Page 41 of Bite Me Baby

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The pack whispers and grumbles in response, it’s clear they are unhappy about my dad trying to put a stop to this.

“Well, if it ain’t the Alpha thinking he’s got himself a choice, Listen here, old man, if you back down now, the whole pack’s gonna sniff out your weakness like a hound on a fresh trail.” Lucian turns his gaze to me, repeating the question. “What are your terms?”

Oh god, I’m going to die, and my last moments with Xavier were nothing but a stupid fight. Regret floods me, but I take a deep breath, mustering my courage and holding my ground. “My terms are simple. It’s you and me and whether I win or lose, the fight with Xavier is off. You will not go after him, and, in fact, you will forget he ever crossed our paths.”

“Ain’t no way you gonna win. Heck, you won’t even last five measly seconds ‘round here. Well, shoot, fine then. I reckon I’ll accept your terms.” He lifts his chin, throwing a look at my dad. “So, Alpha, what’s your say, huh?”

Resignation flickers across my dad’s face, and I feel a pang of guilt for putting him in this position. I wish there was another way. “Lucian accepts your challenge.”

The pack erupts in a wild frenzy of cheers and howls, their blood pumping with a craving for a good fight. They’ve also finally gotten rid of me, and they have wanted that for a long time.

“Lucian! Lucian! Lucian!” they chant, their voices mingling with excitement and anticipation. Each repetition of his name makes the knot of fear cinch tighter in my stomach. Yes, I perceive myself to be a badass, but I know my limits.

I can’t back down now.

I follow Lucian to an open expanse of dusty terrain, our footsteps kicking up swirls of dirt. In the center, we turn toward each other, ready to face off. The pack members encircle us, their eyes gleaming. Much to their delight, Lucian grabs his wife-beater and rips it in half, flinging the torn fabric to the ground. His muscles bulge as he flexes, a cocky grin on his face. I want to wipe the grin from his face, but I won’t be wiping anything.

The exact thing I warned Xavier about happens. Even though Lucian will win this fight easily, he decides to unleash the power of his half-man, half-beast form. With a surge of raw energy, his body undergoes a transformation, merging the characteristics of a human and a wolf into a fearsome hybrid form.Lucian’s muscles ripple and expand, gaining incredible strength and agility. His skin takes on a rugged texture, covered in a layer of short, coarse fur that blends seamlessly with his complexion. His face becomes a melding of human and wolf features, showcasing a prominent snout with sharp, fang-like teeth and eyes glowing with amber. His hands and feet morph into powerful claws, capable of cutting through any obstacle in his path.

In this hybrid form, his body becomes larger and more imposing, exuding an aura of dominance and ferocity. His chest expands, emphasizing his physical strength, while his senses heighten to an even greater degree, allowing him to perceive the world with unparalleled clarity.

This is going to be painful.

Despite the intimidating transformation, elements of his human nature still remain. His eyes retain a flicker of intelligence and emotion, giving hints of the man he once was.

“You’re nothing but a damn embarrassment to our kind. I’m gonna show you what it truly means to be a real werewolf.” His voice takes on a guttural, growling quality, merging human speech with primal snarls.

My heart hammers against my ribcage, threatening to break free from my chest. The rhythm of its beats echoes the pounding in my temples. In this moment, I feel more vulnerable than ever before. Exposed and defenseless. My inner wolf whimpers, lowering her head in submission.

Lucian steps closer, his heated breath stirring the hair around my face, and I brace myself for the punishment that is about to come, but I know that I have already lost.

Forgive me, Xavier.



Iusedtobelievethat when someone died, they would be free from pain. It is a comforting idea, a story we tell ourselves to ease the pain of losing a loved one. But now, it’s become brutally clear that it’s nothing but a load of bullshit, a tale spun to offer comfort in the face of loss.

I find myself in this confusing moment, and I can’t help but question if I’m really dead or not.

My eyes fight against the weight of darkness. Slowly, they flutter open, and the world swims into view, a blur of shapes and colors. But there’s no paradise awaiting me. Instead, I’m met with an onslaught of agonizing pain. I can’t tell where it begins and ends. It’s as if every nerve in my body is on fire.

Maybe I’m not dead.

Every breath I take feels like a knife piercing through my chest, my body convulsing with a hacking cough that rattles my frame. The pain surges through me, rendering me motionless, trapped in the prison of my own suffering. Hot tears stream down my face, mingling with the sweat that coats my skin. I fix my gaze on the weathered wooden planks above, where spiderwebs cling to the aged wood—a ceiling of some kind, a sanctuary, or a really big coffin—I’m not sure.

Maybe I am dead, and I have crossed over to the other side, but I’m on the wrong side, the side where pain is eternal.

I don’t know where I am or how I got here; the last thing I remember is my dad kneeling in the dust beside my broken body. He stared down at me, a solitary tear tracing a path down his cheek. But as that tear vanished into his beard, his expression shifted, mirroring the way my brothers have always looked at me.

He whispered, “You might as well be a ghost to me now, Lyra. You’ve done gone and brought a heap of shame upon our kinfolk, disrespecting our good old family name. There ain’t no forgiveness in my heart for what you’ve gone and done.” With those words, he got up, turned, and walked away.

Now I’m on a bed, its worn-out springs groaning in protest beneath my weight. I’m acutely aware of the heaviness that holds me down, as if I’m tied by invisible chains that bind me to this painful life.

My fractured leg lies at an unnatural angle, and with every attempt to shift or reduce the torture, the pain explodes. The jagged shards of bone within me seem to scream out in protest, searing through my body like molten lava. The slightest movement sends shockwaves of agony rippling through my veins. I can almost feel the fractured pieces of bone grinding against each other.

I’m transported back to that hellish moment, reliving the nightmare as if it’s happening all over again. Lucian grabs hold of me and slams me to the ground. I’m left gasping for air, stunned, and disoriented, desperately trying to make sense of what just happened. But before I can even gather my wits, the relentless onslaught begins. Lucian’s kicks rain down on my leg. It’s like he’s possessed, unleashing a fury that’s hell-bent on breaking me. I hear sickening cracks, like the snapping of dry twigs, as my bones give way under the onslaught. Lucian’s face contorts with sadistic pleasure. His eyes gleam with twisted satisfaction, reveling in my suffering. The relentless assault continues, blow after blow, until I can no longer distinguish one from another.
