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“I’ll try to talk to him. I’ve already tried a few times, but I’ll try again.”

“Thanks, Coen.”

He rubbed my back. “I don’t want my brother to lose the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He’s too scared and stubborn to have a real relationship again, but eventually the sadness will kill his fear. I just hope it doesn’t take too long to happen. You’re a beautiful, kind, and successful woman. It won’t take long for someone to scoop you up.”

I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but Slate, but if months passed and I didn’t hear from him, I would be forced to move on. I’d already let him break my heart. I couldn’t let him own my heart too. The last thing I wanted was to become a hurt and bitter person the way he was, to let the pain fester so much that it infected my future relationships. I learned from his mistakes. I just wished he could learn from them too.



I didn’t sleep that night.

The only time I closed my eyes was when I blinked.

The sheets smelled like her so it seemed like she was with me, but the coldness on her side of the bed made me realize she wasn’t. It was just me in this big bed—entirely alone. She was still in the penthouse, but it seemed like she’d disappeared from the earth.

When I got ready for work, she had already left the penthouse. I stepped into the kitchen to pour a mug of coffee and noticed her thermos was missing, the one she took to work every single day.

I sipped my coffee at the kitchen counter and wiped the exhaustion from my eyes. It hadn’t mattered how tired I was, I just couldn’t fall asleep. My thoughts kept swirling around that painful conversation that ended with her storming out of the room with tears running down her cheeks.

This was all my fault.

I never should have pursued her in the first place. I should have let Wyatt have her. I should have let her move on from me instead of giving her an offer she couldn’t refuse. Now I’d broken her heart when that was the last thing she deserved.

“I know I’m an idiot for marrying Simone, but you’re the bigger idiot.”

I turned around at my brother’s voice.

“I went into her room last night, and she told me what happened.” He was dressed in his designer suit and ready for court. The laborious bickering would begin today in front of a judge until a settlement was reached. I had to come in too to make a statement.

“Why were you in her room?” I asked, my nostrils flaring with suspicion.

“Because I heard her crying—because of you. You’d rather I ignore it?”

I sipped my coffee and tried not to be angry with him, not when this was all my fault. I was the only person I should be angry with right now.

“What the hell are you doing? Seriously?”

“Stay out of it.”

“No, I won’t stay out of it. You told me to get rid of Simone, and I didn’t listen to you. Now I need to tell you when you’re being a huge idiot. Letting her go is the biggest mistake of your life. I’m telling you…”

“I don’t do relationships. Never have and never will.”

“You did one relationship.” He held up a forefinger. “And it was a terrible relationship. She used you and then seduced your brother to spite us both. Come on, she did a number on both of us, and we’re both fucked up because of it. But don’t let it ruin what you have with this woman. I’m telling you, another guy is gonna snatch her up so quick…”

“And I can’t blame them.” The idea of her bringing a guy home from a bar made me jealous—extremely jealous. Seeing her with Wyatt had ripped out my insides. It made me so furious that I marched down there and did whatever I could to get her back. When I saw her with someone new, would I do the exact same thing?

“Slate, come on.” He threw his hand down. “She’s been living with you for a while, and she obviously makes you happy.”

“Because we’re fucking.”

“It’s more than that, and you know it. You could fuck a different woman every night for free, and you wouldn’t need her at all. Monroe is the only woman who’s been in your bed in five years because she actually means something to you. You don’t have to marry her or profess your undying love for her. But give her something.”

“Like I already said, I have nothing to give.” I was a grouchy old man in a young person’s body. I was bitter like the world hadn’t been good to me for many decades. It seemed like I’d lived too many years, seen too many hardships.
