Page 35 of My Fair Thief

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“I doubt Evangeline would actually hurt her.”

“But you can’t guarantee that, and you never had to tend to her horse when she’d gouged him with her spurs when she didn’t win. No, I want Mia clear.”

He nodded. “All right. But once Mia is out, we’re coming in.”

“No, Fletch. We need her confession, and we need to know what this is all about. I’m betting it’s that damn ledger.”

“Could be. It would certainly put a dent into her parliamentary plans. You need to stay calm and cool. Do not let your temper and what you feel for Evangeline make you lose sight of your goal. Trust me. We will figure out what she’s up to, put an end to it and see her and her family pay for what they’ve done.”

“It isn’t you I don’t trust, it’s the system.”

“We’re not going to be dealing with the local cops or even Scotland Yard. We’ve got MI5 and 6 involved, as well as Interpol. They’re going down, Claire. And they’re going to be held accountable and that’s going to happen because of you and your grandfather. Just bring the conversation around to the past and to the jewelry. Evangeline will want to gloat. Let her.”

“Okay, but can I punch her in the face, just once?”

Fletched kissed her hard and quick, grinning as he lifted his head. “All right, but only once.”

She grinned back at him as he lifted his head. “I love you.”

“I love you more.”

“Not possible.”

He took her by the hand as they walked out to the Range Rover, helping her into the driver’s seat. “Bax is in the back with a sniper rifle. Anything goes wrong you grab Mia and get to him. He’ll have you covered. I already have people hidden in the hayloft. But you stay alert and—”

She took his face in her hands and fused her lips to his. “I’ll be fine. I have the best security force ever assembled, and Mia and I are pretty good at taking care of ourselves. We’ll be fine. I just want to make sure that we get bitchface on tape. Her family killed my parents, or rather, arranged to have it done.”

“Technically Emil Franklin was responsible for the actual murder. He was arrested earlier today and has agreed to testify for a reduction in his sentence. He’ll still serve fifteen years, but he saw that as better than life.”

“See? The universe has our backs. By the way, I want to go to Capri on our honeymoon.”

He chuckled. “You do, do you?” She nodded. “I think I can arrange that. Have you thought about where we’re going to do the deed?”

“I think the Savoy. Mia and I used to dream about weddings we never thought we’d have. Ever since my granda took me to the Savoy for tea, I’ve wanted to get married there.”

“And where does Mia want to get married?”

Claire rolled her eyes and groaned. “In Paris in front of the Eiffel Tower.”

“What’s wrong with the Eiffel Tower?”

“There’s only one good place in Paris, and that’s the Louvre. I swear to god, I could spend a week just wandering through the galleries.”

“Note to self, Claire must hold my hand when we go to the Louvre.”

“I’d hold your hand anywhere.”

“I’m going to hold you to that. Ready?”

Claire took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”



Claire let him out of the SUV just inside the main gate of Robbins’ Roost and then drove down the main road, taking the side road that led to the stables. She hadn’t been back here since Poppi had died. This place had been so much a part of him and her childhood. She pulled around to the back of the main barn, parking in the spot Poppi always had used.

“We’re going to get them, Poppi,” she whispered. “I know what it must have cost you to make sure I was safe and had the right education. You took care of me; I’ll finish it.”
