Page 55 of Bite Me Baby

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The beast snorts, a dismissive gesture, before defiantly turning her back to me. Amusement washes over me, tinged with a touch of pride. It is Lyra, without a doubt, who stands before me now. “Well played, Lyra. It seems you have made it abundantly clear who is in control here. Change back, love.”

With a shimmering transformation, the beast recedes, and Lyra is on her knees, panting from the pain. Without hesitation, I scoop her into my arms and, ascending the stairs, I navigate our way to the bathroom, where a haven of relaxation awaits her. The flickering glow of candles dances on the water’s surface, casting a soothing ambiance throughout the room. Steam rises from the tub, and the scent of lavender and eucalyptus fills the air. I gently lower her into the warm water, and she lets out a contented sigh, sinking into the bubbles.

I kneel beside her, running my fingers through her damp hair, relishing the sensation as my hands work the fragrant shampoo into a luxurious lather. It takes all my self-control not to get lost staring at the way the water playfully teases her breasts or wanting to explore further down to the subtle curves of her waist beneath the suds.

Once her hair is thoroughly cleansed, I grab a nearby pitcher and pour a cascade of warm water over her head, rinsing away the remaining suds. The droplets trickle down her face and shoulders, carrying away not just the physical remnants of her training session but symbolically washing away any doubts that linger.

With the task accomplished, I discard the pitcher and, without a second thought, strip down and join her in the tub. Slipping in behind her, I wrap my arm protectively around her waist, pulling her close to me. “I always knew you had it in you, my little wolf.”

“What if I couldn’t?” she asks, swirling her fingertips through the water.

Her pack caused a lot of damage with their careless dismissal of her feelings and abilities, causing her to doubt herself at times.

“But you did,” I reassure her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “And even if you hadn’t, I’m not going anywhere. It’s you and me, love, bound together for all eternity.”

“That’s a terrifyingly long time,” she laughs softly. “So, what’s our grand plan?”

I lean back, the cold porcelain against my back serving as a stark contrast to the fire that burns within me. “I told you before, we live, we laugh, we love, and we fuck.” My hands travel to her breasts, and I give the firm globes a squeeze to emphasize my point. “We make the most of every moment we have together. There are so many enchanted places that I want to show you.”

“Like the waterfall?” It comes out as a soft moan because my hands are still massaging her breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers and thumbs.

“Yes, like the waterfall,” I reply, my voice husky with desire. “There is nothing stopping us; we have the luxury of time and resources.”

She spins around eagerly on her knees, splashing water onto the tiled floor. Her face is lit up with uncontainable excitement. Water droplets cling to her skin, glistening like scattered stardust.

Her enthusiasm bubbles over as she eagerly poses her next question, her voice filled with childlike anticipation. “Can we go to Enchanted Land? It’s this badass theme park with the most thrilling rides and attractions.” Her eyes sparkle with delight as she envisions the fantastical realm. “There’s this haunted maze of illusions. It’s a spine-chilling adventure through a maze filled with ghostly illusions, mind-bending tricks, and creepy surprises lurking around every damn corner. And when the sun sets, they go all out with a mind-blowing spectacle of lights, lasers, and fireworks. I’ve always wanted to go there.”

“Little wolf,” I say, shaking my head and chuckling. “Here, I promise you the world, and you yearn for a realm of manufactured thrills and cotton candy dreams. But who am I to deny your adventurous spirit?” Leaning closer, I reach out, allowing my fingertips to trace a path along the curves of her damp skin. “We haven’t even scratched the surface of our grand adventure. Together, we’ll chase sunsets that set the sky ablaze, weave our own tales beneath starlit canopies, and find magic in the simplest of moments. With every step we take, know that I live only for you and that my entire being pulsates with love for you. It’s not just the majestic waterfalls or the thrill of theme parks that captivate me; it’s the way your laughter dances in the air and the touch of your warmth that sets my soul on fire. Enchanted Land might offer its thrills, but they pale in comparison to the exhilaration I feel when I’m by your side. You are my adventure, my partner in all things extraordinary.”

“I don’t have your beautiful words or your seductive promises. I’m just a girl who grew up in a trailer park, never realizing I could mean so much to someone.” Her eyes well up with tears, reflecting a kaleidoscope of emotions. “I choose you, Xavier, and I will always choose you. We’ll write our own damn fairy tale, one that will inspire generations to come.”

Moved by her words, I draw her closer, our bodies pulled together by an irresistible force. In this moment, the world around us fades into insignificance. With an insatiable hunger that transcends mortal desires, I press my lips against hers in a kiss that sets the night ablaze with passion. It is a kiss that carries the weight of centuries, a testament to the depth of my immortal existence. It speaks of a love that will defy the sands of time, marking the end of one chapter and signaling the eternal story of our intertwined souls.

As our lips part, the echoes of our shared adventures reverberate through the corridors of our immortal hearts. Promises of an endless future, brimming with unexplored realms and audacious escapades, echo within us. In this eternal embrace, we embark on a path woven with shadows and moonlit secrets, bound together and ready to embrace what awaits us in the realm of everlasting night.
