Page 27 of Priest

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“It’s a nice room, handsome, but it needs a woman’s touch,” I tease.

“Go for it, babe. Keep in mind, we’ll be spending more time at your place than here.”

I drop my head on his chest and listen to the sound of his steady heartbeat. He falls asleep, his breathing deep. I remain awake for a while longer, thinking that tomorrow will come and we’ll have to face the day. We’ll do it together, but it’ll still be difficult. Hopefully, his father’s health isn’t as bad as his mother is making it out to be, but either way, it’s going to take a toll on my man. It’s my turn to be strong for him.




Waking up with Quinn lying on top of me is the highlight of my day. Everything after breakfast is like playing emotional roulette. Knowing how you think you should feel and actually feeling it are two very different things. The best I can do is stay in the neutral zone.

I got a text from Steady late last night that I saw earlier, requesting I come for breakfast and bring Quinn. Camille and I have to talk about what we’re going to do at some point, and it might as well be today. I hate to wake Quinn, but we need to head out soon. It’s a shame to disturb her. She’s exquisite with her hair disheveled and lips in a pretty pout, her hands tucked under the pillow and her body wrapped in my sheets.

I kiss her cheek, then her shoulder, watching her as her eyes flutter open. “Hey, baby. Camille wants us over for breakfast, and we’ve got some shit to sort out. You can hang in my bed if you want or come with me.”

“I want to come with,” she mumbles. I’ve learned that Quinn needs a jolt of caffeine in the morning before taking on any major tasks.

“Wash up. I’ll check to see if the coffee’s ready. If we hurry, I’ll have time to take you back to your place to change.”

She stretches out her arms with a heavy sigh and murmurs, “Mmm ’kay.” The sheet drops to reveal her perky breasts, which I’m itching to take in my mouth, and suddenly, I wish we had more time. I can’t get distracted, though. Meeting with Camille is important. I don’t want her anywhere near our parents alone, and knowing her, she’ll want to take that on.

I leave before I delay us any further and head straight for the kitchen, where I grab two mugs and fill them to the brim.

Orion’s voice interrupts my thoughts. “Been looking for you.”

I take a sip of coffee and ask, “What’s up?”

“Just want to let you in on where we’re at with the crap your mother unloaded last night,” he says.

I’m a little stunned to say the least. “Pardon?”

“Look, the woman’s not reliable, and considering the events of the past, Wildcard and I are looking into what she’s been up to for the last two years. She’s had no problem ignoring her kids for that long, yet suddenly feels the need to show up at our door,” he explains.

I lean back against the counter. “What are you checking on?”

“We have a couple of ideas on this. Wildcard is looking into your father and whether he’s actually at the hospital or not. He’s going to hack into the medical records, and Saint will be able to read what’s really going on.” He pauses, letting it sink in.

“Okay. And…?”

“I took the more complicated route and am going to track your mother’s last records. Credit cards, banking, all that shit. Meanwhile, Risk, Demon, and War are going to the streets. If she’s up to something, we’re going to find out now.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t trust this woman. I know she’s your mother—”

“She’s the woman who gave birth to me. That doesn’t make her my mother.”

He nods. “Right. All the more reason to be on our toes.”

“We’re going to Camille’s, and she’s going to want to go see our dad,” I warn.

“Already talked with Steady. It’s your job to stall. I expect that Wildcard will have something in a couple of hours to verify your dad’s condition. Got to get to work.” Then he takes my coffee and walks out of the room with a chuckle.

* * *

Camille made enough to feed the entire Pride, and even having a third helping didn’t put a dent in the pile of pancakes. Quinn looked at the stack on her plate, then back to me in a silent plea to take some. I waited for Cammy to turn her back before putting one back. Quinn still didn’t finish, but she wouldn’t want to hurt Cammy’s feelings.

When we finished breakfast, Quinn helped with the dishes while Steady and I looked after Kyrian. When Camille returned to the living room, she was all business and wanted to get down to it.

“I’ll take Kyrian in the backyard to play for a while,” Quinn volunteers, giving us a little privacy.
