Page 132 of Bring Me To My Knees

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I stand up too, and he hugs me. I let out a huge breath that I didn’t even know I was holding in, and then I slump back down in the chair.

“Did you think I’d say no?” he asks.

“Well, you did punch me when you found out about the two of us,” I point out.

“That was years ago, Clark. I’m fine with it now.” He laughs.

“It’s still the right thing to do.”

“So, tell me all about how you plan to do it,” he says, after ordering.

I tell him everything and his excitement is contagious.

“So, when is this happening?”


“Oh, shit.”

“Yeah, I don’t want to wait any longer.”

“Congratulations, man. Welcome to the family. Although, you’ve been a part of the family for a long time now.”

The rest of the evening goes by smoothly, and I’m nervous as hell on my way back to the house.

Marley and I bought a house together last year. Mitch and I flipped it, and Marley fell in love with it instantly, so we made it our home. It’s only a fifteen-minute drive from Mitch and Delaney.

Delaney bought the house next door to Mitch because the two of them have been in a two-year denial that they’re in love with each other.

I pull into the driveway and see Marley standing in our kitchen. The curtain is open and she’s obviously dancing along to whatever song is playing, with a glass of wine in her hand.

I’ve never been more in love with someone, and more proud of someone in my entire life. When Marley turned around that day and left school, I was worried she was throwing her life away for me.

But she didn’t. She took online classes and got her degree in Psychology. Six months ago she opened her own practice and she’s been killing it ever since. She also published a book about how to cope with losing your loved ones to suicide. She included Mallory’s journal entries and last we checked, she was still sitting at number one in the entire Kindle Store on Amazon. She’s had multiple calls from publishers and it looks like her book is going to be available everywhere soon.

She’s fucking beautiful.

I realize then and there that I can’t wait until tomorrow. I need to propose right now.

When I walk inside, she turns the music off, rushing over to wrap her arms around me.

“How was dinner with Mitch?” she asks, pressing a kiss to my lips.

“Good, but I’m glad to be home.”

“Want a glass?” she asks, gesturing towards the wine.

“Sure,” I tell her.

While she’s got her back to me, I get down on one knee behind her, holding the ring out.

“Here you go… what is happening?” she asks, her hands shaking as she sets the glass on the counter.

“Marley, years ago I told you that I’d never get on my knees for anyone… except you. That still rings true today, and it will be true for the rest of our lives. I don’t want to spend another minute without being able to call you my wife. Will you marry me?”

Tears fill her eyes as she gets down on her knees in front of me, her hands cupping my face.

“Of course. I’ve been yours for a long time now, Clark,” she whispers against my lips.

This moment. This woman. This life. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Sometimes I can’t believe this is my life, and then she smiles at me, and I remember that all the shit we went through to get here was worth it, because I get to call her mine.

I’d gladly let her bring me to my knees over and over again if it meant that we ended up right here.
