Page 29 of Starved

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“Jude knows. I told him when I asked for the tickets.”

Colin nodded. He’d assumed as much, but he hadn’t really thought about it. It intensified that wiggle in his belly. “Sure, sure.”

“If you don’t want people to know—"

“It’s not that,” Colin hurried to say, then sighed. “Exactly.”

“What’s going on, Col?”

“I don’t know,” Colin admitted, and though it made him feel slightly nauseous, forced himself to meet Evan’s gaze. “I think I’m just nervous.”

“About us?”

“Yeah,” Colin admitted.

Evan nodded. “Me, too.”

Colin blinked. “Really?”

“Sure. Going from friends to lovers after fifteen years…it’s a lot.”

Grateful that he understood, Colin let out a slow breath. “Yeah, it is.”

“So if you aren’t comfortable with people knowing we’re together just yet,” Evan continued, “I get it.”

“I don’t mind people knowing. I don’t,” Colin repeated, feeling the need to emphasize the point. “I guess I just haven’t thought that far ahead.”

Evan nodded. “Okay. How far ahead have you thought?”

“Honestly? Not much past getting naked,” Colin admitted and fought not to hunch his shoulders when Evan grinned.

“You’re so horny, Col. Who knew there was a sex fiend hiding under those neatly pressed clothes?”

“I don’t see what my clothes have to do with it,” Colin said primly, struggling not to blush. “Plus, fifteen years of waiting.”

“Touché.” Evan crunched into his toast, eyes gleaming.

Wanting to get back on steady ground, Colin cleared his throat and reapplied himself to his eggs. “So, date number two. Still want to go bowling?”

“Sure. Dad’s got me opening the store all week, but I’m off this weekend, and only working half a day on Friday.”

That was two days away. Colin swallowed his disappointment and nodded. “Okay. Friday night?”

“Let’s make it Saturday afternoon,” Evan countered.

“You have plans on Friday night?” Colin asked, trying desperately to sound casual and go with the flow.

“You made breakfast, so I owe you a meal.”

It took him a second. “You want to cook me dinner?”

“Yeah. I want to cook you dinner.” Evan used the last of his toast to wipe his plate clean. “Okay if we do it here? My place isn’t as comfortable.”

“Maybe if you got some furniture in there from this century,” Colin began.

“That chair is a classic,” Evan pointed out and popped the toast into his mouth. “And the couch was free.”

“Because your mom was throwing it out.”
