Page 71 of The Escort

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“Fuck!” He looks down at his hands, glimpsing at the gun in mine. Then his eyes flash back to mine.

“Lix, are you alright?”

“Yeah.” He takes the gun from me, shoves it into the back of his pants, and walks over to the girl. “You’re the only one here?”

She nods.

“Did you make the call to the domestic center?”

She nods.

“Don’t tell them anything,” the guy yells, eyeballing the girl. “You know what’ll happen if you do. So you better keep your fucking mouth shut.”

Lix treads over to the guy, grabs the duct tape from his backpack, and slaps a piece over the asshole’s mouth.

“Okay.” He moves back to us. “We gotta get her out of here.”

“No! I can’t leave!” The girl shakes all over, stomping her feet. “I can’t go! I won’t go! You can’t make—”

“Stop!” Lix grabs her arm and pulls her struggling body into the kitchen. “Stop,” he orders in a deep harsh tone.

The girl looks over at me with pleading eyes. “I can’t leave. Please don’t make me leave. You don’t understand.”

“Okay.” I raise a hand to keep the calm and step toward her. “Help us understand. What’s going on?”

“They have my sister.”

“Fuck.” Lix scratches his eyebrow and drops into the kitchen table chair.

I pad closer. “Who has your sister?”

“They do! She’s coming. The next delivery is in three days.”

Confused, I glance at Lix and back at the troubled girl. “What delivery?”

“Girls,” Lix says, glaring at me. His hand balls into a fist. “She’s part of a human trafficking ring.”

“They brought me here last week. I overheard that guy say the next delivery is in a few days. She’s gotta be on the next van.” Tears run down her face. “I’m not going anywhere without my sister.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “She’s still in that hellhole. I’m not leaving without her!”

Holy shit! What did we just walk into? I’ve read about this stuff but have never been this close to it. “Lix, I have to call Selina.”

“Who?” He looks up at me for a brief second. “Your college friend.” He sighs, leaving out the cop part, likely not to scare the girl.

“This is beyond us,” I stress.

He digs his cell out of his pocket.

“Did you hear me?”

“Yeah, I need to call Willa. Give me a second. You.” He points at the girl. “Sit down and don’t move.” He puts the phone to his ear and walks out the back door.

The girl looks at me.

“Go ahead.” I gesture at the chair. “It’s okay. Don’t worry. We’ll help you get your sister.” If it’s the last thing I do, I will help this girl.

Lix comes back in. “Alright, call her. Just Selina, that’s it. Willa is on her way here.”

I make the call, and Selina and Willa show up within fifteen minutes. We explain the situation. They take the girl to another room to talk to her, leaving Lix and me in the kitchen.
