Page 18 of Weston

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So you know that you always win too


What in the world?

I popped the lid on the box, and smiled so hard my cheeks hurt. Nestled inside the blue box was a dozen of the cookies I loved from New York.

“That man,” I said out loud, shaking my head before grabbing a cookie and unwrapping it as quickly as possible. I took a bite and moaned around the flavors.

Definitely a winner.


Iheard Brynn’s laughter before I’d even reached her door, and paused to check my watch. It was after seven p.m., and everyone else had gone home for the day. Naturally, Brynn had stayed late to continue working, which meant I stayed late too. It was just as easy to answer emails and have conference calls from here as it was at my normal offices. And I wanted to make sure she was all packed and ready for our trip to Iceland in a few of days—

I scowled as I heard a male voice coming from her office.

“I’m serious,” the guy said. “You would be stunning in these. You should put yourself in the campaign.”

She laughed again, and I knew now what had given me pause a second ago, it wasn’t her normal, unrestrained laugh. It was herI’m being politelaugh that bordered on nervous.

“I prefer to be on this side of things,” she said.

“Maybe you can tell me more about that over dinner? We could take this interview out—”

“Thank you, but I’ll have to pass,” she cut him off, which was a fucking good thing because adrenaline was surging through my veins and I had about two more seconds before I was going to bust into her office and throw the asshole out.

Maybe he wasn’t an asshole, but he was hitting on my—

Fuck, mynothing.Brynn didn’t belong to me, she was perfectly capable of dating anyone she wanted to. I certainly had over the years.

God, I was a dick sometimes.

Did that stop me from knocking on her partially opened door just enough for it to swing fully open? Nope. Not at all.

“Thank you for coming,” Brynn finished her sentence, nodding to me with a smile and professional grace I didn’t have at the moment.

I downright glared at the guy in the cheap suit who stood just a hair too close to Brynn for my liking.

“Thanks for accommodating my schedule for the interview,” he said, all smiles and confidence. Who the fuck was this guy? “I hope to hear from you soon.” He winked at her. The jerk actuallywinked. “Hi,” he said when he had to stop in front of me, my six-foot-three frame blocking his exit. “We good?”

I didn’t say a word, just stepped to the side and watched as he left a little faster than he probably intended.

“Who the hell was that?” I asked, closing the door behind me as I stepped into Brynn’s office.

“Hi to you too,” she said, arching a brow at me.

I slid my hands into my pockets, doing my best to calm down. I had no right to be angry. No right to get territorial.

“Who was that?” I asked again, calmer this time.

“An interviewee for my assistant opening,” she said, sighing as she scooped up her iPad and marked something off with the pen.

I stepped closer to her. “Oh,” I said. “I didn’t realize you were interviewing men for the spot.”

She set her iPad back on her desk before looking up at me. “What is that supposed to mean?”

I shrugged. “Exactly what I said.”
