Page 7 of Bite Me Baby

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Marcus chuckles, clearly amused by my misfortune. “One could argue that her appeal is an acquired taste. Much like appreciating the nuances of a complex vintage, it requires a discerning palate to fully savor her unique qualities and charms.”

“Another three hundred years of life is not long enough to grow accustomed to that. When the date finally ended, I felt relieved. I thanked her for the meal and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek, then disappeared into the night. I won’t see her again because I can’t stand the thought of drinking her blood, even if it is just a little.” I realize that feeding on humans is becoming more difficult with each passing year. Their diets and lifestyles are changing, and their blood is no longer as appealing as it used to be. It makes me wonder if I should start looking for alternative sources of sustenance. However, that would be difficult. Feeding on humans is easy and convenient. Anything else would require effort and planning.

“It seems that you could derive considerable advantage from partaking in an authentic libation.” Marcus gets up from the sofa, his long legs stretching out before him, making himself comfortable in my home as he ambles over to the wet bar.

He pours himself a glass of scotch and holds up the decanter of blood, silently asking if I want a drink. This is where I run into a problem because I haven’t told Marcus about my third date, the one I just returned from. It was the worst date yet, and the woman was so infuriating that I snapped. The rage that was simmering beneath my skin erupted in a fit of fury, and I tore into her throat, almost draining her completely. I pulled back in time, the monster within me recoiling at the thought of taking an innocent life.

I am not a mindless beast, after all, and the idea of killing someone who doesn’t deserve it weighs heavily on my conscience. However, her blood was delectable, and I drank my fill.

My eyes remain transfixed on the decanter, and my mind is lost in the swirls of ruby-red liquid that seem to dance before me. Its aroma wafts towards me, a tantalizing scent that fills my nostrils and sets my senses ablaze. It is as if the very essence of temptation has been bottled up and placed before me. My thirst is a constant companion burning within me, but I can’t indulge it further. My insides feel as though they are on the verge of bursting, and the thought of another drop of blood passing my lips is enough to make my stomach churn.

The Persian rug beneath my feet is a prized possession acquired during my travels centuries ago, and I can’t bear the thought of ruining it with a scarlet stain of vomit. My desire is still there, though, a siren song that calls to me with every passing moment.

I can’t tell Marcus that I am full of my date’s blood because I would have to admit how close I came to losing control.

“I’m trying to cut back on my intake,” I reply weakly, hoping Marcus won’t press the matter further, even knowing he will see right through my weak excuse. After all, it’s not like me to turn down a drink of blood, especially when it’s being offered so generously.

Skepticism is written plainly on his face, in the way his brows furrow and his lips twist in a wry smile. He knows me too well. He is fully aware that something is wrong, and he isn’t about to let it slide.

“Reduce your consumption? Indeed, my dear friend,” his laughter is rich and warm. “Could it be that a grander scheme is unfolding before us? Perhaps there lies a deeper meaning, a profound purpose to be discovered.”

“The truth is, I had a bit of a mishap on my date earlier. It was with a woman who couldn’t seem to put down her phone. She was constantly checking social media and texting her friends, even as we sat at a fancy restaurant. It was clear that she wasn’t interested in getting to know me, and that hurt more than I care to admit. I don’t understand why she found her phone more interesting than me. I’m a three-hundred-year-old vampire, after all. I’m tall, dark, and handsome. I have an air of mystery about me that should be irresistible to humans. But there she was, typing away on her phone as if I didn’t even exist.”

The behavior of humans puzzles me. Their fixation on their gadgets and virtual lives is a constant enigma. They seem to have lost touch with the world around them, blind to the beauty of the night and the enigma of the shadows.

“Did you employ beguilement to render her more susceptible to your allure, perchance?”

“No, I left,” I admit, still feeling irritated at the woman’s behavior. “But this one’s scent was too tantalizing to resist. I waited for her outside the bar, and when she emerged, I lost control momentarily and drank more than I intended.” I am a being of passion, and my emotions often rule over my better judgment.

