Page 16 of His Mafia Captor

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And looking at you isn't helping.

He turned away from Ollie, forcing himself to concentrate on the upcoming exchange and not the dangerous desires swirling within him.

"Alright," Ollie agreed reluctantly, retreating into the shadows and leaving Toro alone to wrestle with his thoughts and emotions.

Toro knew he couldn't afford to let his feelings for Ollie jeopardize the mission--or their lives.

But with each passing moment, it became harder and harder to deny the powerful connection between them… and the tantalizing allure of surrendering to desire.

Chapter seven


It didn't take a genius to be able to see that something had got to Toro. It wasn't like the older man was an open book or anything--but there was something new in the way that he held himself, his posture stiffer than usual and his face closed off.

He'd been that way ever since that other Toscano had come to visit.

For one short, sharp moment, Ollie's chest ached. Had his father finally gotten in touch?

Was he going home?

But as quickly as that thought had arrived, it disappeared again. Toro looked at his watch, and then got out his phone. "Looks like your old man needs another video, kid."

This time, it wasn't Ollie's heart that ached.

This whole thing… it was wrong.

But Ollie didn't care. He'd spent his whole life--his sad, short life--being looked over in favor of his older brothers. Of being told that he wasn't as good as them, that he was too soft, too quiet.

He'd seen the suspicion in his father's eyes. He'd seen the way that it doubled after his brothers had started settling down and getting married.

And Ollie had stayed single, politely turning down any attempt from ambitious Petrov lieutenants at pairing him up with their daughters.

Whatever suspicions his father had had were always just that: baseless suspicions. Ollie had been clever enough to watch his steps.

But these videos had finally proved he was right.

Toro wanted him. The heat in Toro's eyes as he took him, used him, made him feel good…

It was everything Ollie had ever wanted.

Ollie looked up at Toro, ready. But Toro wasn't looking at him this time.

Before they could continue, the door to the dimly lit room swung open and Toro stepped back. "There you are," he said.

Four men in balaclavas entered, their eyes fixated on Ollie as if he were a piece of meat waiting to be devoured.

"Time for our next video, sweetheart," Toro said as he held out his phone. He eyed Ollie with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

Though nervous, Ollie tried to keep his apprehension hidden, even as his pulse pounded in his ears. What would happen now? He opened his mouth to speak--but, looking at his new audience, shut it again. He shouldn't act too friendly with Toro where others could see, he knew.

Toro hit record. "Good morning, Petrov!" he crowed. "It's time for your regular scheduled show. You must actually like watching this, huh? That must be why you're not hitting me up. Does this shit get your rocks off?"

Toro held the camera over Ollie. "Kid, remember, this is all because your dear old dad hasn't paid up yet. So why don't you give him something to open up that wallet of his?"

Ollie's heart was racing. The men closed in around him.

"Allow me to introduce your co-stars for today, Ollie," Toro drawled with a cocky smirk, gesturing towards the men in balaclavas. Their gazes were predatory, and Ollie could practically feel their lust radiating from them.

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