Page 45 of Starved

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And kept the words he ached to say inside.


Colin would’ve been happy to stay there forever, with the warm, delicious weight of Evan on top of him. Except his wrists were still tied to the headboard, there was a cramp in his right hip that was becoming increasingly uncomfortable, and he had to pee. Not to mention Evan’s dick had slipped out of his ass, and if by some miracle he still wore the condom, it was hanging on by a prayer.

But it was nice, lying here like this. And he liked that Evan’s face was buried in his neck, breath warm on his skin. But after a moment, his breathing slowed from thejust-came-my-brains-outpant to a more regular rhythm, and the boneless slump of his body warned Colin that sleep wasn’t far away.

“Are you going to fall asleep on me?” Colin finally asked.

Evan grunted in reply. “I might,” he mumbled into Colin’s neck, not bothering to lift his head. “Is that a problem?”

“I’m still tied to the bed,” Colin pointed out.

“Oh.” With another grunt, Evan pushed himself up to look down at Colin with heavy eyes. His hair was a tangled halo around his head, and he wore a sleepy, satisfied smile. “Sorry, I forgot.”

Colin smiled back at him, charmed by the fuck-drunk expression on his face. “You forgot?”

“Just a little.” On a jaw-cracking yawn, Evan pushed back to sit on his haunches, then blinked when Colin hissed in discomfort. “Shit, sorry. You okay?”

“Cramp,” Colin managed, and wincing, carefully extended his legs.


It still hurt, but considerably less, so Colin nodded. “Yeah.”

One hand on the dangling condom, Evan climbed awkwardly off the bed. “Let me get rid of this, then I’ll get you undone.”

Colin grunted his agreement and concentrated on stretching out his hip. The cramp was almost gone when Evan came back and started untying his right wrist. “Got some rope burn, here.”

Colin glanced up, assessing. “Not too bad,” he said, eyeing the impression of the rope on his skin. “That’s mostly just pressure marks. They’ll probably be gone by morning.”

The worry on Evan’s face cleared. “You think?”

“Or so faded you won’t be able to see them without looking hard.” His right arm free, Colin yawned as Evan circled the bed to get to his left. “I need a shower.”

“Me, too.” Evan paused in his untying to point at his belly. “You came all over me.”

“You’re welcome,” Colin said, pleased when Evan laughed.

When his wrist was free, Colin sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“Need a hand?” Evan asked, circling the bed to stand beside him.

He didn’t, but Colin said, “Sure,” and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet. Shivering in the cool air and enjoying the sensation of Evan’s hand in his, he stood there for a moment to make sure his hip wasn’t going to dump him on the floor. Satisfied it would hold, and with Evan’s hand still caught in his, he looked up at him. “Want to join me?”

The pleasure that bloomed on Evan’s face at the invitation warmed him to the soles of his feet. “Love to.”

They rompedin the shower like children, splashing and laughing, then drank wine and ate rare steak at Colin’s kitchen table. And they talked. Of mutual friends, mutual interest, work and family, the conversation flowing as easily and naturally as it always had. It felt comfortable and familiar, like any one of the thousand dinners they’d shared over the years.

Except, Evan thought with some amusement, they’d never had sex before the steak before.

“What’s funny?” Colin asked, forking up the last bite of his steak.


Colin chewed his steak, his steady gaze never leaving Evan’s face. “You’re wearing yourI’m-quietly-amusedface.”

Amusement deepening, Evan drained his wine. “I have anI’m-quietly-amusedface?”
