Page 14 of His Mafia Captor

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Toro scowled, but couldn't quite hide the spark of desire that still burned in his eyes. And as Toro pressed him back down on the floor again, Ollie couldn't help but feel victorious--even if only for a moment.

Chapter six


Another twelve hours.

Another bout of silence from Petrov senior.

Toro sat in the abandoned apartment, frowning.

His own old man had been a hard-ass, but he'd always come to the defense of his flesh and blood.

When Ollie had begged for Toro's dick, his control had slipped. He'd said more than he had before.

Whether my dad gets me back or not… I'm going to die. Either you're going to kill me to get to him, or he's going to kill me for what you've filmed me doing.

Was that true? Could a father hate a son like this that much?

It wasn't that he was idealistic. Toro saw scumbags every day. He knew the depths to which someone could sink.

But Ollie was… good. Obedient. Sensible. When Toro had first scoped him out, doing his recon and waiting to strike, all he saw was a nice young man with a good job.

On the outside, Ollie had his shit together. But he seemed convinced that he was due for the chopping block.

Toro glowered.

The door to the hideout creaked open. Toro got to his feet, ready for action--but the opening only revealed the imposing figure of Dom Thornton.The Toscano's gruff head of security tipped his head in acknowledgment.

"Bear," Toro greeted, his voice rough as gravel, betraying none of the turmoil within him. He tried to maintain a facade of indifference and professionalism, but as Bear's gaze swept across the unusually clean and well-kept state of the room, his eyes betrayed a hint of concern.

"Nice place you're keeping here," Bear drawled. His eyes lingered on the empty space where, in a standard kidnapping job, whiskey bottles and evidence of late-night debauchery would usually lay. Kidnapping was boring. Babysitting. You had to keep yourself entertained, really.

But on this job, Toro had been distracted. "Didn't know you were such a neat freak these days, Toro."

"Trying something new," Toro replied gruffly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, but he refused to wipe it away under Bear's watchful eye.

"Is that so?" Bear looked around one more time, his dark eyes narrowing in suspicion. "You know, I've always found cleanliness to be relaxing. Easy to work with. But this," he gestured to the room, "this doesn't feel like you, Toro."

"Like I said," Toro insisted, his jaw clenching as he forced himself to meet Bear's accusing stare, "I'm trying something new."

A smirk played at the corners of Bear's lips, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Well," he said, "we all need a bit of novelty now and then, huh?"

"Yeah," Toro assured, nodding curtly. He could feel the weight of Bear's scrutinizing gaze. Bear kept the entire Toscano empire safe; despite his brawn, he had a quick mind.

Toro knew he was walking a dangerous line. "C'mon," he said. "The bait's locked out back."

He led Bear into the room he'd been keeping Ollie in. Ollie, who had been sitting quietly in the corner of the room, looked up at Bear with a jolt. His green eyes were wide, filled with a mixture of fear and curiosity as they darted between the two menacing figures before him.

"Morning, Petrov," Bear said.

His eyes flickered over the younger man's slender frame, taking in every detail from the curve of his neck to the way his hands trembled ever so slightly in his lap.

In that fleeting moment, a tempestuous whirlwind of emotions surged within Toro's core. His heart, usually guarded and shielded, pounded with a fierce protectiveness that transcended their shared allegiance.

A dark possessiveness clutched at his senses, urging him to intercede, to shield Ollie from the prying eyes and potential harm that lurked beneath Bear's gaze.

Toro's rugged features contorted into a subtle mask of controlled aggression, his jaw clenched with an unyielding determination. The urge to challenge Bear, to stake his claim over Ollie's vulnerability, pulsed through his veins like molten lava. Unspoken dominance hung heavy in the air, a palpable force that dared anyone to breach the invisible boundary Toro had set.

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