Page 26 of Beast of Eden

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Violet felt herself going mad, the clothing on her skin felt like ants crawling on her, and she knew that they needed to be naked. Her tiger was desperate to claw its way out. The fabric of her dress suddenly felt as thick as wool or like the fire suit he had worn earlier in the day.

She peeled her lips from his and was satisfied to see him breathless.

“Take me, now,” she ordered.

The crazed passion in Franco’s eyes emitted through bouncing sparks of light, like a popping fire, followed by a dumbstruck look. It was like he’d never been told to be taken to bed by a woman before.

Violet pulled herself from him like yanking two magnets from each other and slipped her hand into his.

Due to both her shifter nature and the heels she often wore, she wasn’t a small woman, but compared to Franco, she felt petite. Her hands felt unusually slender and fragile as she pulled him through the crowd, the rainbow of colors flashing in pace with the music, feeling like a woman trying to hunt a massive beast from the ocean.

Finally, they escaped the chaos of the dance floor, retrieved their jackets, and called out to Franco’s driver. They held onto each other the entire time, with Violet drunk on a level of arousal that she thought might cause her to collapse. Her legs were like water, ready to dissolve into a puddle at any second.

Thankfully, Franco’s driver was waiting around the corner. They leapt into the back seat and began making out like teenagers. The driver had already pulled up the privacy screen in anticipation of such actions.

Violet adored his hands on her, electricity meeting the voltage of her skin. He was fervent but tender, running hands down her neck with the tips of his fingers, stroking the exposed portion of her cleavage until she shook with ecstasy.

“You’re driving me crazy,” she purred against his mouth.

Franco smiled devilishly against her lips, then assertively grabbed her thigh that was furthest from him, curling it to face him to reveal the delicate lace of her underwear.

Violet gasped and smiled, an equally naughty grin, as he traced his fingers along the outline of the fabric. He moved up and down the portion of her thigh where her plump rump began, sending waves of anticipatory pleasure through her like slow lightning.

“You have no idea, Violet. I am going to make you shudder until your ancestors feel it.”

She had whimpered without realizing it, feeling his mouth move down the supple skin of her neck, nibbling and gnawing with his fangs along the way. As she ran her hands through the thin layer of his hair, she thought if the driver hadn’t been there, she would have pushed him backward, popped out his cock, and slid him inside her without a moment of hesitation.

But the anticipation of it all was exquisite. She wrapped her leg around his waist, stretching a leg over his lap as he explored her, pushing the hem of her dress higher and higher. Violet could feel how wet her panties were, dripping even more harshly the longer he teased her most responsive and delicious spots.

They had arrived at the hotel, the driver tapping on the privacy screen to signal their arrival. Franco had been kissing the top of her cleavage, her dress nearly completely hitched up passed her waist. He essentially kicked the door open and took her hand in his, barely giving her enough time to shimmy her dress down past her ass.

She was hysterical with craving, her tigress pleading inside her for his embrace. Her heels had come off in the car, so she scooped them up before letting Franco pull her out, almost dragging her through the parking lot and into the hotel lobby.

The lights were blinding, and Violet felt a quiver of self-consciousness when she looked down at her skin and then in the mirror of the elevator. She was flush with excitement, little red marks on her neck and breasts glowing pink. As soon as the doors shut, they were entangled, with Violet leaning against the wall, his mouth engulfing her own.

“I should have kissed you earlier,” he muttered.

Violet barely heard him because he had hitched up her dress and plunged a hand without hesitation into her underwear. He growled when he felt her wetness, then pressed two fingers firmly against the humming nub of her clit.


The second his fingers connected, her tigress had risen like a spirit being summoned. Her claws protruded slightly as she dug her fingers into the back of his neck, her cry a sensual burst of magnificent release. He rubbed at her softly, and her hips gyrated in motion with his movements.

The elevator dinged open then, and Violet didn’t bother fixing her dress. She was delirious with need. Her entire body was on fire. Franco slipped his fingers out of her dress and pulled her once again down the brightly illuminated hallway.

She had never had such a chaotic yet incredible frenzy of attraction in her life. Her entire body felt like a shaken soda can, ready to explode at any second. And she wanted Franco to guide her through that explosion, which would be a transcendently life-altering experience.

Franco struggled with the door key, swiping and missing the slot multiple times. He grumbled with annoyance, which made Violet even more drawn to his impatient yearning to have her.

Finally, the door key clicked a bright green, and they tumbled inside. Her tiger roared with excitement.

There was no time to take in the scope of the room, which appeared to be a suite, because Franco was dragging her to a couch in front of an unlit fireplace. The window curtains were open, showing off a sparkling city of lights that had only just come to life. The lamps next to the sofa radiated a soft luminosity over their rapidly stripping bodies.

Violet was quickly pushed to the couch, and she parted her legs as Franco fell to his knees on the carpeted floor. He stopped for a moment on all fours, his breath heaving, his dark eyes glistening like a lighthouse.

“I am going to taste you,” he growled at her, slowly easing his way toward her on the couch. “And you are going to be sent to the moon with pleasure.”

Violet was already soaring as she watched him crawl to her, having only removed his suit jacket and loosened his tie ever so slightly. He flipped up the skirt of her dress as she spread her legs wider for him, then felt him yank down her lace panties with the hook of his thumbs, tossing them aside with ease.

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