Page 25 of Starved

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“That might have been you,” Colin pointed out, and Evan looked down at the puddles and streaks on his belly.

“Nah.” Feeling marvelously loose, Evan reached his arms overhead in a long, spine-lengthening, joint-popping stretch. “I was there at Thanksgiving, remember? You came buckets then, too. Esme looked like a glazed doughnut when you were done.”

“I’m very well hydrated,” Colin said defensively, a laugh in his eyes.

God, he was so cute. “Obviously.”

Colin wrinkled his nose, but the humor in his gaze didn’t fade. “Afraid you can’t handle it?”

“Absolutely,” Evan said baldly.

Colin laughed and slipped off the bed. “Want a shower?”

“Now that you mention it.” Evan watched appreciatively as Colin began to gather the clothes they’d left strewn on the floor. “You can leave my clothes,” he pointed out. “I’m just going to have to get back into them.”

“They’ll wrinkle.” Colin folded Evan’s sweater neatly and laid it on the bed. “You can use the shower first, if you want.”

Colin had designed the shower enclosure himself, and it was more than big enough for two. But maybe he wasn’t ready for the intimacy of that. Forcing himself to remember that it had been his idea to go slow, Evan nodded. “Thanks.”

Colin picked up Evan’s jeans. “Or I could join you. You know, to save water.”

Evan grinned. He couldn’t help it, he was just so damn happy. “Conservation is very important.”

Colin laid the folded jeans on top of the sweater. “Vital.”

Evan sat up to watch Colin take his clothes to the hamper by the bathroom door. The man had a fine ass. “It’s our duty to the planet.”

“For future generations,” Colin agreed and walked into the bathroom.

Evan sat there a moment, enjoying the view until it disappeared. Then he hopped off the bed and with a spring in his step and a song in his heart, followed the love of his life into the shower.

“That shower is awesome,”Evan said half an hour later in Colin’s kitchen. His hair was still damp, and though he wore his jeans again—wrinkle-free—he hadn’t bothered with a shirt. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to go back to the piss trickle showerhead in my apartment after that.”

Dressed in sweats and a long-sleeved t-shirt, Colin pulled a pitcher of water from the fridge and poured two glasses. “It cost half as much as the rest of the renovations combined, and it was completely worth it.”

“Agreed.” Evan took the glass Colin handed him and drank. Between the salty food at the game and the sex, he was parched.

“More?” Colin asked, and Evan held out his glass for a refill.

He guzzled glass number two, then with his desperate thirst relieved, set his glass on the counter with a sigh. “I needed that.”

Colin set his glass beside Evan’s. “You hungry?”

Evan shook his head. “You?”

“I ate plenty at the game, so I’m good.”

“Oh. Okay.”

They stood in silence for a moment, then Colin grimaced. “This is awkward, isn’t it?”

“A little,” Evan acknowledged, some of his tension easing at the acknowledgment of the elephant in the room. “But I think that’s normal, you know? We’re in new territory.”

Colin ran a hand over his damp hair, ruffling the neatly combed strands. “I know, but…it feels like it shouldn’t be this hard. We’ve hung out a million times.”

“Not after jerking each other off,” Evan pointed out.

Colin huffed out a laugh. “That’s true.”
