Page 27 of His Mafia Captor

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Ollie raised an eyebrow, curious but cautious. "What do you mean?"

"Ah, well, that's a story for another time," Sebastian said cryptically, his eyes twinkling with secrets. "For now, let's just enjoy this beautiful night and the company of good friends, shall we?"

"Sounds like a plan," Ollie agreed, clinking his glass against Sebastian's and letting himself be drawn into conversation once again, feeling a little more at ease as the sun continued to set over the gardens of the Toscano mansion.

As Ollie and Sebastian exchanged pleasantries, their conversation was interrupted by the commanding presence they had just been discussing. Angelo Toscano himself appeared beside them, his dark eyes settling on Ollie with an intensity that made him shift uncomfortably.

"Sebastian, there you are," Angelo said smoothly, a touch of amusement in his tone. "I've been looking for you."

Sebastian's face lit up with joy. "I was just talking to Ollie here about you."

"Is that so?" Angelo's gaze remained fixed on Ollie, who felt an unbidden flush creep up his neck. "Only nice things, I hope."

"Ah, well," Sebastian trailed off. He slid an arm around Angelo's waist and leaned in for a sultry kiss that left no doubt as to the nature of their relationship. "He may have mentioned you can be... intimidating."

"Intimidating?" Angelo repeated, one eyebrow raised as he finally broke eye contact with Ollie. "Well, I suppose there's some truth in that."

Ollie's cheeks burned with embarrassment as he realized the relationship between the two. Desperate to escape the situation, he mumbled a hasty excuse before slipping away, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he hurried through the crowd, he bumped into Toro, who was engaged in a heated discussion with Marco. The two men paused, their eyes narrowing as they took in Ollie's flushed face.

"Are you alright, kid?" Marco asked, genuine concern in his voice. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Uh, yeah," Ollie tried, trying to regain his composure. "I just... I need some air."

"Of course," Marco replied, his gaze lingering for a moment before he turned back to Toro. "We can continue this conversation later. Enjoy the party."

As Marco disappeared into the throng of guests, Ollie found himself alone with Toro, whose dark eyes seemed to pierce through him. He couldn't help but feel a frisson of excitement at the memory of their previous encounters, and he wondered if tonight would bring more of the same.

"What's up?" Toro leaned in. "Do I need to bust some heads?"

"No, nothing like that. I just embarrassed myself in front of Angelo." Ollie sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I had no idea Sebastian was his… boyfriend?"

"Yeah, something like that." Toro's lips curved into a wicked grin, his deep voice sending shivers down Ollie's spine. "You should be more careful with your words. You don't want to put me in a hard place with my boss, after all."

Toro nipped at his ear. "Perhaps you need to be taught a lesson."

At the mere mention of punishment, Ollie felt his cock stir in his pants, already anticipating what Toro might have in store for him. He swallowed hard, unable to tear his gaze away from those dark, predatory eyes.

"Is that so?" Ollie breathed, his voice barely audible over the sound of his pounding heart. "And what kind of punishment do you have in mind?"

"Maybe I'll bend you over my knee and spank that tight little ass of yours until it's red and sore," Toro suggested, his words both threatening and tantalizing. "Or maybe I'll make you get on your knees and suck me off while I remind you who you belong to."

Ollie bit his lip, feeling his arousal surge at the thought of submitting to Toro's whims. "Why do you always know exactly how to push my buttons?"

"Because I've taken the time to learn every inch of you, inside and out," Toro murmured, his voice like velvet as he leaned in close, his breath hot against Ollie's ear. "And because, deep down, you crave the same things I do."

As Ollie tried to catch his breath, he reflected on how much things had changed since he first came to live with Toro. The man had been nothing but an imposing enigma when they met, but over time, they had formed a bond that went far beyond their shared desires. It was a bond built on trust, vulnerability, and a mutual understanding of the darkness within them both.

He took Toro's hand.

The dimly lit hallway of the Toscano mansion provided ample cover as Toro deftly led Ollie through its winding corridors, his hand gripping the younger man's firmly. Their footsteps were muffled by the thick carpet beneath them, and Ollie couldn't help but wonder if this was how it felt to be a spy, slipping undetected past the guards and into enemy territory.

"Where are we going?" Ollie asked, his voice barely above a whisper despite the pounding music from the party outside.

"Somewhere private," was all Toro said, his dark eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of unwanted company.

Finally, Toro stopped in front of an unassuming door and ushered Ollie inside, quickly locking it behind them. The room was small and dim, furnished only with a plush velvet couch and a few scattered pieces of art. It was clear that this was not a place for entertaining guests, and Ollie felt a shiver of anticipation run down his spine as he realized just what Toro had planned for him.
