Page 49 of Bite Me Baby

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“Enough, Alexander,” I state firmly.

We resume our trek, our footsteps blending with the nocturnal symphony of the forest, united in our determination to protect what is ours.

Our conversation dies down as we near the trailer park, each of us knowing that we have the element of surprise and stealth on our side. The pack thinks Lyra is dead; they have no idea that she is alive and transformed into a powerful beast.

We move silently, avoiding any twigs or leaves that could give us away, but it is unnecessary because as we approach the trailer park, the scent of bonfires and the echoes of raucous laughter and wild fucking grow stronger. The sound of crackling flames mixes with rowdy shouts and clinking bottles, signaling the werewolves’ celebration.

“Pray tell, what endeavors are they undertaking?” Marcus asks.

“They are celebrating Lucian’s victory,” I reply as I witness the man in question being hoisted onto someone’s shoulders and carried around the bonfire. The pack howls in excitement and raises their drinks in tribute to him. It’s a wild scene, one that reminds me of the untamed nature of these fucking mutts. I am a creature of the night. I drink the blood of mortals, but I’m sickened by the scene playing out in front of me. Lyra is Lucian’s sister; they are blood, yet he has no remorse for what he has done to her.

Lyra growls low in her throat. The transformation has granted her strength, and her primordial impulses surge to the forefront. She wants to rip Lucian apart. A fierce determination courses through my veins, fueled by the injustice inflicted on her. I place a calming hand on Lyra’s fur, silently urging her to hold her ground and to wait for the perfect moment. We will show them what true power lies within her new form, and this time she won’t be facing them alone. Her eyes lock with mine, the intensity of her gaze conveying a shared resolve. She will make them pay for their ignorance and for underestimating her strength.

“Is there anyone you want to spare?” I ask, thinking about her father and the devotion and loyalty she has always held for him.

She shakes her head. It seems Lyra is done with her family and her pack, and I, for one, can’t blame her.

The celebration continues, with the revelry reaching a crescendo as they cheer Lucian’s triumph. But the time for celebration will soon give way to a reckoning, an awakening to the power that resides within the darkness.

With a nod, we move forward, our footsteps silent and purposeful. Shadows cloak our approach, obscuring our true nature until the perfect moment arrives. As we stand on the outskirts of the bonfire’s glow, Lyra’s presence becomes known. A collective hush falls over the pack, their laughter and merriment dissipating into a tense silence. Their eyes widen and their jaws drop as they behold the unleashed fury standing before them.

Lyra’s howl pierces the night, a declaration of her existence, her strength, and her vengeance. It echoes with a resonance that shakes the very foundations of their foolish celebration.

Their faces contort with shock and fear, mirroring the emotions they denied Lyra in their ignorance. They see her now not as a half-blood or a lifeless sacrifice but as a force to be reckoned with—a beacon of fury, a guardian of her own destiny.

“What the fuck?” Lucian shouts, drawing Lyra’s attention. A grave error on his part because he is the one that she wants. As the pack scrambles to respond, Lyra charges forward, her muscular form moving with a grace that belies her newfound power. She unleashes her wrath upon those who dare to get between her and Lucian, teeth and claws tearing through the fragile illusions they held.

Lyra locks eyes with Lucian as he stands in his half-beast form. With a fierce snarl, she lunges at him, her powerful muscles propelling her forward. Lucian, his snarling maw lined with razor-sharp fangs, meets her charge head-on, muscles rippling with brute force. She relies on agility and precision, ducking and dodging his brutal swipes, her instincts guiding her every movement. Her claws leave deep gouges in his flesh, but Lucian’s resilience is unwavering.

Their battle becomes a whirlwind of snarls and growls, with the clash of fur and the scent of blood filling the air. Lyra’s eyes burn with determination as she digs deep within herself, summoning every ounce of her strength and primal fury. She lands a powerful blow on Lucian’s flank, causing him to stagger momentarily, but he retaliates with a powerful swipe of his own. She unleashes a series of lightning-fast attacks, her claws tearing through fur and flesh and leaving a trail of crimson in her wake. But Lucian, fueled by his own feral rage, fights back with equal ferocity. He manages to sink his fangs into Lyra’s shoulder, eliciting a guttural howl of pain. Lyra fights through the agony, her determination unyielding. With a surge of adrenaline, she throws her weight against Lucian, pinning him to the ground, and then it is over. She sinks her teeth into his jugular, ripping it open so his blood sprays across her face as he goes limp. Lyra raises her head, emitting a low, triumphant growl.

