Page 20 of Dark Surrender

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Emma often wondered if he fancied Lily, but every time she brought it up, Lily got annoyed with her.

Which was fair enough. The guy was nearly ten years her senior.

“Okay, well, I’ll call you when I get home. Don’t work all weekend.”

Lily smiled. “I won’t. You have fun.”

Emma hung up the phone and sat staring at the wall of her hotel room for a moment.

Was there something going on with Lily and her boss? That smile had looked a little naughty for her incredibly vanilla friend.

Emma turned her phone off and slid it onto the bedside cabinet. Her last thought before she fell into a deep sleep was of Logan’s dark blue eyes bearing down as he thrust inside her.

And how she hoped to fall in love one day with a man who made love as exceptionally as Logan did.

Someone who would choose her forever.

One day.


Logan stood at thefront of the funeral home near his grandmother’s coffin and lifted his arm as his sister, Amelia, joined him. He kissed the top of her head and released her.

“Dad’s on his way in,” she whispered, smoothing her hands down her black Chanel dress. “And Mom.”

Logan nodded, whipping his arm out to read the time on his Rolex.

Across the room, Daniel laid a hand on Jonathan Dufort’s shoulder and, with minimal expression, spoke some low words. Then they both turned and stared at the entrance.

In walked Andrew Dufort, Logan’s father. His mother, Christine, in tow.

“Here we fucking go,” Aidan, Logan’s middle sibling, said.

“Aides, stop,” Amelia whispered angrily. “He said he would come in peace.”

“It’s not a fucking Mars invasion, Amy,” Aidan replied.
