Page 37 of Starved

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“Right, the wedding.” Spence’s mom had recently become engaged to a farmer from Clare, a fact which both pleased and baffled her son. “How’s that coming along?”

“They decided they’re going to elope, the week between Christmas and New Year’s.” Spence shook his head. “So now I have to find a way to work a trip to Vegas into my budget.”

Evan pursed his lips. He’d known Spence’s mom just about as long as he’d known Spence, and he couldn’t quite picture it. “I gotta say, I never would’ve figured Heather for a Vegas wedding.”

Spence shrugged. “She says they want to do a small wedding there, just them and all us kids, then have a big party a month or so after.”

“All us kids?” Evan was confused for a moment, because Spence was an only child, then he remembered that Heather’s fiancé had two daughters. “Oh yeah, you have sisters now. What’s that like?”

“A little weird, but not bad. I’ve only met one of them, Haley. The other one couldn’t make Mom’s post-Thanksgiving family meet and greet. I’ll probably meet her at the wedding.”

Evan nodded. “Is Heather going to let you keep that thing?”

Spence frowned. “What thing?”

“The caterpillar camped out on your face,” Evan elaborated

“Mustaches are back in,” Spence said defensively and reached up to stroke his.

Evan smirked. “Says who?”

“Everybody who drools over Pedro Pascal.”

“I don’t think that’s about the mustache,” Evan said drily.

Spence was still stroking his mustache and frowning. “She wouldn’t ask me to shave it.”

Evan pushed to his feet with a snicker and carried his empty water bottle to the kitchen recycling bin. “Dude, she’s trying to make you buy beaded pillows and a velvet couch.”

“Shit.” Spence’s frown deepened. “I just won’t see her before the wedding,” he decided. “That way she won’t have a chance to ask me to shave it.”

“Good luck with that.” Back in the living room, Evan scooped up the bundles of rope. “I better get going, I have to pick up the dessert from Claire. Thanks for the bondage lesson, and the loan.”

“Yeah, sure,” Spence said absently, clearly still focused on the fate of his facial hair. “Tell Colin I said hey.”

“Will do,” Evan said, and with a wave, headed out the door.

The trip to Claire and Liza’s house was quick, mostly because his sister wasn’t there to interrogate him. His sister-in-law greeted him with a kiss, handed over the dessert she’d made for him, and waved him off without once asking how things were going with Colin. Which was kind of surprising, because he was fielding that question with some regularity from the rest of his family.

He didn’t mind because he knew they were asking out of love and concern. Well, his parents were asking out of love and concern—Liza was asking out of sheer nosiness. Liza wanted to know everything about everyone, even if it was none of her business—maybe especially when it was none of her business.

But while her boundaries could use some work, she loved him and wanted to see him happy. Which was why he hadn’t blocked her number yet.

He left the tart in the box Claire had put it in on the front seat of the Jeep, carefully padded by dish towels, while he stopped by his apartment to get the rest of what he needed. He dropped the bag of groceries in the back, tucked the borrowed rope into his overnight bag, then slid back behind the wheel.

He started the ignition, and a glance at the clock on the dash made him smile. He was right on schedule.

Colin openedthe door with his heart in his throat and a semi in his pants. He’d changed his clothes, assuming he’d feel silly greeting Evan for what was essentially a sex date in work attire, but the loose cotton lounging pants had been a mistake. His dick was bobbing and weaving like it had a mind of its own, and the pants were doing nothing to stifle it.

Hoping to hide it, he tucked his hands in his pockets. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Evan returned, leaning forward to press a quick kiss to Colin’s mouth.

Colin’s dick, happy to see some action at last, gave an enthusiastic bounce in response. With his cheeks burning, Colin stepped aside. “Come on in.”

“Thanks,” Evan said, stepping inside and lightly stomping his feet on the mat. “It snowed again.”

“I saw.” Colin shut the door behind him, then shoved his hands in his pockets again. “I thought we’d have a fire later.”
