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Once done, I found the showers and dove in while I was alone. The shower area was large and cleanly maintained. The walls were lined with a series of small cubicles separated by low, tiled walls. The absence of doors, replaced by simple curtain rods without curtains was the only real downfall. I wasn’t comfortable walking around naked with others.

Scorching hot water rushed through my hair and trickled down my body. I quickly scrubbed my body with the tiny soap I had snuck in my bag from home. Emma got it for me, and its fresh, citrusy scent reminded me of her.

I already missed just talking to her for hours…

Drying off and getting dressed in my new clothes, I stared at myself in the full-body mirror in the bathroom. I chose one of the knee-length dresses in teal and had to admit I looked almost… pretty. The low-cut neckline only emphasized my curvy bust line, but technically it was their uniform. The fabric cinched in at my waist, decorated with a pattern of swirls in a slightly darker teal. It had a country chick vibe and oddly made me feel comfortable.

I slipped into black trainers just as another girl sauntered in. She looked to be a bit older than me but was absolutely gorgeous—black curls tumbling to her shoulders, white skin, and red cheeks as though she’d been running. I was instantly reminded of Snow White.

Her head was lowered, her demeanor distant. When she met my gaze in the mirror, I smiled.

“Hi, I’m Kat.”

“I’m Louise,” she grumbled, moving to the sink and washing her hands.

“Hey, quick question. Where does laundry happen around here?” I ventured, figuring I could pick up some practical tips while also trying to befriend her.

With a nonchalant shrug, she directed my attention to a laundry room nestled at the far end of the extended bathroom. How had I managed to miss that?

“Ah, gotcha. So, we handle our own laundry, then?”

She gave a heavy sigh. “Exactly. Everyone takes care of their own stuff. There’s also a closet brimming with additional clothes, but the unwritten rule is anything you take out, you are responsible for.”

“Great! Would you mind pointing me to this mysterious closet?” I added, hoping my light-heartedness would soften her edges.

“Sure, why not.” A hint of a smile danced on her lips, momentarily disrupting her otherwise stern demeanor. “But let’s make it quick. I’m not keen on pulling a double shift in the kitchen because I’m late.”

Staying true to her word, she made a rushed exit from the bathroom. In a flurry, I gathered my discarded clothes and still-damp towel, then raced out after her.

My mind spun as we moved through the myriad of corridors until eventually, we found ourselves in front of a door that opened to a walk-in closet. Floor-to-ceiling metal shelves overflowed with neatly stacked clothing, towels, shoes, and all other essentials a girl might need, right down to underwear and toiletries.

“This is... wow... pretty impressive,” I muttered in awe.

“Mhm, well, I gotta dash.” And with that, Louise vanished. Someone was quite the ray of sunshine, wasn’t she?

After grabbing a plastic bag from a side shelf, I filled it with a few items and another bag with my old clothes and towel. I headed out, figuring if I didn’t hurry, I’d end up late for dinner.

After what seemed like forever, by some miracle I tracked down my room and dumped the bags, then rushed back out, the echo of my footsteps bouncing off the stone walls. It was also when I realized I couldn’t exactly recall where Lily had shown me the dining hall was, so I hurried around like a mouse lost in a maze.

I ended up in a section of the institute with fewer lights, yet a sudden waft of laughter and the distant strum of a guitar guided me to keep going. Sounded like it could be the dining hall. Rounding a corner, I collided with a wall of muscle. My breath hitched as I tethered backward.

“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry,” I blurted out, my words sounding more like a gasp than an apology.

As I regained my footing and tilted my head back, I was staring into the face of what was undeniably the second most breathtaking man I’d ever encountered. Even in his earthy brown robe, he couldn’t conceal his muscular frame as he towered over me. Dark brown hair was styled into a daring mohawk, the sides of his head shaved close. His eyes were a piercing shade of emerald green that made my stomach flutter.

“I, uh… sorry for swearing,” I murmured, lost in his stare, realizing he was the second priest I encountered who left me completely breathless. And like Father Mason, nothing about this man screamed priest.

“You’re new,” he stated in a dark, resonating voice that had butterflies flipping in my stomach. “And don’t worry about the swearing. Sometimes, we just need to vent.” The crinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened as he grinned, leaving me breathless.

Who was this god-like figure? Oh, right, he was a priest... I mentally scolded myself, cringing at my own conflicted thoughts.

“I... yeah,” I replied, my attention darting to the hallway behind him, where the music still played.

He studied me for a long moment, his gaze falling to my lips. A slow, knowing smile spread over his mouth, transforming his strong features into something disarmingly charming.

“Welcome, Katerina. I’m Father Logan.” He extended a hand in introduction, his grip firm, hot, and so large, it swallowed mine completely. The rough texture of his palm told me he’d worked hard in his life, suggesting he did more than prayers and sermons. “Officer Garcia filled us in on your arrival today. I’m glad to see you’re making yourself at home, finding your way around.”

His intense stare held me captive, as though he was able to see straight through to my soul. I was, for lack of a better word, utterly confused. Attraction was burning a hole in my gut, a sensation I struggled to deal with.
