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Monroe carried a tray of breakfast and placed it over my lap. “The kids and I made you breakfast in bed.”

Judging by the perfect way the scrambled eggs looked, Monroe had done that part. Everything else was a mess, like Charles and McKenzie had no idea what they were doing but insisted on helping. “Wow, it looks great.”

“Happy birthday, Daddy!” Charles climbed onto the bed and jumped on my shoulders.

“Thanks, champ.” I let him climb all over me like he was a spider monkey.

McKenzie was three years old, so climbing on the bed wasn’t as easy for her. Monroe picked her up and placed her on my other side. “Happy birthday, Daddy.” She kissed me on the cheek then helped herself to a piece of toast.

“Hey, I thought that was for me,” I said with a laugh.

McKenzie kept eating.

Monroe sat at the edge of the bed and watched me with our two children, the light of happiness bright in her eyes. She’d always wanted a family, and she’d had to pressure me to do it at first, but once I caved, I’d never been happier. Now she got to see me love our kids, see me love them even more than she did. “Coen and Emily are coming over with the kids. We thought we would all go to the zoo.”

“That sounds like a good day.”

Charles grabbed the other piece of toast and started to eat it.

Monroe joined in by grabbing the fork and taking a bite of my eggs.

I’d learned that having a family was about sharing. There was no such thing as privacy, and as soon as something was out in the open, it belonged to everyone. I didn’t even get birthday sex that morning like I used to before she became pregnant with Charles, but that was okay. A lot of things had changed—but in many good ways.

The four us devoured the contents on the plate until every single morsel was gone. Charles got the last piece of bacon.

“Thanks for breakfast in bed, guys. I appreciate it.” I kissed each of them on the forehead before I set McKenzie on the ground.

“It’s time to get dressed for the zoo,” Monroe said. “Grab your shoes.”

The kids left and went to their rooms.

Monroe lifted the tray and placed it at the side of the bed. “I know the zoo isn’t at the top of your bucket list, but I thought it would be fun for all of us.”

“It will be fun. You know the only thing I want for my birthday.” Her dressed in slutty lingerie and on my bed, her hands tied to the headboard so I could enjoy her however I wanted. Now we always had to wait until the kids were asleep before we could do anything nasty.

“Yes, I do know. Which is why Coen and Emily have agreed to take the kids for the night.”

My eyes narrowed on her face, and instantly, I forgot about the breakfast tray the kids had made for me. They were the lights of my life, the people I loved the most. Monroe used to be the most important thing in my life, and it was crazy how much that changed the second Charles was born. I loved my wife with all my heart, but my love for my children was much deeper. But I loved those intimate moments with Monroe, moments that nothing to do with being a father to our kids. I loved when it was just the two of us, fucking like we had nothing else in the world to worry about. “Yeah?”

“Yes. That’s my birthday present to you. Coen says he wants credit too.”

“I don’t care who takes credit. When is he taking them?”

“After dinner at six.”

That meant I had all night with her—and all morning. “That’s the best birthday gift ever.”

She chuckled. “I thought you might like it. I also have another surprise for you…”

Please be lingerie.

She went to her dresser and pulled out a white one-piece with an open crotch. Lacy and thin, it was sexy as hell. With a deep cut in the front that would barely contain her tits, it was perfect. “Maybe you’ll see me wear this later.”

“And maybe I’ll see it on the bedroom floor later.”

“Maybe.” She crawled up the bed until she straddled my hips and looked down into my face. “Can you wait that long?”

The idea of waiting all day felt like torture, but the wait would just make it even better. “You’ll make it worth my while, Cherry.” Every time I made love to her, I was turned on by the fact that I was the only man who had ever been inside her. She was pure, untouched, and so sexy. Every time felt like the first time.

“You know I will.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. “I love you.”
