, searching for a flicker of compromise but finding none.

“You said you wanted to stay with me; you chose me,” I seethe.

Her expression remains unchanged, unwavering. “I did choose you, and now I’m asking that you choose me.”

“I will always choose you, little wolf.” The truth in my words resonates deep within my soul, but I know that this is a battle I cannot surrender. “And that is why I have to do this.”

I’m angry that she would dare to give me an ultimatum, to hang the threat of our love over my head like a sword. The anger fuels my next words, words that are meant to cut and make her bleed. “I am going to the city to feed. Don’t wait up for me.”



There’snoendtohow much pain a person can handle or how many times their heart can break, but I think I’ve reached my limit. It really hurts that Xavier won’t back down from fighting Lucian—it hurts like hell. It adds insult to injury that he refuses to listen to reason and leaves me to find someone else to feed on. It’s just another layer of hurt on top of the pain. And the fact that he knows he’s hurting me breaks my heart all over again.

It’s not that I don’t think that Xavier isn’t powerful enough to defeat Lucian, because I know he is. But doubts still gnaw at the edges of my mind, the uncertainty of the upcoming fight casting shadows over my belief. My faith in Xavier’s strength is accompanied by a fear of what my brothers are capable of. What I told Xavier remains true. It’s going to be a dirty, no-holds-barred fight. They’ll come at him from all angles, using every sneaky trick in the book, and they will definitely bite him, using their venom to weaken him. They won’t make it quick and painless either; they’ll draw it out, making sure Xavier suffers every agonizing moment of their attack. His quick reflexes and sharp mind might help if he were only facing Lucian, but an entire pack of wolves that hate vampires is a different story. He won’t survive; he’ll be ripped to shreds.

I wondered before if the way I feel about Xavier is love, and now I have my answer because just the thought of him having to suffer even the slightest bit makes my heart ache. It’s not a fleeting infatuation; it’s a love that pierces my very soul.

I can’t bear the idea of him being hurt because of me, not by my own family. My inner wolf is as restless as I am, and we both know we have to do whatever it takes to protect Xavier.

Saving our mate—that’s what it boils down to. I need to figure out a way to put a stop to this fight.

There is only one person who has the power to rein Lucian in, and that’s my dad. He’s the alpha of our pack, and Lucian has no choice but to listen to him. However, I’m not sure if my dad will be willing to intervene, especially since Xavier is a vampire. I need to find a way to convince him, and that’s exactly why I left Xavier’s house and am now making my way into the trailer park that’s home to my pack.

Maybe it’s time to stop referring to them as “my pack,” for they have never truly belonged to me. The ties that are supposed to bind us are frayed, and I’m on the edge, torn between loyalty and the pursuit of my own happiness.

I’m sorry, but for once, I am going to be selfish and choose my happiness.

As I enter the trailer park, the sight of the worn-down trailers scattered across the dusty ground evokes a wave of mixed emotions. Each rusted corner and cracked window holds memories of the challenges I faced while living here. It’s a place that shaped me, molded me into the person I am today. The low hum of the generator buzzes in the background, a constant presence that powers the community. It’s like a heartbeat, pulsing with stories.

Dim lights hang haphazardly between the trailers, their thin glow casting a depressed atmosphere. They flicker sporadically, struggling to illuminate the surroundings. The air is filled with the sounds of laughter, people having sex, and the occasional clash of voices.

My gaze sweeps across the area, and I spot a familiar figure. There he is, my dad, a big, towering presence with a long, unruly beard. He’s seated on a beat-up camp chair, surrounded by my brothers. They’re passing around a cigarette and a jar of moonshine, indulging in their shared vices. Reluctantly, I make my way over, knowing full well that my arrival will disrupt the fragile equilibrium. Each footfall feels heavy; I’m dragged down by my emotions. My palms grow clammy, and I wipe them on the sides of my jeans, desperately seeking a sense of grounding. I straighten my posture, forcing my trembling limbs to obey my command.

My brothers’ faces contort in surprise, quickly morphing into expressions of pure animosity. Their hostility fills the air, thick and suffocating, a tangible reminder of the deep-seated resentment brewing within them. My dad and I lock eyes, and unspoken tension crackles between us. It’s clear that my brothers have told him that they found me with Xavier, and I can see that he is grappling with the sudden reappearance of his wayward daughter, struggling to reconcile the choices I’ve made.

“Dad,” I greet him as I step into their tight circle. The ground beneath my feet feels unsteady, as if it reflects the uncertainty coursing through my veins.

“Lyra,” he replies firmly, crossing his arms and gripping the jug of moonshine tightly. His look cuts right through me. The lines etched on his weathered face speak of battles fought, sacrifices made, and a steadfast dedication to preserving the pack’s traditions. “So, them good old boys in the pack been whispering about you getting cozy with a vamp, huh? You dang well know how I feel about them bloodsuckers. Why in tarnation would you go and do something like this? I done brought you into this pack, gave you a family and a life, and you go turning your back on me for some bloodsucking vampire?”

“You’re angry, dad, and I get it, but you know I would never do something to deliberately disobey you.”

“Well, shoot! Why did you have to go and pick a vampire, when you had a whole pack to choose from? And if that ain’t bad enough, it’s that no-good Thorne.”

“What is your problem with Xavier?”

“Xavier Thorne? That sumbitch embodies everything I reckon threatens the unity and grit of our pack. I done witnessed firsthand the damn mess them vampire alliances bring. They ain’t nothing but a heap of trouble, putting our very essence at risk. Can’t fathom why in tarnation you’d choose to spread your legs for that sorry excuse of a critter.”

I take a big breath because he isn’t going to like what I have to say next. “I didn’t choose him; he was chosen for me; Xavier and I are...” I pause, searching for the right words, but it’s better to come right out and say it. “We’re fated mates.”
