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Desire curled in her stomach at the billionaire’s bold claim.

“Let me be your lover.”

She wetted her lips, and his eyes flashed—-

God. Oh God. Just the way he was looking at her made her want to forget everything—-

“S-Sergei.” Her voice was helpless.

“Say yes,” he urged.

“I can’t.” Misery and longing warred inside of her. “I know I’m being stupid, but—-” She was terrified. Her father had been just like Sergei Grachyov at his age. Tall, dark, handsome, and so, so charming. That was how her mother had described him, and her mother hadn’t stopped loving him even knowing the man who got her pregnant was a world-class jerk.

Sergei’s lips tightened.

“I’m sorry,” she said awkwardly. “I just don’t think—-”

“Did you go to the café tonight thinking you’d hook up with Julian Alexeyev?”

The sudden question threw her off. “I—-”

“Answer me,” he snapped.

“Yes—-” The billionaire swore at her answer, and she winced, protesting, “I don’t see why it matters—-”

“It damn well matters,” Sergei gritted out, “because I don’t fucking see why Julian Alexeyev can have a fucking free pass to your body—-”


“When he’s as much of a bastard I am—-”

She jumped to her feet. “You’re insane—-”

He got to his feet as well, snarling down at her, “You’re the one who’s insane.” He gripped her shoulders, gritting out, “We both know I can seduce you—-”

“So what if you can?” she cried out. It was pointless to deny the billionaire’s words, with the way her body was straining and screaming at his proximity, wanting to be back under his command.

His nearness made her forgethowto breathe, his beautiful face making her heart race like it had no intention of ever slowing down.

But even so—-

“I’m terrified of being hurt, okay?”


In her large gray eyes, he saw her innocent need of him.

But in those same eyes, he also saw her every fear, and his hands fell from her shoulders. “Dammit.” Frustration underlined the billionaire’s voice. “Can’t you just choosenotto be hurt?”

A tremulous laugh escaped her. “I wish that’s possible—-” Fredericka hadn’t even finished speaking when he started walking away, and her voice trailed off.

So this was it, she thought numbly.

She watched him walk farther and farther away from her.

This was better, this was better, this was better—-

But when he reached for the door, she couldn’t help it.
