Page 14 of Starved

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“Yeah,” Colin admitted.

“Me, too,” Evan said, then he stepped forward, slid one hand around the back of Colin’s neck, and kissed him.

Colin had wondered, lying in his bed at night with his aching cock in his hand, if his memory had exaggerated the reality of that kiss in Tuck and Esme’s kitchen. For surely no kiss could be as hot, as rich, as overwhelming as he remembered it to be. But his memory hadn’t exaggerated at all.

He let his eyes drift closed and gave himself permission to just feel. The rough scrape of Evan’s beard against his chin, the firm press of his lips. The way the hand on his neck tightened when he moaned, then slid up to cup the back of his head.

Wanting more, wanting everything, he stepped forward. They collided, hard enough to knock Evan back a step, and broke the kiss. “Sorry,” Colin said, and took a deep breath to try to calm down.

Evan shook his head, tousled curls dancing. “Don’t be sorry,” he said and hooked a hand into the waistband of Colin’s sweats. He gave a quick jerk and Colin stumbled forward. Their hips collided, lighting a firestorm of sensation. “I love how fucking eager you are.”

“Oh. Good.” Emboldened, Colin shoved a hand down the front of Evan’s sweats.

Evan jerked, his breath coming out in a groan as Colin wrapped his hand around his hard, warm penis. “Jesus, Colin.”

Colin swallowed, his dick jumping in response to the eroticism of the moment. “You’re not wearing underwear.”

“I was,” Evan said, his chest heaving. His eyes had gone hazy with lust. “They got wet.”

Colin gave Evan’s shaft a short, hard stroke, delighted when his hips surged in response. “And you’re so hard.”

“I’m always hard around you,” Evan confessed.


“Well, half hard,” Evan amended and shoved his hips forward. “Stroke me again, Col.”

Part of Colin wanted to tease him, drag it out, make him beg. But they’d both waited long enough, so he did as Evan asked, stroking him from root to tip, where precum had made him slippery. “Like that?”

“Just like that,” Evan rumbled and kissed him again.

Colin matched his rhythm to the kiss, timing the stroke of his hand to the thrust of Evan’s tongue. He dragged his hand down and back up again, using the fluid leaking steadily from the tip as lube. And since his other hand wasn’t busy, he shoved it down the sweats to join the first, reaching past Evan’s straining cock to gently cradle his balls.

Evan ripped his mouth away from Colin’s. “Shit, shit. Stop, Colin, you gotta stop.”

Colin stilled his hands, but didn’t let go. “Why? You’re close, I can tell.”

“I know.” Evan dipped his head, resting his forehead against Colin’s. “That’s why you’ve got to stop.”

Colin frowned, confused. “You don’t want to come?”

Evan’s eyes were hazy with pleasure, bright with resolve. “Not like this.”

“We can go to the bedroom,” Colin offered, and had already taken half a step toward the hallway when Evan shook his head.

“Not yet,” he said, and reached down to pull Colin’s hands out of his pants.

“I don’t understand,” Colin said, his heart plummeting to his feet. “You said you wanted me. Wanted this.”

“I want it.” Evan turned his hands so he was grasping Colin’s, his eyes imploring. “Believe me, I do. But I want more. I want…a date.”

Colin blinked. “A date?”

“A date,” Evan confirmed.

“We played a game, ate dinner, and made out. Sounds like a date to me.”

“I guess it does,” Evan admitted with a hoarse laugh. “But I want a real date, where we go someplace, share an experience, talk.”
