Page 45 of The Escort

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“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re lucky, ya know,” he says, finally taking a swig from the beer lingering close to his mouth.

“Me?” What’s he talking about? I watch him pull the beer away. “Why am I lucky?”

“I could’ve taken you up on your offer the other night. Stripped your clothes off, carried you into your room, and fucked every question and answer out of you.”

“Yeah,” I scoff. “If I let you.” I’m quick to kill the erotic scene from my head.

“You don’t think…” His voice lowers, his dark impure teasing eyes touching every part of my body. “I could have persuaded you?”

“You could’ve tried.” I shrug with a snarky smirk, knowing he would have succeeded.

“See, and that’s where you’re lucky.” His lips quirk. “I didn’t.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “It was a mistake.”

“Yet you keep coming back for more.”

“Haven’t you heard that saying, mistakes are learning experiences?”

“Yes, and it’s also about how you respond to them.” His grin wanes. “Do you think I walked away the other night because you wanted me to?”

Oh my God! He’s right!

He didn’t walk away because I never asked him to. He walked away because he wanted to. And here I thought I had all the control.

All along, it was him. Had he tried to persuade me, torn my clothes off, and carried me to my bed, I would’ve caved. I would’ve surrendered. So why did he leave?

Did he think it was a mistake?

Am I his mistake?

What’s going on here?

I don’t care what he thinks!

When I apprehend his complete trust, he will understand his mistake, and the truth will prevail. His feelings do not matter. My fucked-up attraction toward him can’t play a role in any of this.

“Whatever has brought you here, whatever has driven you to your final destination, has brought you to a wall.” He stands. “And I am that wall.” He reaches into his pocket and tosses a fifty on the bar. “But I was also your intended destination.” He bends down to my ear. “Well, you’re here, baby. The car has stopped, and you must start making the hard decisions. Either get out of the vehicle or put the pedal to the metal and hope you don’t crash and burn.” He rises. His undeniable scent and intrusive warmth linger between us.

“Okay. Yes.” I nod. “You were my intended destination. But as you mentioned, intentions are only pathways, and sometimes they lead us to places we never intended to be.”

“Oh, you’re right where you belong. I know it. You know it. The question now is, what will you do about it?”

I tap the side of my glass. “I’m figuring that out.”

He chortles. “You have a plan?”

“I do,” I snap back at his cocky attitude.

He pinches my chin, snagging my defiance and confidence between his strong fingers, and peers down at me through veiled eyes. “You better get to it, then. Time is running out.”

Caught in the trance of his hold, I blink. “Running out for what?”

“My patience. I was prepared to wait and see.” His thumb runs along my jawline. The touch vibrates through me. “But the stunt you pulled with my mom has worn my tolerance, and that was your first mistake.”

I jerk my head in an attempt to flick the impression of his touch from my chin. “I’m sure I’ll be making many more.”
