Page 11 of Beast of Eden

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So, Violet sat trying to get in on either conversation when she could. It was hard, and she didn’t understand why. This should be something that came easily for her. She was used to doing this. She shouldn’t have an issue doing this.

Laura laughed and snapped Violet’s head toward Franco. “You’re joking, right?” Laura asked with wide eyes.

Franco nodded his head. “Honest to God.”

Violet wanted to get up and leave. She didn’t think this was how dinner was going to turn out. Maybe she had overthought this.

She wasn’t expecting to fall into his arms. Yet, she wasn’t expecting such little attention.

You are making yourself sound so needy. Lord, just talk with them. Why are you making it so hard?

“Franco, why did you start racing?” Violet asked, trying to hop into the conversation again.

Franco looked at her, and his eyes looked over her face. She felt a blush form and hoped her makeup hid it well. She shouldn’t blush because he looked at her.

“I always had a need for adrenaline.”

Laura nodded. “I watched a documentary on him. The story of his backstory. It was amazing the boulders you had to overcome.”

She frowned, having not seen anything on Franco. She felt even more out of place. She wished she’d known a little before coming here so she could relate to everyone else.

“Do you really donate some of your earnings?” Laura asked, tilting her head.

He nodded his head. “I do.”

He turned back to Laura, and she sighed. She felt he was giving her the cold shoulder, and she had no idea why. She was trying to strike up a conversation.

Someone came over the intercom, clearing their throat. “Dessert is about to be served.”

Her shoulders relaxed, feeling they were getting close to being done for the evening. A couple of servers came to their table, setting down small plates of cake.

She stared at her piece when Franco turned to her. She side-glanced at him, and he gave her a smile. Her stomach flipped again.

“I have to go give a thank you speech and talk up the sponsors.” He gave her a wink, and she blushed. “I need to schmooze a few donors and sponsors after that.”

She knew it was simply him explaining why he was leaving the table, but she also felt he was telling her he’d be back. So, she took it as a win.

She smiled at him. “Sounds fun. Enjoy.”

She took a bite of her cake, watching him walk away. She swallowed, trying to settle her nerves.

“Hey, sweetie.” Gerri cleared her throat next to her.

She turned, popping another bite of cake into her mouth. Gerri was pulling her jacket on, sliding her arms into it. “I have to catch a flight. I don’t like to leave like this, but I’ve got to get going if I’m going to make it in time.”

Violet clenched. Was she leaving her already? But she had so many questions. Too many questions.

Should she be worried that Franco was giving her the cold shoulder? How was she supposed to talk to him when he was ignoring her? How could she get him to open up to her?

But she wasn’t going to hold Gerri up when the matchmaker had done her job. She introduced her to her mate. It was up to them to decide what to do about it.

She took a deep breath in and forced a smile. “All right, but how can I repay you for this? You’ve done so much for me.”

Gerri chuckled. Her eyes twinkled as she pulled her purse over her shoulder. “Seeing a happy couple in love is all the payment I need at the end, Violet. Just make sure to invite me to the wedding.”

Gerri patted her shoulder before she turned and headed out. She took a deep breath, trying to straighten her back. She could handle this. All she had to do was sit and wait. And she had cake to enjoy. So she focused on that.

She watched people leaving their tables to dance. She was the only one at their table after a few moments. She finished her cake and worked on her drink. She watched the people dancing and the couples laughing. She ached to do the same.
