Page 47 of Bite Me Baby

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“That’s not helpful. What kind of beast is she, and how do we tame her?” I ask vehemently.

“What knowledge have you acquired regarding Lyra’s matriarchal lineage?”

“Her mother was a human, a mortal.” Lyra told me her mother was a stripper and an addict, and there was nothing special about her mother. It was a difficult childhood for Lyra, growing up in poverty and constantly surrounded by the chaos of her mother’s lifestyle. From a young age, Lyra knew that she couldn’t rely on her mother for stability or guidance. Her mother’s focus was always on the next man, the next drink, and the next fix. Neglected and left to her own devices, Lyra learned to fend for herself until her mother died and she was handed to her father, another person who let her down.

“I hold the belief that she was not so inclined. Throughout various mythologies, numerous accounts recount the existence of colossal lupine entities, often attributed as progeny born from the union between divine and mortal entities. Fenrir, an exemplar of such a creature, attained notoriety for its formidable resistance to subjugation. The annals of Inuit folklore further recount the presence of a kindred entity named Amarok, purportedly denoting the largest and most formidable lupine specimen to ever roam the earth. It is plausible, perhaps, that her maternal lineage traces its origins to one of these revered mythical beings.”

“That is bloody fantastic, Marcus,” I retort. “She was supposed to turn into a vampire, not some mythical beast.”

Marcus raises an eyebrow, considering my words. “Perhaps the transformation into a mythical beast was unforeseen, an unexpected twist in the prophecy,” he suggests. “After all, legends and prophecies often intertwine in mysterious ways.”

I let out an exasperated sigh, realizing that Lyra’s journey might be more complicated than we initially thought. The idea of her mother being a mythological creature adds an entirely new layer of complexity to her story.

“Well, at least she’s not dead.” Alex shrugs and grins at me. “Good work, X; you saved her, and with her on our side, we’ll have no problem going after her brothers.”

Yes, she is very much alive, and while I’m ecstatic about it, I’m not sure about this new form of hers.

“I hold the belief that she does not align herself with our cause. Her formidable presence, insatiable countenance, and unwavering gaze directed upon us allude to the notion that we might be regarded as her imminent sustenance.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying, man. You need to speak like a normal person,” Alexander huffs.

“Marcus is saying that Lyra looks ravenous and that her intense stare and imposing demeanor suggest that she sees us as potential prey,” I explain, attempting to simplify Marcus’s words for Alexander. But considering it’s Alexander, I simplify it even further. “It’s like she’s sizing us up and deciding whether or not to have us for dinner. How did this happen? Why has she transformed into this beast?”

“I surmise that the beast has always resided within her. Furthermore, she has been subjected to a substantial injection of lycanthropic venom through her siblings’ biting. Both Amara and I, in our endeavor to heal her, infused her with our respective powers, and subsequently, you shared your blood with her. This amalgamation has unleashed an immense surge of magic,” Marcus explains.

“Again, I have no idea what you’re saying.”

“Alex,” I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “We’ve unintentionally overdosed Lyra with magic, and she seems to have absorbed it all.” I dare to divert my gaze from the menacing beast and turn to Marcus. “How do we reverse this? How do we turn her back?”

Lyra suddenly lunges off the bed, landing with a soft thud on the ground. My head snaps back in her direction as she starts to prowl towards us, each step deliberate and filled with lethal grace. Now I know how mortals feel when I stalk them through the shadows.

It is not a pleasant feeling.

Realizing the imminent danger, Alex’s survival instincts kick in, and he pushes me forward, a mix of urgency and amusement in his voice. “X, I think this is your show because Lyra is your girlfriend.”

I stumble for a moment, caught off guard by Alex’s remark. However, the gravity of the situation quickly sinks in, and I find my voice. “Right, of course. I’ll handle it.” My attempt at confidence wavers slightly, and a nervous glance is exchanged between the three of us.

Lyra’s snarls grow louder as she prowls closer. With each step she takes, I try to exude a calm and soothing presence, determined to break through the savage exterior and reach the woman beneath.

“Little wolf,” I say softly, my voice gentle yet firm. “It’s me, Xavier. I know you’re in there, somewhere. Please hear my voice.”

She snaps her jaws and lunges towards me, teeth bared in a warning display. Ignoring the urge to retreat, I hold my ground, maintaining eye contact, hoping that somewhere deep within her, she can recognize the familiarity of my voice.

“Beguile her, beguile her,” Alexander yells while pressing his back into the wall to get as far away as possible from Lyra’s jaws.

Bloody hell, I am not going to beguile her; she is already going to be fuming when she realizes that she transforms into a beast, and I do not need to exacerbate her rage.

“Calm down, love, and just listen to my voice. You don’t have to be afraid because I’m not here to hurt you.” As I speak, I slowly reach out my hand, offering it to her as a gesture of peace. She snaps at my hand, almost taking off my fingers, but I don’t flinch. They’ll grow back anyway. “I understand that you’re scared and confused right now, but I promise you that I’m here to help you.”

A glimmer of recognition flickers in her eyes, a momentary pause in the fierceness that surrounds her. Encouraged by this small breakthrough, I cautiously extend my hand toward her again. She hesitates for a moment, but the fur standing rigid at the back of her neck slowly relaxes.

“That’s it,” I murmur.

She snorts, and the air blows through my hair as she tries to assert her dominance.

“No, there will be none of that, love.” To my surprise and relief, she bows her massive head, allowing me to make contact. I stroke her mane gently, trying to calm her down further. A rumbling purr emanates from deep within her chest, vibrations resonating through her massive body. She emits a series of chuffing sounds, expressing her submission.

“Good girl,” I whisper, relieved that she’s finally listening to me.
