Page 21 of His Mafia Captor

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Toro took the money without a word, his dark eyes lingering on Ollie for a moment, filled with a raw intensity that made Ollie's knees go weak. Toro's dark eyes seemed to pierce into Ollie's very soul as he turned away, the coldness in his expression making it clear that whatever connection they had shared was now severed.

Ollie felt a deep sense of loss wash over him, knowing that he would never see Toro again, never feel the way their bodies intertwined or hear the words that had once driven him wild with desire.

Toro walked past him, back towards his van,

And Ollie's father stepped forward.

"Look at what you've done," Al sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he stepped closer to Ollie. "You have brought shame upon our family."

"Father, I didn't want any of this!" Ollie tried to defend himself, the weight of his father's disappointment crushing him.

But Al would have none of it. "Didn't want it? You think I'm blind?!" Al spat, his tone venomous. "I saw the filthy things you did, the way you begged like some pathetic whore."

Ollie felt strangely clear-headed. Here, finally, was the truth of their relationship.

He would never be the sort of son his father wanted.

His father would always hate him.

And now… he was okay with that.

"Maybe I did," Ollie said defiantly, surprising even himself. "Maybe I liked it when he touched me, tasted me, and made me scream his name while he fucked me senseless."

Al's face twisted in disgust, but it was clear that Ollie's words had struck a nerve. He leaned in, his icy breath brushing against Ollie's ear as he whispered, "You will never be anything more than a disgrace to this family. Remember that."

"Then why did you pay the ransom?!"

Al looked at him, and the coldness in his expression sent ice through Ollie's veins. "You've brought disgrace upon our family," he said. "And now I must clear it."

In a single motion, he pulled out a gun from the depths of his coat and aimed it squarely at Ollie's forehead.

Chapter nine

Torowalkedtowardshisvan, the ransom money heavy in his hand. Behind him, Al Petrov began reprimanding Ollie.

None of your business,Toro, he told himself.Keep walking. This was never your fight.

Even if you want it to be.

His thoughts were cut off by the sound of a gun being cocked. The sound echoed through the dimly lit warehouse, shattering the tense silence that had taken hold.

Toro whipped around, his instincts overriding his thoughts.

Toro's dark eyes narrowed as they locked onto the cold metal in Al's hand, the barrel pointing directly at Ollie's chest.

A surge of possessiveness roared to life within him, drowning out every ounce of common sense that screamed for him to stay put.

"Petrov!" Toro growled, his voice low and dangerous. "Don't you dare."

Ollie, never one for confrontation, was visibly shaking, but he held his ground, swallowing hard as he stared down his own father.

"Stay out of this, Toscano," Al warned, his icy gaze flicking briefly towards the burly enforcer. "He's my son. This is family business. You've got your money, now fuck off."

"Family?" Toro scoffed, feeling the heat of indignation course through him. "You call this family?"

Ollie had always said that his father hated him.

Toro had always believed in the bonds of family.
