Page 10 of Jude and Hannah

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“I am not wearing anything fragrant,” she says matter-of-factly.

“I know. You smell like mine,” I respond. After we awakened, we showered together. Once we were out and dried off, I made her lay on the bed, naked and jacked my cock up and down until I sprayed her skin and put the rest of it inside of her. I ordered her not to clean me off her and like my sweet little dirty baby girl, she listened.

“Jude. Stop it.” She says, blushing profusely. Her skin is still sun kissed and the glow has not left. I just wish she would quit frowning. She has been in the kitchen multiple times checking on the food and dessert and even checked on the guest suite. She called Sadie and had her bring over a bunch of flower bouquets and strategically place them around the house.

Before I can tell her to calm down I hear the crunch of tires on the gravel, and I know they have arrived. “Baby, please relax. Everything looks great and you look beautiful.” She really does. She is in a long flowing dress with capped sleeves and bare feet. She looks like a fairy right now.

I hold her hand while waiting for the doorbell to ring. She takes a deep breath beside me and walks with me to the door. Opening it, my mother bursts through the door bypassing me going straight to my bride. “You must be…” She stops and it dawns on me I didn’t tell her my wife’s name.

“Hannah. My name is Hannah. It is nice to meet you, Mrs. Blackstone.” She offers my mom her hand who promptly pulls her into her arms. I swear she is going to squish her to death, but I know better than to get in the way. My wife’s face changes from terrified to shocked to relieved. She hugs her back and my mother lets go.

“Where on earth did you find this angel, son?” Hannah’s gaze hits me in the chest when I realize she wouldn’t know my parents are aware of the ad. I can see the panic as she pleads with me silently to come up with something.

“Lloyd brought the Mail Order Brides ad back,” I tell them simply, taking the bags from my father.

“Ah. I see. I was wondering if anyone was going to reconstitute it.” Hannah looks confused between us.

“Baby, that tradition has been around since this town was founded. It stopped with Lloyd’s father, which is why my parents met the old-fashioned way. By chance.”

“Oh,” she says, grabbing my mom’s coat. “I didn’t know that.”

“It’s alright darling. This town has so many little quirks. Now tell me, where are your parents?” She has her arm looped through Hannah’s moving her into the kitchen. My instinct is to follow them, make sure my girl isn’t uncomfortable and doesn’t need me, but my father places his hand on my shoulder.

“Give them a few, yes. Let your mom get to know her new daughter.” I nod still not liking it but knowing he is right.

“So, how much convincing did it take from Lloyd for you fellas to be on board?”

“Some of us more than others.” I admit walking with him up to their room.

“I bet. Well at least he is trying to do right by the town.” It's true. His father was the worst.

“I agree. How long will you guys be staying?” Chuckling he shakes his head.

“If your mother had it her way a month. However, I reminded her if she wants grandchildren she should give you all space. We are leaving the day after tomorrow.” Thank fuck. I don’t want to overwhelm her.

Finally I walk into the kitchen and see my wife and mother laughing with one another like old gossip buddies. “What’s so funny in here?” I ask, bending down to kiss my wife. She lifts her face so I can kiss her lips. When I lift my head again, I see my mother beaming from ear to ear.

“I like this,” she says, clapping her hands together. Shaking my head I kiss my mother and turn to the room.

“Is everyone ready to eat?” They all nod. My mom and Hannah immediately begin putting everything on serving plates, shooing my father and I out of the way. Once everything is set, we sit the women down before ourselves.

The food is served, and I pour wine into everyone’s glass except my wife. I will not serve her alcohol while I am trying to breed her. Besides, she hasn’t expressed an interest in it so why push it. “This chili is delicious. Margo still has the touch.” My mother says, taking another bite.

“She is really amazing. I am still working on cooking regular food for Jude.” Her voice is so low I place my hand on her thigh.

“She is doing great. She found a recipe book and is learning all sorts of great things. She will be an expert in no time.”

“Oh hunny, why worry about it? You have your hands full with my son. I know he is no picnic.”

“Thanks a lot mother.” She smiles at me before turning back to Hannah.

“Plus you have this house and soon, babies. Let someone do something around this place so you don’t overwhelm yourself.” I look at Hannah and squeeze her hand.

“She is right, baby girl. Cook. Don’t cook. Your choice, but certainly not something you have to do.” I rub her cheek and she leans into it. My sweet girl.

"I will think about it,” she says, smiling at all of us.

“Excellent. Because my son is not getting any younger.” I groan knowing where this is going.
