Page 35 of Starved

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Spence grunted in approval. “Good. Do it again.”

Obediently, Evan carefully undid his knots and began again. “How many times should I do this?”

“Until I say you can stop.” Spence pushed to his feet. “Want a drink?”

“Some water would be good,” Evan said absently, all his focus on the rope.

Spence strode across the room to the kitchen, snagged two bottles from the fridge, then came back to sprawl on the couch. “That looks pretty good.”

Evan brightened. “Yeah?”

“Do it a couple more times on the chair, then you can practice on me.”

Evan beamed. “Cool.”

When Spence deemed him ready, Evan wrapped rope carefully around his wrist, keeping two fingers between the hemp and Spence’s skin.

“Good, good.” Spence nodded with approval. “Now, lay the rope across my palm.”

“Why am I doing that again?” Evan asked.

“Couple reasons, but among them it gives me something to grab,” Spence said, and demonstrated by closing his fist around the trailing ends. “If I’m pulling and yanking here, it doesn’t put as much pressure on the wrist.”

Evan nodded. “Right, right.”

“Go again,” Spence told him and sipped his water as Evan obeyed.

He tied the rope around Spence’s wrist four more times before Evan felt comfortable, and two more before Spence felt confident enough in his skills to let him stop practicing.

“Thanks for letting me practice, and the loan of the rope,” Evan said, bundling the length of hemp into neat loops.

“You’re welcome. Don’t get jizz on it,” Spence warned.

“I’m just putting it around Colin’s hands,” Evan said with a laugh.

“Yeah, but I saw how much cum that boy produces,” Spence said, aiming a steely look from black eyes.

“Point taken,” Evan said, and made a mental note to make sure when Colin came, it was nowhere near the rope.

“He know you’re doing this?” Spence wanted to know and planted his stocking feet on the coffee table.

“Not specifically.” Evan finished coiling the last length of rope and picked up his water. “But it was his idea, so I think he’ll be up for it.”

Spence shook his head, a look of faint amusement on his normally stone face. “Quiet, shy Colin. Who’d have thought?”

“Surprised the hell out of me,” Evan admitted. “I thought I knew everything about him.”

“Obviously not,” Spence said with a laugh. “How are things otherwise?”


“Outside the sex,” Spence clarified.

“They’re good. I mean, we’ve only had one date, officially, and I was kind of nervous about it. I wondered if it would be different, you know?”

Spence nodded. “Sure.”

“But it was pretty much the same,” Evan continued. “Except I could hold his hand, and I didn’t have to worry he’d catch me looking at him.”
