Page 21 of Starved

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“Totally.” Then she sighed. “I wish someone was that into me.”

Colin smiled at her. He felt like he was floating. “Someone will be, someday.”

She rolled her eyes like the teenager she was. “Why do grownups always say stuff like that?”

Evan shot Colin a glance, eyes lit with suppressed laughter. “I guess that’s hard to hear, when you’re—how old are you?”


Evan nodded. “And it’s hard to wait. But trust me—it’s worth it.”

“Whatever,” she muttered, and stomped away to join her parents at the bar.

“Did you mean that?” Colin wondered when she’d gone. Below them, the game had started up again, but he kept his eyes on Evan’s. “That…this…is worth the wait?”

“I wish we’d figured it out sooner,” Evan admitted, his voice low, his expression guarded. “And I’m glad we’re not waiting anymore.”

He paused, and Colin held his breath. But then Evan smiled, and pure joy shone in his eyes. “But I meant it. I’d wait for you forever.”

“No more waiting,” Colin managed to choke out, and just so there would be no confusion, laid his hand on Evan’s thigh and squeezed.

The muscle tensed in his grip, and lust darkened Evan’s summer blue eyes. “No,” he agreed hoarsely. “No more waiting.”


They made the drive back to Colin’s house in near silence, so much tension filling the Jeep that it felt hard to breathe. It had started spitting icy rain sometime in the last hour, forcing Evan to drive far more slowly than Colin would have liked.

When Evan finally swung the Jeep into the drive, Colin all but leapt from the car and speed walked as quickly as he dared up the walk. He had his keys out and the door open by the time Evan caught up.

Not wanting to waste time on words, he simply grabbed a fistful of Evan’s sweater, yanked him inside, and slammed the door shut.

“What’s your hurry?” Evan asked, and the amusement in his voice might have put Colin’s back up if he hadn’t also been breathing like he was running a marathon.

“No more waiting, remember?” Colin said and towed him by his sweater down the hall to the bedroom.

A few years after he’d bought the house he’d renovated, combining the two small bedrooms at the end of the hall to create a full suite. It was perhaps a bit extravagant for a mid-century ranch, but Colin had wanted his bedroom to feel like a retreat, and he’d saved for two years to be able to afford the remodel. The result was a space plenty large enough for the walk-in closet, the bath with the steam shower and separate soaking tub and the biggest bed he could find.

He aimed for the bed, stumbling a little over the edge of the rug. When he bumped into the footboard, he let go of Evan’s sweater and reached for his own. “Get naked.”

“Are you in a hurry?”

“Are you kidding?” Colin demanded, trying to fight his way out of the sweater. “Fuck, ow!”

“Your glasses are caught,” Evan said with a laugh and worked them free of both the sweater and Colin’s hair. “There.”

Colin yanked the garment off his head and tossed it aside, then reached for his undershirt and sent that flying after the sweater. The world was fuzzy without his glasses, but he could see well enough to tell that Evan was still fully dressed. “Why aren’t you getting naked?”

“Because I’m in no rush.” The blur that was Evan walked around the bed to the nightstand, laid Colin’s glasses down, then came back to stand in front of him again.

Colin reached for him, and Evan caught his hands. “What are you doing?”

“Slowing you down,” Evan said and turned his wrists to twine his fingers with Colin’s. “We’ve waited fifteen years, Col. Don’t you want to savor it?”

Colin stared at Evan’s mouth, close enough to see clearly now. God, he wanted that mouth. “Can’t we savor it fast?”

“No,” Evan said and leaned forward to press his mouth to the hollow of Colin’s throat.

Colin tipped his head back, throat bobbing as he swallowed. “Ev, I’m on the edge, here.”
