Page 3 of His Mafia Master

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Yeah, he'd always known that his dad had a problem with gambling. All his life, they'd moved from place to place, living large on windfalls and then eking it out during the lean times.

But how could his own father put him in such danger?

"Wait," Joey stammered, struggling to process the information. "Collateral? You can't just... take me. I'm not a thing!"

"Doesn't matter. Your dear old dad signed you away, so you're coming with me."

"I didn't sign anything, though! That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair," Marco replied, his gaze never leaving Joey's.

Joey clenched his fists, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill.

What the hell was this?

What had his dad done?

He wanted to tell this thug that he'd got it all wrong…

But he couldn't. Joey's heart sank. It was all too easy to picture: his dad on a hot streak, reaching for anything he could use to keep betting…

As the gravity of the situation weighed on him, Joey tried to steady his breathing, desperate to maintain control over his emotions.

But deep down, a part of him was already crumbling.

"Listen, Joey." Marco's voice softened, but his eyes remained intense. "If you don't come with me, your father's going to have to pay his debt in another way—and one he might not walk away from. It's not a choice I'd wish on anyone, but it's the one you've been given."

The words hung heavy in the air between them, the hum of the street seeming to fade into the background. Joey felt the blood drain from his face as the ultimatum settled upon his shoulders.

"What's it going to be?" Marco's voice pulled him back to the present, demanding an answer.

"Let me think," Joey whispered, fighting to keep his voice steady. The weight of Marco's gaze bore into him, unyielding and resolute.

Joey's mind raced. How could his father have gotten so deep into trouble? The anger he felt toward him for putting both of them in this situation was palpable, but that paled in comparison to the fear that was growing within him. He knew he couldn't let anything happen to his father, even if it meant sacrificing his own safety and independence.

"Let me just… let me just tell my coworkers I'm leaving," Joey said quietly.

"Make it quick," Marco said. For a moment, it looked like his expression softened ever so slightly—but then it was gone again, just a trick of the light.

Joey walked back inside the Java Jive, his legs feeling like they might give way beneath him. "Sorry, guys," he managed, taking off his apron. "I'm going to have to leave early."

His coworker, Joan, wore a face lined with worry. "Are you okay, Jo?"

"I'm fine." Joey forced a smile. "Don't worry. Just call in Samatha to take my shifts. She wants more hours."

Joan gave his hand a squeeze. Her eyes flickered to somewhere over Joey's shoulder, and Joey knew exactly who she was looking at. "Well, whatever's going on... you come back as soon as you can, all right?"

"I will."

Finally, with one last glance at the life he was leaving behind, Joey returned to Marco, steeling himself for the unknown journey ahead. "I'll go with you," he whispered, determined not to let his emotions get the better of him.

"Good." Marco's gaze remained unreadable behind his dark glasses. "Get in the car."

As they walked away from the coffee shop, the sinking feeling in Joey's chest intensified.

Was he a lamb being led to slaughter?

Chapter two
