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She asked in a small voice, “You know about that?”

“Itbrokethe Internet,pchelka,” the billionaire said dryly. “It would be impossible for me not to know it when the article’s considered more viral than a woman’s naked butt.”

“Are you still seeing Elsa Nilsson?” she blurted out.


“What about Madeline Carter? Or any other woman that—-”

“If that’s a serious question,” he said easily, “then I just might strangle you.”

She laughed.

“Or I can just take that little box out—-”

She gasped.

“And make your heart jump in terror because if you see me go on bended knee, you know I’ll just make you swoon and I’ll have my family record every damn second—-”

She wrapped her arms around him, laughing harder even as her heart tried hammering a hole out of her chest. “Shut up.” Her voice was muffled against his neck. “I hate it, you know.” She hugged him more tightly. “I hate it that so many women know your body, and I hate it that they’re all prettier than I am.”

“They’re not.”


“I’m not lying,pchelka.” His voice was matter-of-fact. “You are the only woman who turns me on. Does that not make you the only beautiful woman in my eyes as well?”

She pulled away, sniffing, “Oh, Sergei.”

He smiled at her. “Do you think I can propose to you now?”

She quickly hugged him again, hiding her expression from his gaze. “No.” He always asked this question every night, and it hurt that always had to turn him down. Swallowing, she added haltingly, “Or at least...not just yet.” Fredericka squeezed her eyes shut.Please God, please, please, please help me trust him.

Chapter Sixteen

It was half-past eightin the evening when a matte black chopper bearing the logo of Grachyov Enterprises landed on the helipad of the family’s corporate headquarters. The CEO and president of the company, Fyodor Grachyov, was the first one to step out, followed closely by his eldest son Sergei.