“You did not take her life?”

“No,” I sourly reply. “She just requires a little iron supplement, and she’ll be fine. I’ve had enough of your infernal plan, though. Your suggestion of trying online dating was amusing at first, but it’s no longer amusing. I don’t require a profound connection; all I seek is a woman willing to spend a few hours in my bed. And when I’ve had my fill of her, she must leave, ideally before the break of dawn.” The night is my domain, and I crave the company of a woman who understands my needs.

He saunters over, a glass of amber liquid in hand, the ice cubes clinking against each other like miniature chimes. The familiar scent of rich, smoky Scotch wafts over me as he retakes his seat on the sofa.

“Are you truly certain that dedicating your time to mere mortals is a worthwhile pursuit?” he asks, his voice low, gravelly, and tinged with amusement. “Would it not be more prudent to seek companionship in the presence of the numerous supernatural beings that grace Shadowbrook’s enchanting forests?”

I roll my eyes, already expecting the familiar argument. “And what do you suggest? A witch, with their twisted power and volatile nature? Fae, with their penchant for retribution and trickery? Shape shifters, who require constant attention and care? Or perhaps a werewolf, with their pungent odor and territorial tendencies?” The thought of a female werewolf slobbering all over my cock while her claws rake my thighs as she attempts to claim me as her territory makes my lips curl up in disgust. “I prefer my lovers to be human, with all their flaws and vulnerabilities. At least they don’t try to rip out my throat in the throes of passion.”

“Indeed, while your sweeping generalization of witches may provoke a twinge of amusement within me, I must assert my position as a warlock and express my objection,” he remarks, taking a sip of his Scotch. “However, I do concede that comprehending your reservations is within the realm of reason. It is an undeniable fact that not everyone possesses the fortitude necessary to navigate the profound intensity of our exceptional kind.”

“Intensity? Is that what you call it?”

“The magnitude of power that surges through our very beings is not one to be taken lightly. We possess an extraordinary gift, capable of forging or unraveling, of commanding mountains to bow or souls to fracture. We are a distinct lineage, born with the innate ability to channel the enigmatic forces of the cosmos. It is a summons that only a select few can respond to, a calling that sets us apart from the ordinary.”

“Sounds like a lovely time,” I tease.

The room falls into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the gentle crackling of the logs in the fireplace. I watch as Marcus takes another sip of his drink, his gaze distant and contemplative, lost in thought.

His brooding silence stretches on for several moments until he finally speaks, his voice filled with an almost melancholy tone. “Xavier, do not succumb to desolation in matters of the heart. Love, though enigmatic, assuredly awaits your revelation. It is an endeavor that necessitates fortitude and unwavering commitment; you mustn’t falter in your pursuit.”

I snort derisively, a cynical smile twisting my lips. “Love is a fairy tale. A myth concocted by mortals to distract themselves from their inevitable demise. Why waste my time chasing something as ephemeral as love when I can have a night of pure ecstasy?”

“We mustn’t disregard the underlying verity that our existence extends beyond mere immortality. We are ethereal beings, intricately entwined with the quintessence of magic and profoundly linked to the very tapestry of the cosmos. Love, dear friend, transcends the limitations of human perception. It materializes in countless guises, traversing the thresholds of temporal and spatial confines. It stands as an enigmatic potency, inviting us to embark upon a journey of unraveling its marvels.”

“You sound like a lovesick fool, Marcus,” I scoff, but my curiosity is piqued by his sudden fascination with love. “Why the sudden interest in such mortal pursuits? You’ve lived for centuries without it. What has changed?”

A shadow flickers across Marcus’ face, and for a moment, his eyes hold a deep sadness that I have never seen before. “I’ve encountered someone. A remarkable woman who unveiled a whole new dimension of existence beyond the mere pursuit of excitement. She awakened sensations within me that were previously dormant, breathing life into my being like never before.”