“You see, pack of mongrels?” I taunt, my voice dripping with contempt. “This is what happens when you underestimate us. Your champion lies dead at our feet, and you are nothing but broken and defeated.”

The remaining werewolves growl in defiance, their eyes filled with rage and desperation. They charge at us with renewed fervor. I engage in combat, moving with inhuman speed and grace. My vampire abilities grant me an advantage, allowing me to anticipate the werewolves’ moves and strike back with precision. My fangs elongate, and I sink them into the flesh of my enemies, draining their life force with each swift and deadly strike. The taste of their blood fuels my power, and I grow stronger.

“Is this all you’ve got?” I sneer, dodging a desperate swipe from a werewolf. “I expected more from the mighty pack.”

Lyra, her fur matted and her eyes blazing with an unyielding fire, lunges at a particularly aggressive werewolf. Her powerful jaws clamp down on its throat, crushing bone and flesh with a sickening crunch. Blood spurts, and the werewolf falls, lifeless, to the ground. Asher, a hulking brute with raw strength, barrels towards me, his massive form causing the ground to tremble beneath his heavy footsteps. His muscles ripple as he swings a powerful fist in my direction. Swiftly, I sidestep his attack, allowing his momentum to carry him past me. Seizing the opportunity, I strike, forcing my hand into his chest cavity. His ribs crack and give way as I grab hold of his heart. With a fierce tug, I rip it out and ake a bite out of it before I hold it triumphantly in the air, watching as the life drains from his eyes.

Alexander fights with unmatched ferocity, slicing through the werewolves like a blade through silk. He moves with calculated grace, and his hits are deadly accurate, severing limbs and leaving the enemy in disarray. Marcus, his robes billowing around him, channels his magic with intense focus. Arcane flames erupt from his fingertips, engulfing werewolves in searing agony. His incantations echo through the air, commanding the elements to conform to his will. The ground beneath the combatants trembles as he unleashes waves of dark energy, blasting away any who dare to oppose us.

“Your species seems to persistently struggle in grasping valuable lessons,” Marcus, his face streaked with dirt and sweat, laughs. “It is unwise to meddle with a duo of vampires, a practitioner of arcane arts, or an aggrieved creature of formidable power.”

The trailer park becomes a canvas of destruction as bodies fall and blood stains the earth. Every swing, every spell, and every bite are testaments to our unwavering resolve. I dispatch two more and look over just in time to see Lyra eating Logan. She tears out his organs and swallows them down. She slices open his abdomen, letting his intestines spill out onto the ground. She looks up at me and I can almost see her smile as his entrails hang from her mouth. Declan’s half-eaten torso lies on the blood-soaked earth beside her. It is a sight that I will never forget.

Alexander looks over at me with a feral grin, his teeth gleaming white between his crimson-stained lips. “Your girlfriend is pretty gross. That’s going to be you, dude, if you piss her off in the future.” He turns around and sinks his teeth into a werewolf’s neck, ripping out a chunk of flesh.

Though the werewolves fight ferociously, their forces begin to dwindle. The balance of power steadily shifts in our favor, their onslaught gradually diminishing. With each defeated adversary, the resolve of the remaining pack members wavers, their confidence giving way to desperation.

Together, Marcus, Alexander, and I hold the line, our unwavering determination a testament to the power of retribution. We fight with purpose, our every action fueled by the memory of Lyra on the brink of death.

As the battle nears its climax, the werewolves, battered and demoralized, falter. They find themselves outnumbered and outmatched, their strength depleted. In a final surge of defiance, we deliver the decisive blows, rendering them incapacitated one by one.

As the dust settles and silence descends upon the trailer park, we stand amidst the fallen adversaries.

“Alas, I find myself in quite the predicament. Regrettably, a splotch of crimson has stained my noble cloak. Henceforth, I shall be compelled to seek the services of a skilled cleaner to restore its former immaculate state,” Marcus huffs, and I snort in amusement because his cloak isn’t the only thing that has blood on it; his face and hair are wet with sweat and blood too. And if I am not mistaken, he has a torn ear dangling from his beard.

“I’ll pay to have it dry cleaned; it’s the least I can do,” I say, patting him on the back.
