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But instead of answering, he only unzipped himself and sank his cock straight into her.


He started to move, and she fell back against the bed, forgetting what she was about to ask him.

They went out the next day to shop for clothes, and when she stepped out of the fitting room to show him the dress she was thinking of buying, she saw Sergei on the lounge chair, a brooding look on his face.

This time, she hurried to him, asking straight away, “Chto ne tac?”What’s wrong?She rarely spoke to him in Russian because even now, she still felt awkward and self-conscious about her less-than-perfect accent. But right now, it was the only way she could speak to him, knowing how Sergei detested speaking about anything personal in public.

When he only stared at her, she could feel her eyes start to sting. Maybe the hormones were to blame again, or maybe it was just...time. She looked at him now, and the doubts that used to eat at her were completely gone.

Now, she looked at him and all she felt was love...and trust. Now, she looked at him and she no longer worried about him hurting or leaving her. Now, she looked at him, and she knew she wanted to be to him what Sergei had been to her—-

Someone who loved her. Trusted her. Cherished her.

Her lips trembling, Fredericka whispered, “Please tell me.” Moving forward to stand between his knees, she shakily took his hand to place it on her tummy. “Because it goes the other way, too, you know. The baby and I are here for you.”

Ah.The billionaire gazed up at her, the happiness that her words brought him immeasurable and indefinable. This woman was his greatest strength, able to make him do miracles at the hint of a smile. But he also knew that made her his greatest weakness, someone who could stop his heart from beating – if she ever thought of leaving him.

For almost his entire life, he had pretended to be normal, pretended to have the ability to feel happiness the way other people did. As long as his family was happy, he had been content. He hadn’t felt envious of other people’s joy because envy meant he knew what he was missing – and he hadn’t.

But then Fredericka came into his life, and everything had changed. A wild range of emotions suddenly sprung on him – anger, jealousy, pride, and joy – he had not known how precious the feeling of joy was until he had felt it himself.

As a man, as Sergei Grachyov, he had become happy because of Fredericka.

And when he had learned of her pregnancy, Sergei had discovered how happiness could also be profound, knowing that he was about to become a father.

Looking up, he said gently, “Prosti.I didn’t mean to make you worry.”

“It’s okay if you make me worry. We – the baby and I – like to look after you, too.” And because the line felt too cheesy, enough to make her face red, she finished gruffly, “Got it?”

The billionaire laughed, but it was a hoarse sound, and Fredericka knew that there was still a part of him that wasn’t okay.

“You look gorgeous in the dress,pchelka.”

Ignoring his obvious attempt to change the subject, she said determinedly, “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Nothing is wrong. I’m just thinking...I don’t deserve to be this happy.”

Her eyes widened. “Why not?”

“I’m insecure, I suppose?”

Fredericka snorted.

“You do not believe me?”

“Sorry, but I don’t.” The billionaire flashed her a grin, but when she looked into his eyes, she was stunned to realize that he actually had meant it. For whatever reason, he did think he didn’t deserve to be happy. “Stupid,” she blurted out.

He raised a brow.

“Of course you deserve to be happy.” By this time, she became aware that all the salesladies in the boutique had gathered around them, shamelessly eavesdropping on their conversation. Even so, she couldn’t stop herself from muttering, “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you, but...I’mnotletting you go.Got that?”

The billionaire laughed again, and standing up, he placed a quick, hard kiss on her lips, murmuring, “Understood,lyubov maya.”

And now it really was time, she thought. Hugging him, she hid her face against his neck because she couldn’t bear the thought of seeing his expression as she whispered, “Good...lyubov maya.”

And when Sergei stiffened, he knew she understood what she was saying.
