Page 6 of His Mafia Master

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Marco paused, clearly taken by surprise. He raised an eyebrow. "What are you getting at, kid?"

"I saw the way you were looking at me. Let me pay off my father's debt... with you," Joey said, barely able to meet Marco's gaze as he made the unthinkable proposal.

The words hung in the air between them, heavy with tension and uncertainty. Marco's previous amusement was replaced by surprise, and for a moment, he seemed genuinely taken aback. "Didn't you hear me? I don't force people. I don't need to."

Heat bloomed on Joey's cheeks. "Just… forget the debt, and I'll make it worth your while."

Marco cocked his head. "You think I want to drop sixty k on a bit of ass?"

In spite of himself, it was clear that the idea had an undeniable allure. Joey could see the flicker of desire in Marco's dark eyes.

Say yes, Joey thought.Please…

If it's him, I can deal with it. He may be a flashy Mafia scumbag…

But he hasn't hurt me.

Joey's gaze dropped to the swell of Marco's muscles underneath his shirt.

And maybe… maybe I'd even enjoy—

Before the traitorous thought could finish itself, Marco shook his head. "Come on, kid," he said firmly, his voice tinged with both reluctance and disbelief. He dropped Joey's arm, shoving him away. "Didn't you hear me before? I'm not desperate. I don't have to pay for it."

And then, as if that wasn't enough, Marco smirked. "Besides, one day you'll beg me for it."

Joey's cheeks burned with shame. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Marco's smirk deepend—revealing a dimple. "You're not the only one with eyes, kid. I've seen the wayyoulook atme."

"You're delusional."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"You're a scumbag. I'll never want anything to do with you." His cheeks flushed with anger, Joey turned—to go where, he wasn't sure. Justaway, putting space between him and this infuriating, cocky asshole.

Before he could take a step, though, Marco's hand closed around his arm. In an instant, Joey found himself tugged back against the hard heat of Marco's body.

This close, he could see Marco's eyes though his dark glasses. Marco's dark gray eyes locked on Joey's, hot with promise. "We'll see how long that lasts."

Joey forced himself to maintain eye contact, unwilling to back down. "Forever," he said defiantly. "The offer's off the table now, asshole."

Marco's reply was just a smirk. He jerked his head towards the entrance. "In you go, kid."

Chapter four


AsMarcoledhiminto the dimly lit, smoky strip club, the thumping bass of the music vibrated through Joey's chest, making his heart race. He felt like a lamb being led to slaughter.

Joey's skin crawled with unease as he stepped through the doorway of the sleazy strip club. It was a world of neon lights, blaring music, and the scent of sweat and alcohol. Marco led him further into the club, past the stage where a young woman was currently dancing for a group of leering men.

The club was dimly lit, and Joey's eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness. But even in the shadows, Marco looked alluring. The way the flickering lights played over his chiseled features and muscular frame made Joey's heart race. But at the same time, he felt uneasy. This place was so unlike the refined world he was used to. He couldn't help but wonder why Marco had brought him here.

As they made their way through the crowd, Joey couldn't help but feel like all eyes were on him. He could feel the weight of people's stares, and it made him want to crawl out of his skin. Marco's arm was firm around his waist, though, and the touch was both reassuring and possessive.

At first, the stage looked like any other strip club with scantily clad women strutting their stuff. But as his eyes adjusted to the flashing lights, Joey noticed something that surprised him.

Some of the staff that were serving the patrons were men, their outfits just as skimpy as the women's. Okay, that was unexpected, right? Despite his situation, Joey couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and discomfort. He stole a glance at Marco, who seemed completely unfazed by the raunchy atmosphere.

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