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Louise stared at me intensely. “You’re acting strange.”

It was at that precise moment that the muttering of voices came from farther down the corridor—the Fathers and parents.

Oh, crap.

“Just mind your own business, Louise!” I shot back, flustered, to which Louise’s face reddened.

The voices outside were growing closer, the chattering of parents and of the Fathers echoing down the hallway. Father Logan’s distinctive laugh sounded as did my heart pounded in my chest. Time was running out.

With a final glare at Louise, I slipped into the room, shutting the door with a soft thud, leaving her standing in the hallway.

“Nosy... interfering busybody,” I muttered under my breath as I darted across the room.

The door creaked open just as I’d stepped up on the stage. In sheer desperation, I threw myself into the concealed compartment inside the podium box, with the opening facing the speaker, concealing me from the rest of the room.

It was a tight fit, the darkness pressing in around me, the scent of old wood and dust filling my nostrils. Panic surged within me, my pulse pounding so hard, I was seeing stars.

What was I thinking? This was insane!

I pressed my back against the wood, making myself as small as possible in the shadows, just as footsteps shuffled onto the stage. I held my breath, fear gripping me as the familiar brown rope stepped in front of the speaker’s box, blocking out all the light for me. I couldn’t help the grin that split my face.

An exhilarating thrill rushed through me as I shuffled up on my knees.

Wedged inside the speaker’s podium, I strained to make sense of the muffled voices echoing around me. It was like trying to eavesdrop from the inside of a fuzzy cocoon. But I wasn’t here for their words. I had a different objective—one named Logan. My heart thrummed against my chest, a wild, frantic rhythm. It was showtime.

Gently, I edged the heavy fabric of his robe upward, careful not to alert him. The last thing I wanted was for him to realize something was off. At least right away. The robe was a shield, hiding me from view, but also concealing him from me.

Moving closer, I slid under the robe, entering his personal space. Underneath, he wore slacks, which struck me as odd. I’d always imagined priests to be dressed head-to-toe in religious attire, but the comfort of the slacks made some sense.

I let the robe slide down over me, my heart pounding in my ears. I was right under him now, hidden away. A bubble of nervous laughter almost escaped me. There I was, nestled beneath Father Logan’s robes, as he addressed an audience. It was absurd, exciting, and absolutely terrifying. I had to remind myself to breathe, in, out, slow and steady.

My eyes adjusted to the dim lighting under the robe. His legs shifted into a wider stance as he spoke, and the scent of his cologne enveloped me, a mixture of cedarwood and his musky scent that drove me wild.

I had to focus. As his muffled voice continued with some huge explanation, I did what I came to do. In fast motion, I curled my fingers in the elastic of his pants and wrenched them down to his knees so fast, he had no chance of stepping back and stopping me.

He stiffened, his words vanishing, while his cock hung heavily between his legs, leaving me breathless at how large he was. Maybe I overestimated my ability.

The moment when my plan would work or come down crashing around me pulsed through my veins. Panic swallowed me, but I didn’t wait for him to deal with his freaking-out moment. No room for second thoughts. I was all in.

I wrapped my fingers around his cock, which responded to my touch almost immediately, hardening, growing. God, I could only just imagine how incredible this would feel inside me.

He made a strange choking sound as his muffled words told me he attempted to keep addressing the audience.

All of a sudden, a firm hand made contact with the top of my head, pressing down with startled force. I could only imagine the shock on his face as he discovered the unexpected intruder beneath his robe. The mental image was so ludicrous, it was a miracle I managed to suppress the bubble of laughter in my chest.

Instead of pushing away from his touch, I slipped the tip of his bulging cock between my lips, sliding his length into my slick, hot mouth until it touched the back of my throat. Heat spread over my body, pleasure curling between my thighs.

He choked out an uncharacteristic sound, which filled me with satisfaction.

Elsewhere in the room, someone asked a question. It took him a moment to regain composure, his response eventually escaping in a pitch that bordered on falsetto. The sheer disbelief infused in his voice was music to my ears. This was better than I’d imagined.

With his hand off my head, he tensed, but his cock was bigger, and I took him deep, working him. Loving the salty, sweet taste of him, my stomach clenched with need.

The taste of triumph was indeed sweet, my pulse galloping.

My breathing picked up, and desire stirred within me as it crashed through me. It was indescribable how arousing it was to control a man by having his cock in your mouth. I couldn’t lie. Hearing him struggling and heaving for air sent excited shivers through my body.

Placing a flat palm against his stomach to hold myself, the muscles in his body tensed as a growl vibrated through his body. I savored him, drawing him in and out with subtle moves, my tongue stroking the underside of his shaft.
