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My destination was my room, a safe space away from prying eyes and whispering voices. I needed to gather my thoughts. As I rounded a corner, I nearly collided with Father Mason.

Dangerously beautiful, Father Mason, who had my knees weakening and who protectively tossed my stepdad out of the institute.

“Where are you rushing off to?” he asked, studying me carefully. “We have class starting very soon. We’re going for a forest walk. Come on, let’s head out now.”

My heart pounded in my ears, my mind still reeling from the rumors Louise had shared. I took a deep, steadying breath, trying to calm the chaos in my mind.

“I-I think… I just need a moment,” I stuttered, unable to meet his gaze.

A frown crossed his features, and he hesitated. Perhaps he was weighing whether to press the issue or let me be. I desperately hoped for the latter.

“Well, make sure to join us outside as soon as you’re able,” he finally said, his voice gentle.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I watched him stride away, my emotions in a knot, then I turned back toward my room on fast footsteps.



Ihuffed, trudging up the mountain trail as I tried to focus on the climb instead of the whirling thoughts in my head. We were a group of five girls, each of us closely following Father Mason, who navigated the winding dirt track with ease.

Sticking to the back of the pack, I tried to put as much space as possible between me and the others. I knew I shouldn’t let the gossip get to me, but the whispers had a way of sneaking under my skin, slithering through my thoughts until they were all I could focus on.

As my boots crunched over fallen leaves and twigs, my mind wandered back to Louise. She’d seemed so eager to defend me this morning. Could she have been the one to start the rumors about me going to Father Logan’s room in the first place? After what Lily told me about her, I wouldn’t be surprised.

The thought made my stomach churn.

I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away, but it was like trying to stop a rushing river with my hands.

“Everything okay, Katerina?” Father Mason’s voice grabbed my attention, revealing how far I’d fallen behind the group. I’d been so wrapped up in my own mind, I hadn’t realized how much farther ahead everyone had climbed.

“Uh, yeah,” I said, forcing a smile and hurrying to catch up. “I’ll catch up.”

Stacy, who was in the group, gave a loud cough, mumbling something behind her hand, and I only caught the words, ‘late at night.’

I cringed.

Father Mason’s jet-black hair blew in the breeze, his tropical blue eyes boring into mine, then he gave me a nod. With a quick flash of his pearly whites, he addressed the rest of the group about the importance of staying hydrated during the hike. As he spoke, I wondered if he’d heard the rumors.

Did he believe them? Or was he just as confused as I was?

With a sigh, I turned my focus back to the trail, deciding, for now, the mountain ahead of me was a problem easier to tackle.

There it stood, an old cathedral nestled in the side of the mountains. The worn, wooden building was coated in a layer of moss and lichen, and several mosaic windows were half shattered and broken, others covered by wooden planks.

“Ladies, gather around, please.” Father Mason’s voice echoed out across the surrounding trees. “I have an assignment for us.”

We all formed a semi-circle around him.

He drew out a piece of paper from his pocket, a knowing grin spreading across his face. “Today,” he started, unfolding the paper slowly for effect. “We’re going to have a little fun.” In his hands, he held three white envelopes, each presumably holding our mission. “We’re going to participate in a scavenger hunt.”

A series of gasps and excited whispers came from the girls, including me, because that sounded like something fun for a change.

“Every team will receive the same list of items that can be found around the old cathedral and nearby woods. But this isn’t your ordinary scavenger hunt,” he said, his voice sounding like he was trying to hold back a laugh. “Each item on this list is described using... let’s say, clues from mythology. So, part of your task will be to decipher what the item actually is from your studies, then find it.”

Stacy groaned at the sound of hard work, but I was curious.

“We’ll be forming teams of two. Choose your partner wisely,” he said, a hint of a challenge in his voice. He extended the pile of envelopes toward us, signaling that it was time for us to pair up and begin our hunt.

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