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Julian's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, offering Bear a mock salute. "Crystal clear, big guy," he said cheerfully. "Now, why don't you show me what you've got planned for my protection? I'm sure it's going to be quite enlightening."

As they walked side by side through the opulent halls of the Toscano mansion, Bear couldn't help but silently despair at the challenge that lay ahead. Not only did he have to ensure the safety of everyone at the upcoming wedding, but he also had to contend with the maddening—and undeniably attractive—presence of Julian Toscano.

Chapter two

Laughterandconversationfilledthe air around them as Bear and Julian made their way to the tailor's shop, creating a symphony of life that contrasted sharply with the pair's tense silence. Bear's focus never wavered from their surroundings, his sharp eyes scanning every face, every movement, every potential threat.

Julian's heart pounded. It had been years since he had last seen Bear, and the sight of him now left him full of strange emotions. Bear exuded an air of confidence and strength that seemed to command attention wherever he went. The way his muscles rippled beneath his shirt and the stubble on his jawline added to his allure. Julian couldn't resist stealing glances at him, captivated by his commanding presence.

The man had only grown more handsome with time, and Julian couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in his stomach as he took in Bear's rugged masculinity.

Julian's mind wandered back to his teenage years, a time when his infatuation with Bear had taken root. He had dismissed it as a mere crush, something that would fade with time.

As the years went by, Julian had pushed those emotions aside, believing that they were nothing more than remnants of his adolescent fantasies.

But now, as a grown man, he couldn't deny that those feelings remained. Standing beside Bear now, the flame of attraction flickered to life once again.

His family had sent him away to change him—but some feelings were not easily extinguished.

"Must be a fascinating life, being an enforcer for the Mafia," Julian mused aloud, hoping to draw Bear into a conversation. He studied the older man's chiseled features, trying to read the emotions buried beneath the hardened exterior. "What's it like?"

Bear grunted noncommittally, not taking his eyes off their surroundings. "Not your concern."

Julian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the curt response. He'd spent years wondering about the man who seemed to exist only on the fringes of his world, and now that they were finally walking side by side, he found himself yearning to know more.

"Come on, Bear," Julian pressed, undeterred by the initial dismissal. "I've been away for years. Surely you have some stories to share. I mean, you're practically a legend in this city."

"Legends are for books," Bear growled, his voice tinged with irritation. "I'm just doing my job."

"Your job?" Julian echoed, raising an eyebrow. "You make it sound so mundane. But there's got to be more to it than that, right? The danger, the excitement, the power..."

"Power." Bear snorted, finally turning to face Julian. His dark eyes bore into the younger man's with an intensity that sent shivers down Julian's spine. "It's not about power, kid. It's about loyalty. Loyalty to Angelo Toscano."

"Ah, loyalty," Julian murmured, impressed by the depth of Bear's devotion to his family. "That's an admirable quality."

"Is that what you think?" Bear asked, his tone still unyielding. He turned back to survey their path, ensuring their safety. "Then just stay out of trouble. That's all I ask."

"Fair enough," Julian conceded with a sigh, knowing better than to push his luck any further.

For now, at least.

The bell above the door jingled merrily as Julian pushed it open, the familiar scent of wool and cedar filling his nostrils. The tailor's shop seemed unchanged since his childhood, a cozy cocoon of order amidst the chaos of the city streets. Rows of suits lined the walls, each one meticulously crafted and presented on wooden hangers.

"Ah, young Mr. Toscano!" called out the tailor, emerging from behind a curtain with a warm smile. "It's been too long!"

"Hello, Signor Alessi," Julian replied, returning the smile. "It's good to see you again."

"Come, come," Alessi beckoned, guiding Julian towards the back of the shop where a three-way mirror stood waiting. "Let's see what we can do for you today."

As Julian removed his coat and passed it to Bear, he couldn't help but steal a glance at the older man. In the soft glow of the shop's vintage lamps, Bear looked even more formidable than before. His broad shoulders filled out his jacket, the fabric straining against his muscular arms. His posture was strong and confident, betraying none of the vulnerability that Julian had glimpsed in their earlier conversation.

Yeah, that puppy love hadn't gone away.

It had grown fangs.

"Alright, let's get started," Alessi said cheerfully, unfurling a measuring tape with a practiced flick of his wrist. He began taking Julian's measurements, humming softly under his breath as he moved around him.

Julian stood still, allowing the tailor to work his magic. But his mind was elsewhere, drifting back to the enigmatic figure standing just a few feet away. He found himself transfixed by the way Bear's dark eyes seemed to take in every detail of their surroundings, assessing potential threats with a calm detachment that belied the storm brewing beneath the surface.
